CHAPTER 7: Such an Awkward Encounter
No matter what becomes of my relationship with Daniel, I have to visit my mom. I can live without a husband, but I can't live without my mother. She's the only family I have left in this world.
I used to work in the acupuncture department at Riverside General Hospital, so when I walked in, my former colleagues were shocked to see me.
"Kate, you had your baby so soon?"
"No, that can't be right. I remember your due date was in September."
"Wait, could it be…?"
I didn't feel like responding to their fake concern. I just forced a weak smile and made my way to the elevator.
It wasn't until I stepped out of the elevator and saw the many pregnant women walking around that I realized my mistake—I had pressed the button for the third floor out of habit.
The third floor was obstetrics. Daniel worked on the third floor.
It wasn't even time for his shift yet, and his office door was still closed. But the hallway was already busy with patients holding their appointment slips, waiting for their turn.
I saw a young couple sitting on a nearby bench, their heads leaning together as they looked at the ultrasound pictures in the woman's hands.
"She's only 1,300 grams, so small!" the woman said.
The man gently touched her belly and smiled. "She's still small, but she'll grow."
The sight of them stopped me in my tracks.
I envied them. No matter how much I had mentally prepared myself for this moment, such a tender scene still struck a deep chord of pain in me.
Not wanting to break down in front of everyone, I rushed into the bathroom before the tears could fall. I locked myself inside a stall, hoping to regain control.
Moments later, someone else entered the bathroom, and I heard the door lock.
"Stop it! Work is about to start. Don't do that!" a woman's voice giggled.
"Chloe, I can't even go a second without seeing you. You've got me hooked," came Daniel's voice.
I froze on the spot.
Hearing Daniel say her name confirmed everything. I now knew who this other woman was.
There was only one Chloe in Riverside General Hospital: Chloe Lane, the anesthesiologist.
Obstetrics and anesthesiology worked closely together, so it made sense they'd interact often. What I didn't know was that their relationship had become intimate—very intimate.
"Daniel, where do you think Kate disappeared to?" Chloe asked.
"I don't know, but she'll come to the hospital eventually. Her mom's still here," Daniel replied, sounding so casual.
Wow, he really knew me well.
"You're right. And don't worry, Daniel. Kate doesn't have any family backing her. Even if she gets hurt, she won't dare do anything."
"Yeah, all she needs is money. I'll give her a settlement, and she'll agree to the divorce."
"Daniel, I've waited long enough. You need to end it with her soon. I don't want to wait anymore."
"Don't worry, Chloe. I won't let you down."
How confident he sounded, as if his promises meant anything. The sad thing was, Daniel had once said similar things to me. It was laughable.
Are men's promises really as worthless as garbage?
Moments later, I heard the unmistakable sounds of them giving in to their desires.
I clenched my fists, wanting nothing more than to burst out of the stall and expose them, embarrass them in front of everyone. But as much as I hated what was happening, I couldn't bring myself to do it. The whole situation was already humiliating enough for me.
So, I stayed still, forcing myself to endure the sounds of Chloe's moans and Daniel's heavy breathing.
In that moment, I wished more than anything to be deaf.
Suddenly, my phone rang, its shrill sound cutting through the air like a blade.
Everything outside went silent.
There was no point pretending I wasn't in the stall anymore.
The phone was still ringing—it was Lucas calling.
I had no idea why Lucas was calling me, but his timing couldn't have been more perfect. It felt like fate had stepped in, forcing me to confront them.
With as much composure as I could muster, I opened the stall door and stepped out, answering the phone as I did so.
"Where are you?" Lucas's voice came through the line.
"I'm at Riverside General Hospital," I said, keeping it short before hanging up.
I kept my gaze fixed on the two of them as I stepped out into the open, making sure my expression was calm and controlled.
The looks on their faces were priceless—like they'd just seen a ghost.
It took them a few seconds to snap out of their shock. Daniel fumbled to pull up his pants, while Chloe's face turned bright red. Even the thickest-skinned person would find it hard not to be embarrassed after being caught like that.
And it wasn't just anyone who had caught them—it was me, Daniel's legal wife.
Chloe, clearly angry and embarrassed, slowly pulled up her pants. She jumped down from the sink and turned to me with a smug look on her face.
"Kate, now that you've seen everything, I guess we don't have to break the news to you. I'm with Daniel now, and I'm pregnant. You should pack your bags and leave him."
I stared at her, stunned. My eyes moved to her still-flat stomach.
No wonder Daniel had been so eager to get rid of my baby. His mistress was pregnant too.
Ha! This was too much.
I glared at Daniel.
"Pregnant, and yet you were going at it like animals? How low can you go?"
Chloe snorted and wrapped her arm around Daniel, looking at me with disdain.
"He enjoys being with me. What's wrong, Kate? Can't handle the truth? If you can't keep your man, don't blame me."
I had met shameless people before, but never had I encountered someone who was proud of being so disgraceful. Chloe was a first.
I smiled bitterly.
"You're right, Chloe. I could never match your talent for enjoying such filth."
Chloe's face darkened with insult, and she raised her hand to slap me. Daniel grabbed her wrist just in time and turned to me.
"Come to my office," he said.
At one time, I would have been afraid to face him, especially after everything that happened. But I wasn't afraid anymore. When you reach rock bottom, you have nothing left to lose.
There were many patients waiting outside Daniel's office. After he unlocked the door, I stood there, watching him.
"Whatever you have to say, you can say it here. I have nothing to hide," I said loudly enough for the people nearby to hear, hoping to embarrass him.
Daniel shot me a glare and pulled me into the office, slamming the door shut behind us.
He sat behind his desk, still looking awkward and out of place. He drank half a glass of water before finally speaking.
"You shouldn't be out in the cold in your condition."
I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.
"Did I hear that right? Are you actually showing concern for me? Concern for the wife you're about to throw out on the street? What would your mistress think?"
I had never spoken so harshly in my life.
Daniel had once been the man I'd vowed to love for the rest of my life, but now I wished I could tear open his chest and see just how black his heart had become.
Daniel frowned deeply, clasping his hands together on the desk.
"Kate, calm down. We both know where this is going. Let's just divorce."
I figured Daniel and Chloe had been sneaking around for quite some time. He'd been hiding it well, but now that she was pregnant, he had no choice but to tear off his mask.
But I wasn't going to make it easy for him.
"And if I say no?" I shouted. "I know I was blind to have married you, but I'm not giving you a divorce. You want to marry her? Go ahead, Daniel. Commit bigamy. I'll make sure you rot in jail for it!"
My emotions boiled over, and I couldn't help but yell.
Daniel tugged at his collar, clearly irritated.
"You're too emotional right now. We can talk when you've calmed down."
After a moment, he stood up and approached me, twisting the knife even deeper.
"But let's be clear—my mind is made up. There's no going back, Kate. Chloe and I are keeping the baby."
The mention of the baby brought the memory of that black plastic bag from last night rushing back. My heart ached fiercely.
"So Chloe's baby is precious, and mine was nothing but trash?" I spat.
Daniel's lips twisted into a cold smile.
"Our marriage was a mistake, Kate. Come back and pack your things. Let's end this civilly."
"End it civilly?" I laughed bitterly.
"You murdered our child and broke me beyond repair. And you think this is civil? Well, Daniel, if you think you're getting what you want that easily, you've got another thing coming. You just wait and see."