Splitz club
Knight's point of view
I sat comfortably in my chair, patiently looking at everyone in the club to see if my target was here, but I couldn't spot him. I was still searching when all of a sudden, a girl walked up to me slowly while I watched her quietly.
Who knows if she was sent by the target, I thought as I stared at the attractive lady standing nervously in front of me. She didn't look like those girls who had come to me earlier for a hook-up; rather, she looked very scared and nervous.
What's she up to? I thought, raising an eyebrow and sipping from my bottle of beer while staring coldly at her. She turned back as if she were searching for something before turning back to me and did a surprising thing... She bent down and kissed me. I was going to push her away, but the moment I felt her lips on mine, I let her be; I swear her lips were so soft and sumptuous that I didn't even know when I began to reciprocate the kiss. She broke the kiss and muttered, "I'm so sorry, sir," before running out of the club without looking back, making me chuckle in amusement as I stared at her. I looked at the bottle of beer and saw that it was almost finished, so I stood up and walked to the bartender. "Two Bacardi and soda," I said, and the bartender quickly brought them out, mixing them. He handed the glass to me after he was done. I collected the glass from him and took a big gulp. I looked around, and my eyes suddenly fell on my target, and I let out an evil smirk.
I dropped the glass on the table after drinking it all and removed some cash, dropping it on the table. "Keep the change," I muttered before walking away. I walked towards the man and sat down not too far from him. He was surrounded by a lot of girls who were all caressing and kissing him while he giggled drunkenly. I scoffed and removed a cigarette from my pocket, lighting it up and began smoking, not taking my eyes away from him. He had two bodyguards standing close to him, and I noticed two who were standing at the other side were also his bodyguards. I waited for some minutes, and then he stood up with the girls and began walking away. I stood up immediately and followed, but not too close for them to notice. They climbed the stairs leading to the rooms upstairs, and I waited till they had climbed up before following them. I saw him enter into one of the rooms with the ladies while the bodyguards stood outside the door. I scoffed and walked up to them, acting like I was drunk.
"Hey, what are you doing?" they asked, blocking me from entering the room.
"I... I'm... so... pressed... I want... to pee," I said, acting really drunk.
"This is not the restroom, man; you're drunk," one of them said, and the rest chuckled.
"Take him away from here, Pablo," one of them said and tried to quickly grab me by my arm, but I pushed him away, making him fall to the ground. The second they saw this, they all removed their guns and pointed them at me.
Great, this is what I wanted to see, I thought, and smirked widely.
"What are you doing? This is not the restroom..." Before he could finish his sentence, I quickly collected the gun from him, grabbing him and pointing the gun to his head.
"Drop your guns on the floor, all of you, or I'm going to shoot him," I said, and the three of them looked at each other, still pointing the gun at me.
"I'm not going to repeat myself, gentlemen," I repeated with a smirk, and they immediately dropped their guns. However, almost immediately, one of them tried to play smart with me by attempting to take something out of his pocket. I scoffed inwardly as soon as I noticed this and scoffed loudly. If only he knew who he was messing with, I thought, and I threw the gun at him, hitting him on the head. The rest tried to pick up their guns, but I didn't let them take them. I removed a small knife I always carry with me from my pocket and stabbed one of them in the neck, making him go lifeless. I pulled out the knife with a smirk and walked to the rest, and it didn't take up to a minute before I made them take their last breath. I smiled widely, staring at their lifeless bodies, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I walked back to the door and opened it, quietly entering into the room. The man was receiving a blow job from one of the ladies while the rest of the ladies were naked, massaging his body. Immediately, one of the ladies saw me; she screamed, alerting the others of my presence, which made the rest of the ladies join her in screaming. "I wouldn't try to do that if I were you," I said to him as he tried to pick up his gun. "I'm going to count to ten, ladies. If you love your lives, then get out of this room before I even start counting," I said, and they immediately picked up their clothes, running out of the room naked. I chuckled quietly, staring at how the man was shivering and walked closer to him with a smirk on my face. "Please, what do you want? Money? Gold? Anything, I'll give it to you, but please spare my life," he begged desperately. "You're right, I want something," I said and took his gun. "I heard you have the stones," I said, and noticed his eyes widen in shock. "Sto... stones?" he said with a stutter, making me chuckle softly. "You know what I'm talking about. Give me the stones, and I'll spare your life," I said and almost scoffed. Heaven knows that there's no way I'll let him live, I thought and grinned. "If... If I give them to you, he'll kill me, please take the money or gold, but please not the stones," he begged. "You don't tell me what to do. I hate talking much, so bring out the stones now," I said, pointing the gun at his forehead. "It's... It's inside the briefcase," he said, pointing at a briefcase on the table. I opened the briefcase, still pointing the gun at his head, and truly saw the diamonds glowing beautifully. "Thanks for this, but you know I'm going to use you to send a message to your boss," I said with a smirk, and immediately brought out my knife, stabbing him directly in the chest, making him fall back on the bed lifeless. I went to him and quickly used the knife to remove his heart, dropping it on the bed next to his body. The only way they'll know it's me is if I pull out his heart and drop it closer to his body.
