Chapter 6: Yes Yes!!
Avery's POV
We were finally arriving at an actual building after over 3 hours of being on the road – can't say I regret it though.
The gate smoothly and quietly slid open and I couldn't believe the beautiful ice castle towering towards the skies. We were driving past, towards the place – wherever it was – that the car was supposed to be parked, but I kept my eyes glued on the beautiful mansion.
The heavy snow up here in the mountains had turned everything white. From the plants to the glass house, to even the cars parked around. The floor was coated in white, with only a cleared out brick pathway leading to the entrance of the house.
Damn, this is cute. I didn't expect it to be this beautiful at his place, my subconscious smiled a very genuine smile…. which was pretty rare.
I was about to keep admiring the beautiful mansion when a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
“Do you intend on camping out in the vehicle? Or are you just trying to annoy me?” I looked up to a bored looking and bored sounding Dario Moretti and I couldn't help the shiver that ran down my spine from the pointed look he was giving me.
I mean, my subconscious usually gave me a pointed look, but it was never scary because she's really small, but with Dario…..
Are you height shaming me or what? My subconscious glared at me.
“No, I'm just trying to clarify that,” I rolled my eyes at my annoying sub. “You know what? Whatever. I'm not answering you.” I stepped out of the car, looking at Dario who looked pretty offended.
Shit. He probably thought I was talking to him.
“I'm so sorry. It wasn't you. It's the annoying bitch living in my head.” I said hoping he would believe me.
He looked pretty confused, but it didn't seem like he didn't believe me. He motioned me to go in and I quickly obeyed.
I would have stayed longer to admire the every slight detail of the house, but it was freezing out and all I wanted to do was go into the house, besides I didn't want to annoy Dario any further. If only I had my coat on….or rather, if only I had a coat, I might have stayed out to get every detail of the house engraved into my brain. But presently, the only thought in my mind was warmth.
I quickly followed after the tall, silent dude that drove us, with Dario calmly and slowly following close behind me.
“After you, miss.” The driver dude motioned towards me as he opened the door.
“Thanks.” I smiled at him as I walked in with my little luggage swung over my shoulder.
Such a nice guy. Hot too, my subconscious smirked at me, and I could already tell she had something stupid cooking up in her head.
“Shut up.” I snarled quietly back at her and slowly turned around to find him smiling slightly. At me? Maybe.
I walked over to the white couch and helped myself to a seat as I stared around this glass house that looked like something extracted from the future.
“I'll be leaving now man.” The driver dude told Dario with a slight smile.
“Oh. Okay, well say hello to your wife and kid for me.” He said as they both shook hands.
“Sure thing man.” The other one called out, already walking away.
I watched as Dario locked the door and began walking towards me.
“Come on.” He muttered and motioned with his hands as he began walking up the stairs.
“Where are the others? The people that work for you.” I questioned as I walked behind me.
“They're in their homes.” He muttered, not even bothering to turn around.
“Wait. So you live here? Alone? Not even a few maids?” I was stunned at how spick and span everything was if he didn't have help.
“Yes. I live here alone. I do things myself, young lady. I'm not lazy. I do have my cleaning lady come over twice a week though to thoroughly clean the house.” Although he snapped quite rudely at first, he calmed down on the last sentence, but his first voice was enough to keep me quiet. Besides, I was already talking a lot more than usual.
“You can ask me anything, you know.” He said when he noticed I wasn't saying anything else.
“I'm good, thanks.” I'd already spit it out before realizing it kind of sounded rude. But instead of him being angry, he simply laughed.
“Hey, it's okay. If you're going to stay here, you might as well know how things are run around here. You know, get a lay of the land.” He turned around and smiled a very calming smile at me as he continued walking up the stairs.
I just smiled back and nodded as I continued after him.
We'd walked for about seven minutes and I began to wonder if I was still in the house we walked into or if we'd entered a passage into another world. Because I think that was a pretty long time to be walking in a passageway of a house, and it got more eerie and beautiful the further we went.
“And here is your room.” He said as he wrapped his hand around a door knob.
“Finally!” I groaned, clamping my hands quickly around my mouth, not knowing when I said that out.
I looked up at Dario and found him staring at me with what seemed like…. curiosity?! And it seemed like he was trying to suppress a giggle. I guess he's pretty slow to anger. Very unlike my father which is a very good thing.
I walked into the room after him, and I was shocked at the princess room that was being given to me.
A queen size bed sat in the center of the room, with a heater and an air conditioner decorating the walls, each for its different seasons. There was even an extra large TV and a shelf full of books.
If I stayed in here, I wasn't sure anything could pull me out.
“So get comfortable. I'm in the room closest to the stairs if you need anything, but you can always call me from the telephone right by your bed.” He motioned, drawing my attention to the baby pink telephone sitting beside the night light on the little cupboard.
“Thanks.” I was trying so hard to hold myself in from screaming as he walked out of the room. But immediately I was sure he was gone, I let out a loud scream.
I can't believe we got this beautiful room. Finally, something that matches my standards. My subconscious screamed, fanning herself in excitement.
“Oh my God.” I said, at a loss for words. The room was so spacious – spacious enough for two more queen size beds to fit in comfortably without touching each other.
This was going to be my first time being in a room with an actual vanity.
I walked to the door close to the vanity, and on pushing it open, I was stunned. It was a walk in closet, except that it was empty. This was also my first time being in a walk-in closet.
I pushed open the other door that led to the bathroom, and I couldn't believe the beauty that stood in front of me in the form of a bathroom. It was fully equipped with marbles. Toilet, sink, shower and even a bathtub. It was the craziest thing ever.
I think we're going to like it here. My subconscious said, smirking slightly.
“Yes, yes.” I replied with a smile.