Charles' P.O.V.

A crowd had gathered outside of Rain's room now as they heard all the commotion.

"Get the campus police and the RA," I ordered a freshman. He looked at me scared, so he did as he was told quickly.

I wanted to have Rain get dressed, but knew that they would need to see the evidence. I knew the police would question me, too, and probably put me on probation for hurting Luke so badly. Under the circumstances, I hoped they wouldn't expel me.

I couldn't look at Rain from the guilt that was eating away at me. I felt guilty for thinking that she had brought me here to see her with another guy. If I had gotten here sooner, then maybe none of this would have happened. I shouldn't have made her wait.

I sat on Rain's bed waiting for the police. I knew she probably needed comforting, but I wasn't sure how to do that right now.

"You, go get her roommate. " I pointed to another student in the crowd. She ran off just as the first freshmen came back with the RA.

"Oh, my," she said as she entered and looked at Luke. "What happened here?"

"That guy beat the shit out of that other guy," one freshman shouted.

Rain stepped up to the RA and whispered in her ear, probably explaining what really happened. Her face went pale as she took in Rain's state. She turned to the crowd with a serious face.

"Disperse now. We don't need any nosey Nellys. Campus police will be here soon. Be gone." She shooed everyone away. The other freshmen came back with what I assumed was Rain's roommate. "Ah Kaitlyn, come in. Your roommate needs you. I'll be outside the door waiting for the campus police. Rain, don't change, as they will take your clothing for evidence," The RA said as she stepped out.

"Can I put some underwear on?" Rain whispered. I could tell she felt humiliated and very vulnerable. The RA's face flushed as her eyes expressed deep sympathy for Rain.

"I think that would be fine. Just don't get rid of the other pair. You, sir, help me get this guy out of here," she spoke to me. I helped her lift the unconscious Luke out into the hall and then came back in to find Rain's roommate just staring at her disgustedly.

"What the fuck happened? Why does Luke look almost dead?" I thought roommates were supposed to be like sisters. Why was Rain's roommate being a bitch right now? Why was she more worried about Luke?

"That was my fault. When I saw him attacking her, I lost it." I admitted. I could tell Rain had no energy to defend herself right now. She still seemed to be in some shock.

"Attacking her?" Kaitlyn seemed confused.

"Look at her. How do you think she got that way?" I was getting mad at her roommate. She seemed to calm down as she took in how Rain looked. Her face softened.

"He really did that?" She asked Rain in slight disbelief.

"Yeah" Rain barely whispered. Her eyes looked like empty shells as she stared at her torn underwear on the floor. Kaitlyn sat beside Rain on the bed now.

"That fucker. I'm so sorry. I broke up with him earlier because I could tell there were still feelings for you, but I never imagined he would do something like this." She finally looked at Rain with sympathy in her eyes.

We all sat in silence for a while. Rain and her roommate were holding hands. She seemed to be grateful for Kaitlyn's presence.

"You let them stay in the same room?!" I heard someone yell down the hall. "We need to keep them separated."

The campus police had arrived. They ushered me out of the room, and told me not to speak to Rain, or Luke, until they've questioned us separately. They led me down to the station while they took Rain elsewhere. Her roommate could stay with her, which made me feel better.

I explained what happened to the police as best I could, but they seemed to have it out for me.

"Why didn't you stop hitting him after he fell to the floor?"

"He kept getting back up and coming at me," I defended.

"Why didn't you stop when he became unconscious?"

"I didn't realize he was. It was hard to control my anger and my wolf's." I answered as politely as I could.

"Why was your wolf mad? Is Ms Lancaster your girlfriend?"

"No, she's not. She's-"

"Then why were you there? Why was your wolf mad, as you say?" The detective interrupted. I was growing irritated.

"She had my hoodie, and I was there to retrieve it. She's not my girlfriend. Rain's my mate." At those words, the detective's attitude seemed to lighten up some.

"I see. I'm terribly sorry this has happened to your mate. The university will place you on academic probation until this investigation is over. Given the circumstances, you should not receive any criminal charges."

"Will this be on my record?" I asked worriedly. I couldn't afford to have something like this on record.

"If you're cleared then this will not appear on your record." He answered and I felt my body relax some.

I was released from the station after that. They told me where I could find Rain and I rushed to her hospital room. They had admitted her for observation just in case. Something traumatic like this could affect her ability to shift. I hoped that would not be the case. We'll just have to wait and see.

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