Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Julie felt like crying in anger when she woke up after a very restless night's sleep. She glanced out the window and groaned when she saw the sun had barely crested over the low mountains.

Unwilling to toss and turn in her bed any longer, Julie stumbled down the stairs, beckoned by the smell of delicious fresh coffee. Her feet skidded to a stop when she realized the kitchen was occupied by the very last person she wanted to see... especially without coffee.

Shane looked up from his cup, and his lips curved up in a cocky smile.

"Well, good morning, sunshine," Shane greeted her pleasantly.

Julie wasn't sure which confused her more: how energetic he seemed so early in the morning or how genuinely happy he was to see her. There was no way she was awake enough to untangle the sudden web of emotions that grew in her chest.

Julie grumbled something along the lines of: "need coffee." Then she stumbled toward the awaiting kraft of sweet morning ambrosia.

But Shane, with the speed only agile people had, stepped between Julie and her treasure.

Julie looked up to meet his steady gaze with what she hoped was a harsh glare that withered anyone who dared to make her angry.

Shane, however, didn't even blink as he took her fiery gaze.

"I said, good morning," he repeated evenly, expectantly.

Julie knew he was waiting for her to say good morning back. But what person in their right mind could talk before their first cup of coffee? Damn him, Shane was holding the precious liquid hostage behind his broad, expansive back.

"Morning," Julie mumbled and tried to move past him.

The stupid, evil man stepped in front of her again. Frustrated, Julie stomped one bare foot on the ground and growled at him as her glare became daggers right into his stupid, stupid face.

Shane chuckled, then grabbed her chin in a firm but delicate grasp. The shocking spark of his touch shook Julie out of her grumpiness. The lack of space made her mind stutter to a stop and her entire being focused on him. Whatever she was going to say next was swallowed by her suddenly dry mouth. Julie met his intense, steady gaze and couldn't do anything except wait for his next move.

"Darlin', I love your fire. But not when that fire is pointed at me. This time, when I say good morning... I expect to get a decent answer. Or you're gonna stand there and watch me drink all your coffee."

Julie's eyes grew wide with horror. "You wouldn't dare!"

Shane's smile turned pure evil, beyond wicked, straight into the devil's grin. "Watch me, kitten. If you don't sheath your claws, your coffee will be the least of your concerns."

Julie wanted to growl once more, maybe snarl and threaten to bite. But she had a feeling that a man like Shane would follow through on his threats, and she didn't want to know what was worse than not having her coffee.

She sagged in his grasp, knowing when the fight was over. Shane seemed to note when she gave in, and a look of satisfaction came over his face.

"Good morning, Julie," he crooned.

His thumb strayed from her chin and caressed her jawline as his mouth made her name sound like an exotic word.

"Good morning, Shane," Julie responded breathlessly.

Heat rushed through her body as her entire world centered on Shane and his thumb. Even though his fingers were far away, Julie felt her nipples harden and ache for his touch. Nothing mattered except Shane and his hand. She no longer cared about the coffee or the fact that she was tired. Nor the fact that this man was spoken for... by her aunt, no less.

As soon as the thought crossed her hazy mind, Julie snapped out of the trance by reality. Julie quickly shook his hand off her chin and stepped away from him. She firmly kept her eyes on anything in the room besides Shane.

Their behavior was utterly mortifying. Who the hell did he think he was? Crazy! That's who he was! Absolutely crazy and insane!

But if he was, so was Julie. Her body throbbed for his hands again, and her mind couldn't stop picturing those hands pinning her to the spot and doing naughty, delicious, filthy things to her.

She had to get away from him immediately.

"May I have my coffee now?" she asked quietly.

Every word she said was purposeful and even, hopefully, giving nothing away. She had almost thought she'd gotten away with it until Shane had raised that damned eyebrow of his. He was seeing right through her efforts, and that irritated her to no end.

Instead of moving out of her way, Shane turned and grabbed an empty cup. "Tell me how you take it."

"I can do it," Julie insisted, feeling odd about him serving her.

"I have no doubt that you can, sugar. But I want to. How do you take your coffee?" Shane repeated with patience that Julie didn't realize he had.

"With cream and sugar."

Julie kept her instructions purposely vague so she would have to redo it. She didn't want to accept anything from him for fear of him seeing it as a cry for attention. As much as she didn't want to admit it, Shane was quickly becoming a fascinating sight to watch. Even doing something as simple as moving around and making coffee was a pleasure to watch.

Shane didn't just walk; the man fucking glided like a cat. She had never met a person so comfortable in their own skin. Shane oozed confidence, bordering on pure arrogance. This was a man who knew exactly what his body was made for and what it could do.

Oh god, she bet he knew exactly how to use his body.

"How do you like it?" His voice interrupted the beginnings of a highly erotic fantasy.

"Wh-what?" Julie stuttered as reality clashed with imagination.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she wondered if he could see what she was thinking. It wasn't such a farfetched thought since he seemed to be able to tell exactly how she was feeling. The flush on her cheeks grew when he held up her coffee cup, and she realized what he had meant.

"Th-thank you," she said quickly, trying to recover.

Worried that her tight throat would only refuse to accept any liquids, Julie took a slow, tentative sip and let it sit on her tongue before attempting to swallow it.

Julie had another problem as soon as she swallowed. She had never tasted anything so perfectly delicious as the cup of coffee he had made her outside of a coffee house. It took all her strength not to moan out loud as the delicious ambrosia slid down her throat.

The cup of coffee was absolutely perfect.

Of course, it was! How could he have done anything else? Julie thought sardonically.

"Good?" Shane pushed with a knowing grin.

Julie nodded and took another sip. "Thank you."

Shane's smile turned into a self-satisfied smirk. "You're welcome, sugar."

He moved away to pick up his cup, and the room fell quiet. With anyone else, the silence would have been stretched and awkward. But that wasn't how it was with Shane. It was a comforting, relaxed silence that Julie would have gladly endured as she woke up.

However, the very fact that it was so comfortable sent Julie scrambling for a safe topic to break the silence.

Out of nowhere, a shrill ring caused her to jump, spilling the steaming hot coffee on herself.

"FUCK!" she spat, pulling her soaked pajama shirt away from her skin before the hot liquid burned her.

With a wicked chuckle, Shane grabbed the towel next to the sink and handed it to Julie.

"Yeah?" Shane answered his phone curtly as he walked out of the kitchen.

Julie did her best to dry herself off before finishing what little was left of the perfect cup of coffee. She made a new cup to take upstairs while she dressed. However, a small experimental sip told her it didn't even touch the cup Shane had made her.

With a frustrated sound, Julie dumped it down the sink and put her dirty cup in the dishwasher before heading up to change. Julie decided that a good jog around the block would replace the lack of caffeine in her system. There was no way Julie could deal with her family without a clear head.

After tying her hair up in a high ponytail, Julie tossed on a pair of leggings and a thin sweater before slipping on her well-used jogging shoes. She slid on her noise-canceling headphones and took a moment to find her favorite playlist.

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