Chapter 1



"Tanya!'' A voice screamed as she ran into Tanya's room and shut the door tightly, she was chased by her other twin.

"Tanya!'' She called again as she shook Tanya frantically.

"What!'' Tanya groaned sleepily.

"Lila is after me again'' Lily whinned and Tanya rolled her eyes.

"Not again!'' She mumbled and got up with her hair looking all messy.

Lila kept hitting the door from outside "Lily open the door now, I'll strangle you alive!''

"What's always wrong with you two!" Tanya said angrily, "Always fighting and disrupting my sleep."

Lily looked down.

"You know Lila is always at fault'' Lily said and Lila groaned from outside.

"That's a lie Tanya, she stole my dress to a party and brought it back torn!'' Lila yelled from outside again.

Tanya eyes went to Lily "What! Lily when did you start going to parties, I mean how old are you?''

"Seventeen'' Lily replied but received a glare from Tanya which shut her up.

Tanya mumbled some words to herself before going to open her door while Lily hid behind her.

Tanya was their elder sister.

"Where's she?'' Lila asked immediately the door was opened for her.

"Enough you two! Always fighting, aren't you both suppose to be in school?'' Tanya asked.

They both nodded.

"Then why are you guys home?''

"It's because of the dress. Lily has to buy a new one for me, and I don't care how she does it'' Lila said and placed her hands on her waist.

"But I have no money'' Lily shook her head.

"You didn't know that when you stole the dress, did you?'' Lila asked angrily.

"I don't want to hear a single word from any of you. For goodness sake just stay a day without arguing'' Tanya said really frustrated.

“You know Lily will always get on my nerves'' Lila said.

"Didn't i say i don't want to hear one more word? You both should go get ready for school this instant, I don't want to hear anything about a stupid dress. Go!'' Tanya said and Lila frowned.

“But Tanya the dress was the only nice pair of dress I had, the rest are all worn out'' Lila said and the words stung Tanya.

She was too focused on providing food for her siblings without even considering if they had clothes or not.

Regardless, she didn't show it, ''Didn't you hear me? You both should go get ready for school. Don't make me repeat myself!'' Tanya said and they both walked out of Tanya's room.

Tanya could see how sad Lila was as she argued in whispers with Lily as they left.

She sighed as she walked back to her bed and sat on it.

She scratched her messy head, while thinking of something before going to the bathroom to shower.

She had been the one taking care of her sisters Lila and Lily who were twin since her mother died and her father left mysteriously and all their relatives abandoned them.

Coming out of the bathroom she opened her wardrobe and stared at it for long. She discovered she only had three pair of jeans, two skirts, one gown and five shirts.

'How come she was realising that now?' She asked herself.

She took out a pair of jean and a blue worn out shirt. She dropped it on her little bed and then went to the dressing table to pick her body cream.

She groaned when she found out it was almost finished. ''Arrgh'' She said and then began pressing and squeezing the container to get out whatever content was left in it.

After doing that she wore her clothes and then packed her hair into a pony tail before taking her only purse and rushing down the stairs.

She breathed out a sigh of relief when she found her siblings gone. She then smiled seeing the breakfast they left for her on the table.

"So thoughtful of them'' She said as she took a seat and began digging on the food.

When she was through eating she did the dishes before rushing out of the house with her helmet as she rode on her bicycle to the Sneaky fingers hideout.


"Lulu, I'm off to school!" Lucia said, as she stepped into Lucas's room.

That was the nickname she gave her brother.

"Hmm, so quick?" He asked and she nodded.

"It's not so early, yunno" Lucia said, with a warm smile.

Lucas nodded, as he ruffled her hair, "My cute little sis! Now go and make big brother proud."

"Okay. Bye!" She pecked him hurriedly as she left the room, clutching unto the hands of her back pack. Seeing Lucia, she looked so calm and innocent, but guess you couldn't judge some one by their looks.

The small smile forming on Lucas's lips suddenly faded away when a guard came into his room.

"What do you want?" He asked sternly.

