I played on my phone a while before getting bored. I read the pamphlet that was given to me a few times. When I got bored with that, I started pacing the hall. I got a snack from the vending machine and waited some more. It was getting dark outside before someone finally popped out of the lab.

I stood up, expecting it to be him, but it wasn't. It was an older girl who looked at me funny as she walked by. I stuck my tongue out at her as I pulled my eyelid down. She scoffed, but looked away.

My phone was at 15% and I had read everything around me about a million times now. My pacience was growing thin as I continued to wait on him. I wanted to march myself back into that lab and demand answers right here and now. I slumped back in my chair, knowing that would be a terrible idea. Another person walked out of the lab. Still wasn't he?

After another hour, he finally came out. He saw me across the hall and almost went back inside. He kept his gaze forward, as if trying to ignore me. I stood up and stomped my way to him. I may be small, compared to him, but dammit, I was going to get some answers!

"What is your problem?!" I all but yelled at him. He looked down at me, a bit surprised, but pushed me aside, walking past me. My body was screaming in anger. I felt like I was losing my mind.

I chased after him as we exited the building. He knew I was following, leading me into the woods where we had met the night before.

"Would you stop?" He finally turned around, snapping at me.

"Not until you give me answers or reject our mate bond." I stomped my foot and crossed my arms, giving him the angriest look I could muster while staring at that handsome face.

My eyes flickered down to his lips for just a moment, and I wanted to curse myself as he smiled at my action.

"See something you like?" He teased me. He approached me, and I stepped back, hitting a tree.

"No." I lied, trying to look away from him as he came closer.

"Are you sure about that?" He was being very seductive. I could feel his breath fan over my face.

He stared down at my lips for a moment. I bit my bottom lip, as just the thought of kissing him had me aroused. He got closer, and I desperately wanted to close the space between us as I felt his breath against my skin. He smelled so delectable.

He placed his thumb and forefinger on my chin, lifting me up to him. His lips met mine with such an intensity. My knees gave in as I melted into a puddle. My arousal could be smelled from a mile away.

His lips gently parted mine as his tongue searched around my mouth. His lips were soft yet strong. They demanded things of me, and I gave them. I felt like I was floating away, and the only thing keeping me grounded was his touch on my chin. My desire for him took over as I fed into the kiss more by grabbing the back of his head and pushing him closer to me.

He pulled away from me, and I immediately missed him. I almost stepped forward to follow his lips as they left mine. I wanted him back desperately. In fact, I needed him back right now. He cleared his throat as if he didn't just mean to kiss me. He had just snapped out of the trance created by our mate bond.

"You need to, " He said, pointing out of the woods.

"Like hell!" I was getting really mad at this emotional whiplash.

"You're such a child." He rolled his eyes at me.

"The hell I am! You're the one who can't fucking decide. Reject me, or don't, but don't jerk me around." I stared him straight in the eyes.

"I won't reject you, but I also won't accept you. You don't need to be distracting me right now. I am so close to a breakthrough, and I don't need you pulling me from my studies." He seemed lost. It seemed to take everything out of him not to close the space between us again.

"You think I want to be distracted from mine? I just started in the most challenging program here, and you came barreling in out of nowhere." I argued, slightly offended that he saw me as nothing more than a distraction.

"Just leave. Stay out of my way and let me focus." He warned.

I made my way out of the woods, still very frustrated. Fuck him. If he wants to toy around with me like that, then I'll do the same to him. He can't just kiss me like that, and then tell me to leave.

I turned around a few feet away from him now. He was still looking at me, so I quickly lifted my shirt up, flashing him my breasts. I could see the hunger in his eyes almost instantly. I pulled my shirt back down and stuck my tongue out at him as I flipped him off.

"Fuck you!" I turned back around, walking away.

I felt pretty good about myself for a couple of seconds until his large arm wrapped around my waist. He threw me down to the ground, instantly crawling over me. His lips were kissing my neck as his hand made its way up my shirt. I wanted to resist. I wanted to shove him off me and leave him wanting, but I didn't have the willpower. He's my mate and his touch alone is like a high I'd never felt before.

His lips came crashing down on mine with such hunger. He wasn't as gentle this time. He was dying to have me. His hand found my breast and squeezed it. A small moan escaped me, and he used that opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. He rolled my nipple in his fingers, causing waves of pleasure to roll through me. I could feel my underwear getting soaked. I wanted him so much, and I didn't even know his name.

Another moan escaped me as he lifted my shirt up and sucked on my other nipple. My hips swayed, wanting a release from the pressure building inside me. He could feel, and more than likely, smell, my arousal. I saw him stare up at me, my nipple still in his mouth.

I heard a twig snap at that very moment, and he let go of me, quickly pulling my shirt down as he stood me up. He hid me behind him as he looked in the snap's direction. A small bunny hopped out in front of us, and we both relaxed then.

Damn rabbit.

I didn't want to hear him send me away again, so I pushed past him, heading back to my dorm without a word. He let me go this time. I was so frustrated, not only did I not get a release, I also didn't get any answers I liked. I didn't even figure out his name.

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