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Julie pulled up at her parents' house precisely two hours after her mother had told her to be there.

On purpose.

Her mother opened the front door as soon as the car stopped and was practically jumping through the window before Julie could even open the car door.

"I told you to be here at noon! Why must you always fight me on these things?" her mother whined.

"Hi, Mom. It's nice to see you, too. How are you doing?" Julie replied with apparent patience.

"I am up to my neck in hors d'oeuvres and drinks, trying to get ready for Aunt Clara's arrival. That's how I'm doing!"

"Brenda. Give the girl some room. It's not her fault you insist on putting out the big spread today!" Her father called from the front porch.

Julie gave her father a delighted smile and bit back a laugh at the look of exasperation he threw at his wife of thirty years.

At sixty-one, Ned Harrison did not look a day over forty. He had managed to maintain his good looks even as his thick dark hair had started showing signs of grey in it. He always blamed his wife for most of them. However, Julie had a feeling that several of those grey hairs were her doing as well.

The contrast between Ned's youthful look and Brenda's was almost startling at first. Her mother had always taken great pains to appear younger than her 55 years. But they never quite worked. Sure, at a glance, Brenda's dyed blonde hair and dark blue eyes looked younger. But as a person looked longer and took in the frown lines and caked-on makeup. They could see that she was definitely trying not to look her age.

Brenda smoothed down her blue and yellow paisley-designed dress that somehow managed to look old-fashioned and the height of fashion all at the same time. She gave her husband a little snarky look out of the corner of her eyes. She was not happy that he didn't take her side in the battle of wills she was having with her daughter.

"Well, I guess I'll go back inside and work on getting the food out. Your cousins are in the living room. You might want to drop in and say hi to them as would be polite," Brenda told her before huffing her way back inside.

Brenda's hard emphasis on "polite" was an annoying reminder that Julie's manners were essential to her mother.

Ned tried to pull his wife into a hug as she passed by to soothe her hurt feelings. But Brenda would have none of it and ignored him before shutting the front door firmly, making both husband and daughter wince.

"Yeah. She's pissed," Julie warned her dad unnecessarily.

Ned shook his head and shrugged. "You know how she gets when Clara the Great and Mighty shows up."

Julie nodded sympathetically. "So, when is Her Royal Highness supposed to be here?"

Ned looked at his watch. "Ohhh, about three hours ago."

"Three hours?! And Mom's bitching about me?" Julie cried.

"Clara can do no wrong, remember? You are required to be on time... Clara is just fashionably late!"

Julie found it a little comforting that she and her mother were pissed at each other at the same time. After all, misery loves company.

Julie shook her head in frustration and looked around her parents' front lawn, trying to summon some enthusiasm to be there. The yard was decorated with an insane amount of tacky inflatable Christmas figures that Julie sincerely wanted to punch every time she saw them. On every ledge on the front of the house hung a variety of Christmas lights that Julie was willing to bet money on matching the lights draped over every bush and tree that stood close by. If her father had the time and energy, those lights would blink in rhythm to some cheesy, poorly replicated Christmas song blasting out of the speaker by the front stairs.

Oh, yep, there's the speaker. Julie thought as she spotted a little black box that sat next to the porch railing. Julie shook her head at the absurdity of the season, then pulled her suitcase out of the car. Her father tried to take the huge bag from her, but Julie pulled it away.

"I got it, Dad. Save your back. I know Mom's probably had you hanging this stupid shit since the beginning of the week. I can carry my own bag," she told him.

Her father gave her a grateful smile and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Glad you're home, kid. Let's go 'be polite' to your annoying ass cousins," he quipped and led her into the house.

Her cousins were sprawled across the couch as if they owned the place. As they yelled at the game on the television, they somehow managed to alternate between eating the enormous amount of snacks Brenda had provided and sucking down beer as if it was going bad.

Julie rolled her eyes as they started a childish game of seeing who could burp the loudest. They were absolutely disgusting. To Clara, however, they were her crown jewels and could do no wrong.

Clara's husband had died in an accident shortly after the twin boys were born, leaving her to raise them on her own. Which actually meant hiring nannies or the like while Clara continued to live the way she always wanted to. She managed to get a job at a very prestigious law firm and worked her way up the ladder until she was one of the CEOs and could afford such luxuries. But as a result, her two boys had been left to fend for themselves at an early age. They had no manners or sense of responsibility, which was all too obvious.

"How long are they going to be here?" Julie whispered to her father.

"Not long. Your cousins are just here for the night to see Clara and meet her new boyfriend, and then they'll be leaving again," Ned reassured her.

"Oh, thank god," Julie breathed out.

"Don't celebrate so soon. They'll be back for Christmas day," her father warned her quietly.

"Of course," Julie snarked out. "They'd never miss an opportunity for free stuff."

At that moment, her cousins spied her and sprung instantly into a loud chorus of annoying greetings.

"Hey, cuz! Looking hot!" shouted Randall.

"Hey, Jules! How's it hanging?" shouted the even worse Rodney.

Julie rolled her eyes. "I know you've never actually touched a real woman. But I'm sure even YOU can remember from anatomy class, but nothing actually hangs off me. If it did, I would need a doctor."

Too stupid to realize she was making fun of them, the guys just laughed... then belched and got distracted by their game again.

"I'm gonna go put my things in my room. Is my old one still available?" Julie asked her father.

Ned nodded sympathetically, recognizing it as a ploy to escape her disgusting cousins.

Racing up the stairs with her suitcase in her hand, she hit the door to her old room like the hounds of hell were on her heels and slammed it shut before they could attack her. Safe, she looked around her old room that had once served as a sanctuary from her mother's incessant nipping at her and sighed heavily.

The room, itself, hadn't changed a bit over the years. Even Julie's posters were still decorating her walls; each one was a testament to Julie's eclectic tastes in life. Everything from her favorite movie stars to actual constellations to bands to her favorite humorous sayings that still apply to her today, both sarcastic and/or meaningful.

Every shelf, dresser, and desk still held all the items she had adored growing up. Julie moved over to her overflowing bookshelf and nostalgically ran her hand over the titles. She had read them all half a dozen times, but they still held a special place in her heart.

The room was a shrine to everything that had made Julie the woman she was. It felt good, even for a moment, to look it over. She had been feeling restless lately and thinking it was time for a change somewhere. She just wasn't sure where. She had considered dying her blond hair some crazy color to see if she could pull it off again. Or, maybe, a second tattoo. She had a spiraled design along one of her sides. It had been a picture that she had fancied when she had walked into the tattoo parlor. Just something to help round out the person Julie was.

As she ran across the more luscious side of her reading tastes, an idea sprung to mind that put a smile on her face.

Maybe she needed to get laid.

Julie enjoyed sex. It was never the fire and fireworks that people always discussed when they talked about a passionate night. But she had never had a complaint before, and right now, she definitely would not say no to a night of sordid sex. Maybe even a good home-cooked breakfast the next day. Depending on how the post-coitus conversation went, she might even give him her number... and answer if he calls.

Crazier things have happened.

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