I went to open my dorm door to find it locked.

What the hell?

I knocked, greeted with silence. She may want to pretend like I don't exist, and this is a single dorm, but I'll be damned if she thinks she can just keep me out of my room. I am in no mood. Hope she's decent, cause I'm coming in!

I used all my strength and pulled the doorknob out, successfully opening the door. Roommate yelled as I entered. She had a boy over, which is a big no no at this time of night. I raised my eyebrows at her in surprise.

"Stop yelling!" I scolded her as I popped the doorknob back and closed the door.

"I locked the door for a reason!" She retorted as she tried to cover herself with her sheets.

"Oh, get over it." I rolled my eyes at her as I sat on the bed. "If you wanted privacy, you could have mentioned it beforehand, so I could have found a place to stay. Get your boy toy out of here. I need to sleep."

Boy toy turned out to be Luke as he peeked his head out from under the blanket. Of course, it would be him, here, tonight, with her.

"I can't sneak him out now. He has to stay the night or Brittney will see him." Roommate stated.

"Too bad."I shrugged my shoulders. I was in no mood to be sympathetic.

"Come on, Rain, don't let me get in trouble." Luke said in that same tone of voice he used when he asked me to sleep with him for the first time. He thought he still had some emotional hold on me, and it pissed me off more.

"Seriously Luke?" I stood up off the bed, ready to pull him by the hair and kick him out.

"Please." He added, desperate. My arms stayed crossed for a while as I tried to calm myself. I was exhausted from the emotional whiplash my mate had put me through. I just want to sleep, not deal with this.

"Whatever, just keep it in your pants and way on that side," I said, popping my shoes off.

I laid on my side facing the wall, not wanting to see those blue eyes of his. Not wanting to see her. I would like to pretend like I don't care, but it actually hurts a little to see them together.

Morning came quickly. I turned to find Luke still in my roommate's bed, but she herself was gone.

"Kaitlyn went to class." Luke answered as he saw me look at the empty spot beside him.

"So that's her name." I scoffed.

"You didn't know your own roommate's name?" He asked, surprised.

"That was her choice. Real classy lady you got there." I rolled my eyes as I got off my bed, grabbing my things to shower.

"You sure you don't wanna undress here first?" He asked flirtingly. Has he always been this shameless?

"I'm sure." He got off the bed, making his way towards me.

I didn't retreat. I wanted him to see that I didn't care. He was a few inches away from me, and I stared him dead in the eyes, never once looking down at his lips. He looked at mine a few times, though.

"What happened to you?" I couldn't help but ask, causing him to take a step back.

"It's complicated." He answered, sitting back on Kaitlyn's bed.

"You could have told me." I whispered, remembering the heartbreak he left me with.

"I'm sorry." He kicked his shoes, trying to find something to fidget with under my gaze.

"Whatever." I grabbed my things and left.

I took a shower, putting my things back away when I was done. Luke was gone from the room by then. I had about 20 minutes before my first class.

I headed down to the commons and grabbed some breakfast, eating it on the way over. When I entered the building, I bumped into someone, not paying attention. I went to apologize, but realized it was Luke.

What the hell?

"You've got to be kidding me? You're majoring in medicine?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Is it really that hard to believe?" He seemed offended.

"Yes, it really is." My words seemed to hurt him a little. I didn't care ‌as the scent of pine and cinnamon filled the air again. He was near, and I was searching for him.

"Rain, I know you're mad at me, but you don't have to be so mean," Luke continued, getting in the way.

"Luke, go away." I ordered him, scanning the room for my mate. I couldn't see him still, but the smell was growing stronger.

"We're gonna have to get along, Rain. We'll probably be working together in class." He pleaded, but I kept looking past him, still frantically searching.

I caught sight of his hair from across the room. He seemed to notice me at the same time. Luke stepped in front of me again, blocking my mate from view. I was growing very irritated with Luke at the moment.

"Oh my gosh, move Luke. I really don't care right now." I went to push my way past him, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Rain, we need to talk. We didn't get a chance this morning." He said firmly, but I was so annoyed. I needed him to let me go so I could try to speak with my mate again.

"Not now." I tried to pull my wrist away from him, but he had a tight grip. I was stuck, and I hated it. The desperation to be near my mate was consuming me. I needed Luke to let me go.

Just as I was about to give up, a large hand grabbed Luke's arm, and my own, pulling them apart.

"She told you to go away." He told Luke.

My mate had come to my rescue, and my heart was racing at the feel of his hand on my forearm. He put his arm around my lower back, guiding me away from Luke. He leaned his head down to my ear and whispered.

"I didn't realize you were so shameless. Being with him right after me last night." His tone was slightly ominous, yet the tickle of his breath in my ear had my hairs standing. "Stay away from him," he ordered.

"You can't tell me what to do. You've made it very clear you don't want to be my mate." I barked, slightly frustrated at his audacity and his assumption. I was not with Luke in the way he's implying last night.

"You need to stay away from him." He warned, as he turned me around to look at him. His eyes were golden as his wolf struggled to stay below the surface.

Knowing he was struggling brought a smile to my face. I wanted him to be miserable with me. He was the one causing it. He was the one that wanted me to stay away from him.

"Why?" I asked, poking at him. "Why should I?"

"This is your warning. Don't let me see you with him again… or else," he said as his eyes devoured me.

"Or else what?"

"You'll regret it," he stated. The warning only seemed to pique my interest more. It made me want to find out exactly what would happen.

"Guess we'll see what happens," I said as I walked away towards my class. I could feel him watch me leave.

"Charles, what are you doing with that freshman?" I heard someone call after him.

Charles. His name was Charles. My mate, Charles.

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