A Revelation
Sarah's POV
I stood outside the blood collection room, my heart pounding hard against my chest like a frantic drumbeat. The bandage where the IV land had been connected itches and I tried my best not to scratch it. My gaze hung on the sign above the door in front of me. Phlebotomy Unit.
I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to ward off the chills that I knew weren't coming from the air-conditioning. I just couldn't get my head around the fact that I and Lisa's DNA had matched. The thought of what was to come out of the room in front of me sent chills down my spine.
"Sarah?" I heard someone call out and I turned to the side to see Spencer. His shoulders were slumped and he had a worried look on his face. "Do... do you want to sit down or..."
"I'm fine, Spencer," I answered as I quickly turned my gaze back to the door in front of me. Nurses walked past me, mumbling words of frustration as they tried to maneuver their way around me, but I didn't move.
I couldn't.
"Sarah--" Spencer began again but he was cut short by a soft creak. Our eyes turned back to the door in front of me to see it slowly pull open. Out of the room walked the doctor that had handled our blood transfusion, and in his hands was an envelope.
"Yes?" I asked as I walked closer to him. His eyes met mine and the expression that m came over his face caused my heart to sink.
"Is the test result ready?" I heard Spencer ask over my shoulder. My hands shook and I was tempted to turn and grab his but I quickly pushed down the thought.
"Let's go meet Lisa first," the doctor answered with a soft sigh. "I think her presence matters with this news." The doctors words cut through the air like a sharp blade, adding to the tension that has begun to build in my chest.
What did he mean? Why did Lisa presence matter? Somehow, I knew the answers to these questions but I refused to accept them.
It couldn't be true.
I felt Spencers hand drop on my shoulder, his fingers tensing as he tried to offer me comfort. My heightened breathing calmed a little, though the tightness in my chest remained.
I nodded swiftly, my voice coming as a small croak. "Alright, let's... let's go."
The doctor hesitated for a moment, his eyes shifting from me to Spencer before nodding and turning down the sterile hallway. We followed closely behind him, Spencer's hand sliding down my shoulder and grasping mine.
The closer we got to Lisa's room, the harder it became for me to breath, and Spencer's calming effect began to fizzle away. My eyes traveled to the envelope the doctor held, watching as it swung by his side. The result when shared was going to change everything.
The sound of a creaking door snapped me out of my daze and I lifted my head to see the doctor pushing open the door to Lisa's room. The strong sterile scent of antiseptic hit me like a wave and I scrunched my nose.
"Lisa," the doctor called, his hands gripping the envelope tight as he walked over to Lisa's bed, the sound of beeping monitors echoing softly in the background.
Lisa lay on the bed, her pale face illuminated by the fluorescent light above her. She placed her hands on her chest, the IV line connected to her wrist swaying slightly as she moved. Her eyes flickered towards us as we walked into the room but she didn't stand, didn't move from her spot even though I knew quite well that she could.
The doctor cleared his throat as he lifted the envelope. "Lisa, Spencer... Sarah." I could hear the hesitation in his voice and see it in his gaze as his eyes met mine.
I turned my gaze to Lisa and watched as her eyes darkened, as though she was preparing herself for the worst. The look she wore had me suspecting that she had an idea of what was within the envelope.
The doctor glanced down at the envelope in his hands as he began to open it. The sound of paper rustling filled the silent room as he tore open the envelope. My breath hitched and my chest tightened, my whole body frozen in anticipation as he pulled out a paper from it.
He glances down at the paper, his eyes running over the wordings as though trying to make sure he was not making a mistake. When he lifted up his eyes, I saw the loon of finality in his eyes. "It is confirmed," he said with a small nod. "Lisa, Sarah is your daughter."
The words hit me like a physical blow and at that moment, time seemed to stop. My knees gave out beneath me and I stumbled slightly. I reached out to grab Spencers hand just in time to save myself from falling.
It... it could not be.
"Lisa," I said as I turned to face her, my voice barely above a a whisper. "You're... you're my mother?"
Sarah did not answer right away, but her demeanor remained unchanged, confirming that she already seemed to have known what was within the envelope. "Sarah," she called as she slowly looked up at me. Her voice cracked and her eyes showed that she was at the verge of shedding tears. "I'm... I'm really, really sorry, Sarah."
Spencer who could not also believe the sudden news feel to his knees as he cupped his mouth with his hands. I felt my pulse quicken, the edges of my vision blurring as anger surged through me. But the feeling immediately died, instantly replaced by sadness. I wanted to shout at her, rush at her and ask her how this was possible.
But I couldn't. All I did was stand and stare at this woman who had been a stranger to me all along.