I cleaned the knife on his body and picked up the briefcase while walking out of the room. I had successfully walked down the stairs, but then I saw a face that irritates me and makes me want to snap the life out of him whenever I see him. He was with someone, but I didn't even spare him a glance. "You look quite surprised, Terminator," he said, and I frowned immediately, staring coolly at him. "I don't have the strength for you, Draco. I'm tired of beating you over and over again. Get used to it, Draco... You can never be like me," I said, and he gritted his teeth, staring angrily at the briefcase I'm holding. "I want the stones, Terminator, and you're going to give them to me," he said, and I almost burst out laughing. "You know that's never going to happen," I said. Just at that moment, someone stared at us from up the stairs, and I immediately sneaked out of the club, walking straight to my car with the diamond in my hand.
"They're not my problem right now," I thought, and started the car, driving off. But then I saw the lady who had kissed me with another girl, and she was limping with her shoes in her hand.
I scoffed inwardly, remembering the kiss, before zooming off at full speed.
Outside the club
Bluey's point of view
"Put on your shoes, Bluey; you're going to hurt your feet," Sasha said for the umpteenth time, but I was too mad to listen to her.
"Why are you so mad, Bluey? I wanted you to have fun tonight," she said, and I stopped walking immediately and turned back angrily.
"Stop saying that, Sasha! I never told you that I wanted to have fun. If you hadn’t forced me, or should I say bribed me, to go to this so-called party, I wouldn’t have bumped into that scary man who almost hit me, if not for the intervention of his friend. And the worst part of all, I wouldn’t have kissed that man," I said in one breath, breathing heavily.
"Fine, I'm sorry, Baby Bluey. I promise I won’t force you to go to a club anymore, so can you please put on your shoes?" she said, and I stared at the shoes in my hand with a scoff.
"I won’t! My legs feel like they're on fire, and you want me to still wear them? No, I'll wait till we find a cab!" I said, continuing to walk with a huff.
"You're going to bruise your legs," I heard her say.
"I don't care, Sasha! The only thing I see here that's going to bruise my legs is these godforsaken heels," I yelled. Luckily, we saw an empty cab and got in, driving back home.
#25 minutes later#
"Thank you," we muttered to the driver after getting out of the cab.
"You're welcome, ladies! Have a great evening," he said and drove off.
"I can't wait to take off this dress," I said, and Sasha chuckled loudly.
"If only you knew how hot you look in that dress," she said.
"Hot indeed," I replied, and we took a route leading straight to our house.
"You know... the time I spent in this club, I could have read more than five chapters of a book," I said, and suddenly this feeling hit me.
I suddenly felt like we were being followed and stopped abruptly, looking behind us.
"What's up, Bluey? You were saying something," Sasha said, staring at me as I looked around.
"I don't know why, but I'm feeling as if someone is following us," I said, and Sasha cracked up, staring at me.
"Stop exaggerating, baby. No one is following us. Don't worry, we'll soon be home," she said and held my hand, walking away.
I sighed and bit my lip. There's something about me that is always not wrong... my instinct, I thought, and still glanced at my back, but still no one was following us.
Maybe Sasha is right on this one. Maybe I'm exaggerating because of what happened between me and that scary man, I thought. But then suddenly, a scent hit me... the smell of cedarwood hit me, but I brushed it off anyway and followed Sasha into the house.
There's no way I'm following her to a club again, I thought and ran into my room, taking off my dress.