Chapter 4: The Perfect Boyfriend
”Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, and penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. -Maya Angelou.
I had so many wonderful dreams and some were very realistic albeit improbable because they involved both Steve and Aiden ravaging me. I stretched before I rolled out of bed. I didn't have to work today so I could spend it familiarizing myself with Aiden. I got a shower and then got dressed before I put a pot of coffee on and flipped on my new boyfriend. I jumped back when his beautiful eyes sprang open. They were even more captivating than Steve’s. Damn, has my luck finally turned around. I know that he isn't real, but he looks real and now I won't be alone.
“Don’t be frightened, my love,” Aiden’s tantalizingly husky voice echoed throughout my quiet home.
“Sorry, I am new to all of this.” Wow! He sounds as if he could do voiceovers in movies. His timber makes my pussy walls quake.
He offers me his hand as he steps out of the box. “I will guide you. Trust me, my precious gift,” he says.
Perhaps, I uploaded one too many romance novels, but I just couldn't narrow down my favorites to only three. So I will just pretend that we are in one of my books until I get the hang of having a boyfriend let alone an AI one. “I was just about to make breakfast.”
“Allow me, my love.” He took my hand that he was holding and led me to my eat-in kitchen which was open to the living room that I had his box in. I should store it in a closet until trash day. I take a seat at the counter as he starts pulling items from my fridge and going through my cabinets. He turns to me, and says, “In approximately twenty-four hours and fifteen minutes you will be out of milk, coffee, bottled water, and cheese. Also, your eggs are about to expire. I will make a grocery list.”
Wow, he is quite efficient. “Aiden, next time I am running low on something, you don't need to give me an approximation. Just tell me that we need to go to the store, okay?”
He smiles and I feel desire bubble up inside of me. Maybe, I can test out his erotica and intimacy features later. My stomach growled. “Yes, dear. Now let me get you fed. After breakfast, would you like a massage?”
I inwardly gave myself a pat on the back. This is by far the best decision I have ever made. I watched as he expertly prepared breakfast as if he were a Michelin Star Chef. I gasped when he placed Eggs Benedict, French Toast, perfectly crisp bacon, and savory sausage in front of me. He put a mug of coffee, prepared exactly how I like it, in front of me as well. Everything was real except he couldn't eat or drink like a human. He could ingest solids and liquids but they were stored in containers within him that he was to empty. He opted not to eat with me, and I wasn't going to ask him to unless we were in public.
After breakfast, he did the dishes, dusted, and vacuumed. Watching him clean gave me the idea that maybe one day I might be bold enough and we could role-play. “Aiden, let’s go to the store. We can get the groceries from your list and I would like to get you some clothes too. Then when we get back home, you can give me that massage.”
“That would be lovely. Thank you,” he said. I grabbed my purse and keys. I drove him around town to familiarize him with it because one day I will let him go out without me to run errands. Once we arrived at the superstore, I got a cart. Without incident, we got the groceries first. However, when we were in the men’s clothing section, Aiden got very protective and clingy. I sighed because this must be from that werewolf novel I included in his programming.
I laughed. I put my palm on his cheek. I spoke softly, “Aiden, those guys don't want me. They just want some new clothes. I am yours and only yours, so don't worry. Things are different here, and I will guide you."
His expression softened. He took my face in both of his hands and kissed me. It was a kiss to make your knees go weak. I leaned into him as he deepened the kiss. His hands gripped my hips pulling me closer. I moaned as his tongue caressed mine. My hands fisted his shirt until I remembered that we were in public. I blushed as I pulled away. “We can continue this at home,” I said as I led him over to the underwear section. I found him some barely there briefs that I will have him wear on Valentine's Day. Feeling adventurous, I went to the lingerie section and got myself a new baby doll nightie with a matching g-string. This will be a Valentine's Day that I will never forget!