Chapter 2
Augustus' P.O.V.
"Harder, Gus, Harder!" The dark-haired beauty beneath me screamed.
fuck, what was her name again? Janet? Jennifer? It starts with a J; I know that for sure.
I thrusted deep inside of her, filling her as much as I could, till I grazed her cervix. She moaned in pleasure, swaying her hips against me.
"Hey, as.sholes, I need my books!" I heard Nova's familiar voice.
I thought she was gone. Dammit, she's going to talk my ear off later. fuck. I didn't stop though, the feel of Janice's pussy was too good to leave right now. She continued to moan, not caring that Nova was at the door.
"Hey!" She continued banging on the door. I know she will not go away until she gets what she needs. I looked around, finding some books beside her bed. I sent them to her shadow on the other side of the door.
"Not the right ones, Augustus." Dammit. She said Augustus, she's pissed. I took back the ones I sent, sending out another stack. "Thanks, Jackass."
shit I'm in trouble.
I pushed that thought aside, focusing on Jaclyn beneath me. My lips kissed her neck, licking and sucking on her most tender areas. I may sleep around, but I please the woman I'm with before myself. Her muscles clenched around my dick as she reached her orgasm. I thrusted into her faster, releasing myself into the condom I was wearing.
'Where the hell are you? Class is about to start.' I heard Ares' shadow message ripple through my shadow.
"Gotta go, sweetheart. Thanks for this." I kissed her one last time, throwing the condom away and cleaning myself off before changing the surrounding scenery.
I traveled through the shadows, using Ares' shadow door as my destination. I sat beside him as if I'd been there the entire time. He gave me a knowing and disapproving look. The dark purple walls in the class reminded me of Jesse's room back home. I looked around, finding her further down the front. Her light brown hair was easy to spot amongst all the black and dark brown. She had it cut in a short pixie style that showed her small round face and firm jaw off.
She was showing off her new tattoo on her collarbone by the way she loosened her tie and had her first few shirt buttons undone. She was showing too much skin . I used my shadow to button up one of her buttons. She looked around, giving me a pointed look when she found me. I narrowed my face in a big brother means business way. She rolled her eyes, but she left it buttoned up.
"She's getting older, Augustus. You're gonna have to leave her alone." Ares told me.
"Like hell, she could be 20 and I'm still going to tell her what to do." I argued. She's my little sister. I gotta protect her from guys like me.
"Get your life together first, before you try to tell someone else how to live," Ares snarked.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped, looking at him closely for the first time.
He tied his long black hair in a tall bun. He narrowed those all knowing lilac eyes at me. There was a serious look about him as he eyed me. He crossed his arms, leaning back against the black cushioned chair.
"You know exactly what that means. Why do you even feel the need to sleep around with so many girls? Mom would kill you if she knew." He shook his head disapprovingly.
"We can't all be perfect, little Ares. According to mom, you do no wrong. There could be a dead body on the floor with you holding the bloody knife, and she still wouldn't believe it was you." Mom took care of Ares differently than she did Jesse and I.
I know it's because his dad is dead, but I think she began to favor him as we grew up. Maybe because she misses his dad, and he apparently looks a lot like him. Jesse and I both see it, so I know it's not only in my head. Ares is the perfect child. There's no competing with him, so why bother?
"I'm not perfect." He said, not giving me a chance to counter before our teacher appeared.
"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Her dark burgundy hair and Irish accent hit me with a smile. May was our teacher this year. What luck!
"You better wipe the smile off your face. She's going to be harsher on us because she knows us. It's the opposite of what you're thinking. We're in for a rough semester." Ares informed me, crushing my hopes.
May was one of Mom's few close girl friends. May and her son would come over and play with us often. He's around Jesse's age and even has some classes with her. Jesse is technically not supposed to be in this class, but she's ahead of the rest of her classmates at using the shadows. How could she not be with Mom as our mother and Topher as her father?
Topher is a badass shadow fighter and our mayor of the West colony. He's loved by everyone in town, and could beat anyone's ass in a second. Mom and he are relentless with training. There's no one here anywhere near our league because of them. Mom has expectations of us and makes them known.
'I expect the same of each of you. Don't take anyone's shit. Return it tenfold. Be the victor of every battle, but pick them wisely.'
Her words rang in my head. One of the many things she'd tell us over and over. I shook the memory out of my head, trying to focus on May at the front of the room. Her light eyes landed on my gold ones.
"I see the Watts family is here." We all have different last times, so everyone refers to us as the Watts, which is mom's name. The name of the sole surviving original family. "I hope to train you enough to one day beat one of them."
She grinned at us with a challenge…keep getting stronger or risk being caught up to. I tensed, feeling my phoenix stir at the challenge. Dad helped me awaken it fully, without having to die. I don't plan on ever using that part of my phoenix ability, because I don't plan on ever being killed by someone.
Ares pulled a strong shadow shield up behind our back as a fast shadow tried to attack us. His eyes flashed with the many futures before us. He pushed off my chair, simultaneously moving both of us as they sent another shadow hurtling between us where we'd been.
'Sombra, tame,' I told my shadow.
'Gladly.' Its dual toned voice responded. Shadows don't have genders. There's not really much about them to distinguish them either way, having a woman's and man's voice at the same time.
Sombra was an ancient shadow with abilities like no other. Stronger than that of the first shadow weaver shadow. Sombra stopped all the surrounding shadows. I was the only one who could use the shadows, which Sombra froze in time.
"Together, you two are invincible, but we'll see how you fare apart." May said, letting me know she was the one that had been attacking. She smiled excitedly at us, and I could see my easy semester dreams quickly fading away.
Damn, this is going to be a long semester.