Chapter 3: Made To Order
“Choose your love, love your choice.”-Thomas S. Monson.
As hope began to rise in my lonely, desperate heart, I took a picture of the Virtually Yours billboard ad, for building your own AI companion robot. At this point, I was not going to dismiss any option to find someone to fill the void, even if it were a robot. Yes, I could always get a pet, but then I would have to move because the apartment complex doesn't allow them.
As I walked back home, I bumped into Steve, my sexy and attractive neighbor, who was way out of my league. He wasn't a model, but he should have been. He smiled at me like he always did, but I knew he would never go out with someone like me. I was too clingy, had trust issues, and had pretty much given up on the idea of marriage. I was a mess and not a hot one either. Yes, I was still young, but if all guys only wanted sex without a commitment, then I would never have a family. I had only had sex with my ex three times, and every time it felt like a chore, as if we were going through the motions while being devoid of any emotions. I needed a true connection to pull me out of this stupor, but guys like Steve are content being single and don't want to try and mend a woman who is as broken as I am.
I smiled back as I pressed the button on the elevator to close the doors between us. I sighed because all I see now are Steve’s eyes pulling me in, and making me want to abandon all of my inhibitions. I yearn for a guy like Steve, to be so overcome with desire that he presses me up against the wall in the elevator and has his way with me. I can't keep pining for what will never be; like I’m some lovesick teenager. I have to put a stop to this. With a newfound resolve, I took out my phone and went to the Virtually Yours website. There was a wide range of appearances to choose from, and the personality was also fully customizable. Now, I have to hope that my newest toy gets here on time, even if I pay for expedited delivery, there are no guarantees.
After my order was placed, I looked through their website and was amazed at how advanced technology has become. They even had real-time built-in translator features capable of translating any known language. I only speak English and very bad Spanish, but I equipped my robot with that feature, too. I wondered how realistic the guy would be after I fully programmed him. Would anyone be able to tell the difference? I hoped not, because I spent extra money to make him look and act as human as possible. Now, I must wait. Waiting has always been difficult for me. Luckily, I did pay for expedited shipping, so at the very latest, he should be here a day before Valentine's Day, as long as there isn't a natural disaster or a postal worker strike. Providing that there were no unexpected delays, I would have enough time to acquaint myself with his programming before I enjoyed a wonderful Valentine's Day with the ultimate creation.
Days passed in an anxious blur...
Finally, I got a notification that my order was out for delivery. I paced a rut in my carpet, or at least it felt like it until the doorbell rang and I rushed to open it. The package was massive, like a gigantic refrigerator was inside, and not a human-sized robot. I pitied the poor delivery boy who had to bring it up to my floor; at least the elevator was working. I laughed at how he would have struggled otherwise.
I had him bring it into my apartment, and after he left, I quickly unwrapped it; my giddiness almost got the better of me. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of a six-foot-five-inch tall man who looked like my sleeping Prince Charming. He came with a lot of accessories and a user’s manual. I admired the robot and loved how realistic he looked. The hair was dark, soft, and luscious. The black suit he was in accentuated his toned chest, perfectly built frame, and hopefully, elegantly tattooed chest, arms, and back as I had ordered. He looked like he came straight out of a romance novel, just as I had imagined. He did resemble Steve, though, but he wasn't completely identical. At least, I don't think Steve has tattoos.
I did a little victory dance because for once, I actually got what I paid for. Now I needed to sit down to read the user’s manual before I turned him on. I laughed at my innuendo and blushed. Hopefully, later, I can turn him on in a very different way. I could safely explore all of my deepest and darkest desires with him. He would never tell me that all girls do it or that it was only about his pleasure. After a few pages of customizing his personality, I got bored and over-eager. So, I skipped a lot and went straight to the part of the manual on how to turn him out of input mode and into live mode. The panel mode was masterfully hidden on his muscular back, near where I had started to customize his personality. When I customized his personality, however, I was overzealous because I downloaded a ton of romance features and put everything on high. For the first time in my life, I had complete control over my boyfriend’s reactions. I wanted him to be a good chef, who loved me dearly and would get jealous if somebody looked at me the wrong way. I also wanted him to be protective and compassionate, just like how my favorite pornstar, Johnnie Rock, is. I put my robot on his charger overnight and went to sleep, hoping my AI boyfriend would be ready to go when I woke up.
My robot might resemble Steve, but he is perfect in my eyes; after all, I had him made just for me. Now, I have my own version of the perfect Steve, but what should I name him? I think I will call him Aiden, after the Alpha in my favorite story, Millennium Wolves. Yes, Aiden should do quite nicely. He was protective, handsome, strong, compassionate, and an expert lover. In a few short hours, I will have my own perfect Alpha boyfriend. I am so excited that I hope I can actually get to sleep because there's so much that I want to do with Aiden.