Chapter 05: Can't Wait!!
Avery’s POV
“Pack whatever clothes you have and get ready. You're leaving.” He said and slammed the door as I stood up wondering.
Is this it?!! Is he taking me away from here or is it something else?
The plan I had was that he'd pick an interest in me and maybe want to know me a little better, thereby giving me his attention. And then after we'd become acquainted with each other, I'd tell him what I go through with my father and maybe he'd deal with him for me or keep a closer watch on him. I didn't expect him to want to take me with him. I wasn't even sure if he was planning too take me with him, or my father had finally decided to sell me into the slave trade.
Excuse me. I'm a little confused. Actually I have a little question. I knew her question would be a means to insult me, but I decided to entertain her questions today.
Go ahead with your question.
You said you intended for him to pick an interest in you. Was it just by making a little noise and saying ‘you're sorry’ that he was supposed to pick an interest in you?
Uh.. Okay fine. I agree that I didn't think of it but I tried. Don't you think so?
Well, since you want to know what I think. She said in a very gushy mushy voice. I think you're a dumb bitch and that your father is finally taking us to a slaughter.
I shuddered as what she said sank in, just to look back at her and find her sitting in her overly large armchair, nonchalantly sipping…….was that cocktail?!
Where did she even find cocktails? Honestly I think it'll be a lot easier living in someone's head, away from the worries of this world. And away from traumatizing fathers. If I was in someone's head, I'll just be chilling and free from stress. Very easy.
Yes, it's usually supposed to be very easy. I'm just really unlucky to be stuck in the head of an extremely dumb and fashionably suffering girl.
Okay, first of all, I'm not that dumb. Secondly, the only reason I'm not fashionable is because I don't really have much to work with. Actually, I have almost nothing at all.
Okay, I can accept the poor fashion on the basis that you don't have any good clothes, but the fact that you're dumb?! I don't think there's any explanation for that, period!
She sat back down on her armchair and kept sipping her drink, as I rolled my eyes and resumed packing up the little stuff I could.
Immediately I slung the little bag over my shoulder, a maid shoved the door open and informed me that my father didn't want me to keep our “new friends” waiting any longer, so I should hurry up.
I had no idea who the so-called new friends were, but I strongly believed that although not anywhere could be better than here, nowhere could be worse than this hellhole of a house. I hardly think there's anything anyone can put me through that I wouldn't be able to bear.
I stepped out and was about to shut the door behind me when my eyes caught some really familiar sights. The scratches on the floor that were made from my constant scratching of my fingernails on the floor out of self hate, the loose floorboard where I usually hid the food that Hilary used to sneak to me when I was on my usual punishments, even the bed that I was usually assaulted on.
I looked around at the room that served as a container for my pain, the room that housed all my sufferings and held all my secrets, and as I took my last long look at the room that have been my only safe space, I said a silent prayer to whoever or whatever was listening that I wasn't going to return to this anymore.
As I slowly trudged down the stairs, I felt both butterflies and nauseous. Butterflies from excitement, and nauseous from dread. I had no idea what was waiting for me on the other side of these doors. Was it going to be good or bad? Would I regret leaving or would I not want to return? I had no idea what was going to happen, but I was willing to try.
I took a deep breath. “This is it.” I muttered before stepping out the door.
My subconscious was abnormally quiet, so I took a little peek at her, just to find her biting her little fingers and pacing about on her little legs. I guess she was just as anxious as I was.
“Dario Moretti. I knew it.” I smiled to myself as I found the handsome and calm looking man leaning on the hood of his car, waiting for me.
My subconscious rolled her eyes at my assertion of victory, but I noticed that she was a lot more calm now.
“Name?!” He asked in a very calm but controlling voice that said that he was in authority without even trying.
“A-avery.” I stuttered, a little bit more humbled than I thought I'd be in his presence.
“Hmm,” he hummed as if in realization, “Dario, enter the car.”
I was so surprised at the mode at which he introduced himself. He didn't even offer me a handshake, neither did he even properly say his name. He just said his first name and ordered me to get into the car. Worst of all, he was getting into the car himself while making all these orders.
I bit back the retort I wanted to give, because I was doing all I could to get out of this place. I mean, this was my dream and I was definitely not going to mess it up.
As we drove, I kept my face plastered to the window, just looking out at how beautiful it was outside. The last time I was out of our gates was four years ago when I came home from boarding school. I stared at the snow clumped on the floor, the trees that had lost all their leaves and had them replaced with snow and the cool scenery. I wasn't even in the woods but I could just imagine all the animals hibernating.
Soon enough, I noticed that we were going up a mountain. A mountain in the woods to be exact.
I always thought my dad just loved living in the middle of the woods because he acted like an animal and wanted to be with his mates, but I guess all Mafia bosses like secluded places. Or was it all rich people?!
Whatever it was, I didn't care. All I cared about was that I was out of my father's grip, and no matter what it was always going to be better.
“But you never know. What if he starves you? You know, seeing as your father owes him?” My little subconscious whispered in my head.
“Well starvation is not a new thing to me, is it? He has a good reputation amongst people so I guess he would not rape me …..I hope. But every other thing would be pretty bearable.” I smiled at my subconscious, already imagining the life that was to come.
“Hmmm. Well, if you say so.” My subconscious sighed and sat back in her seat.
Yup. I say so, and I can't wait.