"Big boss wants to see you, right now" The guard said, not daring to make eye contact.

His father, Baron, was the big boss.

Lucas gazed at the guards, as he took a gun which was laying on the bed.

The guards shuddered slightly, his head still bowed down.

"Next time, when you want to fvcking tell me some stupid information, you fvcking knock!" Lucas said in between gritted teeth, and the next thing was the sound of gunshot, as blood spilled everywhere and the guard fell to the ground lifeless.

Lucas tucked the gun into his pocket and stepped out of the room turning to the guard at the door.

"Clear the body, and you might be next" He muttered, before making his way to Baron's office.

As Lucas stepped in, he met a bi*ch feasting on Baron's ck. Despite being about fifty he still had time for bihes.

"Leave!" Baron ordered the bi*ch while drawing out a huge amount of smoke from his tobacco.

The bi*ch nodded immediately, running out of his office na**ed, knowing if she wasted a second her life might be ended.

"You called for me?" Lucas said, seeing the lady was gone.

"Yes. Sit" Baron ordered, and Lucas did.

"What do you want?" Lucas asked.

"The mobsters. When last did you train them?" Baron asked, going straight to the point.

Lucas kept silent for a minute before replying.

"A month ago" He finally answered and Baron frowned.

"Are you insane? Do you want them to become weak? Why are you forsaking your duties!" Baron yelled.

Lucas sat calmly, his expression indifferent.

"Get the hell out of my office and go train those mobsters. They're waiting at the hall!" Baron said, his jaw clenched.

Lucas sneered at him and simply stood up making his way out of his office to the training hall.

The mobsters who were there, both male and female bowed upon Lucas's entry.

"Line up!" He ordered instantly and everyone nodded, as they instantly made a straight line standing side by side.

Just as Lucas was about to give his second command, he heard moans coming from a particular place in the hall, he tilted his way to the direction, a huge frown on his face.

Slowly, he walked to the place, and opened the curtains, seeing the mobsters, fvcking the life out of themselves. A male and female.

They both widened their eyes when they saw him.

"B...oss" The male stuttered.

"How dare you!" Lucas yelled. Instantly, the male began to choke, as if an invisible force was constricting his neck.

The lady, quivered in fear as she hugged the guy, tears almost dropping out of her eyes.

"Boss, please!!" She pleaded, but Lucas wasn't in control of himself.

Soon the male gave up the ghost and the female screamed.

"Nooooo!!!" She yelled.

Lucas breathing became ragged, as he held his head in pain walking out of the hall.

The other mobsters, ran to where the male and female were.

"What happened El?" One asked, the girl but only got screams and tears in return.

Another mobster bent to the level of the male, checking his heart beat. He stood up shaking his head slightly.

"His dead" He muttered and everyone's eyes widened.

They all knew, Nail (the dead mobster) and El were boyfriend and girlfriend, who cherished eachother so much like real couples.

"No, no, no, he can't do this to me! He can't leave!!" El screamed the more, crying real hard.

"El, calm down, I know you—

"You don't know anything!" El yelled, silencing the girl up as more tears screamed down her eyes.

"Take her away, we'll handle the body" A male mobster said.

And the female nodded as they dragged El away, who kept struggling and crying.

Each of them all had sad expression, Nail was a really Jovial person who could light up anyone's mood at anytime, they didn't really understand why boss would kill him instead of punishing him, and the thing which made them surprised wasn't that there wasn't a single sign of blood, how did he kill him? They wondered.

Lucas on the hand, held his hair tightly as he walked into his room. His head was pounding, he was feeling immense pain.

He slowly crawled to the bathroom, and stood in front of the sink, turning on the faucet as he poured the water on his head, making the pain subside a little.

He stared at his eyes in the mirror which were red and blood shot.

A tear escaped his eyes lightly as the pain gradually subsided.

He hadn't intend to kill the mobster back there, he didn't know how it happened too, and this wasn't the first time.

"What I'm I?" He whispered to himself, shutting his eyes tightly...........

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