Silence enveloped the deepening night.

The clomping sound of a pair of firmly swaying feet could be heard penetrating through the eardrums, which made several men in black suits turn their heads simultaneously.

It was almost two in the morning and the few people who were still there seemed to be wide awake. They didn't let drowsiness get the better of them, because there was something far more important than just closing their eyes this early in the morning.

Their eagle eyeballs flashed sharply, as their bodies turned around to greet someone coming. It was still quiet, as quiet as before.

Reflexively bowing their heads to give a respectful gesture, the two well-built men both remained silent. Neither tried to make a sound; even as much as possible, they drew oxygen to fill their chest cavity without being heard at all.

Clenching their lips tightly, they didn't know where to start. Their lives were at stake now, and there was no turning back. There never was.

The man who had just approached stopped slowly, keeping a stretched distance with his head straight facing the two men. The man's distinctive masculine scent simply pierced the olfactory senses of those around him, along with a slow breath.

The man looked a little disheveled, with his suit no longer as neat as usual. His hair was slicked back, but it was clear that he had just brushed his head repeatedly. The top three buttons of his shirt had been unhooked, revealing the faint outline of his chest hidden beneath the dark blue fabric.

Breathing heavily once more, Lexton cleared his throat.

"How was it?"

The single word that slipped from his lips just now, successfully made the two men in black suits give a small gasp. Even with just that one question, they knew their answer would probably anger their leader.

One of the men took a deep breath, trying to gather strength.

"He did not survive, Sir," he replied quietly.

He was so quiet; it almost sounded like he was whispering.

Lexton was stunned. Freezing in place, with his bead perfectly dilated.

'No. No way.'

Advancing to tug at the shirt collar of the news giver, Lexton tightly gripped the shirt of the man who gave the answer. The tall, bulky man looked resigned, without even thinking of fighting back.

He couldn't possibly fight back. Never, because the one gripping his shirt collar now was Lexton Alfacht.

The Alpha is the famous and perfect leader of the Alfacht clan. The man who was famous for having a seven percent error rate in his life because he was always right in his decisions about everything.

Lexton growled. One side of his hand was clenched tightly into a fist, ready to deliver a crushing blow for an answer he did not expect at all.

"Tell me the truth, damn it!" cursed Lexton in a booming voice.

Just like that, emotion overcame him, having just heard an answer that made no sense to him. How could Gama not survive? He was the Beta, with all the power and cunning tactics in the world.

Lexton really hoped that the news that had reached his ears was just hearsay, but that was not the case. There was a restrained growl in Lexton's tone just now, one that came from a mixture of anger and sadness at the same time.

Still tugging at the collar of the man's shirt, Lexton gritted his teeth again. It was a mixed feeling in there, as he slowly released his grip from the man's collar. He managed to refrain from swinging his clenched hand, even though his breath was coming in fast now.

"Forgive me, sir," the man said again.

He was no longer in Lexton's grasp, and just like that he was back in his upright position with his head bowed. Back to saluting, back to being obedient.

Lexton paid no attention to his men's apology that sounded misplaced in the early hours of the morning. Lexton realized that it was not the man's fault, but that someone else was more at fault for this incident. Lexton stared into the long, deserted hallway of the hospital.

Only their voices had echoed there in the past few minutes, and Lexton really hated silence.

It felt like his world was about to collapse as the Alpha found his knees beginning to buckle slowly.

'No, Gama. Please, No.'

Lexton bowed his head. The Alpha had lost half of his strength, as the hands of the clock continued to turn. The clan leader was losing his balance, as the news turned out to be real. Absolutely real.

'I'm sorry, Gama. Please forgive me.'

The sound of a door being opened and pushed successfully caught Lexton's attention, which immediately made him cast his gaze toward the source of the sound.

A doctor with round glasses perched on his nose came out of one of the rooms, looking straight at Lexton and the two men who were still bowing their heads. Their gazes locked for a few seconds before Lexton decided to take a step.

His one last hope.

Lexton staggered over to the doctor. Grabbing the doctor's arm unceremoniously, the man said in a soft voice that was not made up.

"Tell me he's safe, Doctor!" pleaded Lexton desperately, while pleading on the other side.

He couldn't lose Gama, not at this moment in time.

The doctor in the white coat took a deep breath, finding the way the light shone from the Alpha's eyes heartbreaking.

In all his years of service to the Alfacht clan, this was only the second time he had seen such a look emanate from Lexton's black bead. The first time was twelve years ago when Alfred Alfacht -- Lexton's father, had died. And the second, when Gama was no longer alive.

The doctor moved a hand to trace Lexton's grip on his arm, patting the sturdy arm with a gentle pat. "I'm sorry, Lexton," he whispered softly.

Lexton reflexively shook his head. Doctor Smith was his last hope, and he wasn't in the mood to hear any more apologies right now.

"Don't say sorry, Doctor! Please!" Lexton's cries echoed down the hallway, screeching in a voice that begged for mercy.

The Alpha's sturdy hands gripped the doctor's arms even tighter, shaking him violently with no small amount of force. Without realizing it, Lexton was making the middle-aged man's body shake violently.

Yet again, nothing changed.

"You must see him one last time, Lex," Doctor Smith whispered now. And that sentence really did deliver a hard slap right to Lexton's face. Making it difficult for him to breathe, with a heartbeat he could no longer control.

Because there was no more chance of denial, no more chance of hope.

Because no matter how much Lexton roared, no matter how much the man screamed and begged, Gama would not return.

Gamaliel Vernon is no longer able to open his eyes after a bul

let pierced his heart hours ago. And that bullet, came from the proud gun of one Lexton Alfacht.

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