"Can you not see the peace I'm enjoying since she left me?" I told Ollie giggling as I emptied my can of soda, "That resignation was the only thing that would have separated us, I didn't know that at some point, she would use her head."
Ollie smirked, "Let's drink to that then," he said and we clinked cans of soda drinking sumptuously. "Oh my God! I have never been this peaceful Ollie,"
"It's good to have her out of the company, your grandma won't blame you for losing a worker because she opted out of the company herself," he said while we busted out laughing. One thing I love Ollie, he knows how to take my side ever since we were kids.
"I'm so so so happy. Especially now that I won't have to fight with Natalie over my childish pranks with her."
"But you suffered, that woman is so ugly, how were you able to behold her face every morning anyway? You even kissed her,"
"Hey, I don't even want to hear that. Don't you even say it all," Ollie began to laugh while I frowned. "It's not funny, you can't make fun of me with that kiss,"
"Did you tell Natalie?" he asked while I shook my head.
"How can I tell Natalie that I kissed another woman? Not even another woman but an ape like Dahila? Am I crazy? That's a trauma I'm going to live with forever."
Ollie continued laughing which can be annoying sometimes because he doesn't just know when to be serious, "This isn't funny,"
"But it is, do you know how much you fretted and acted out of place because of her. She's so intimidating,"
"She's...well, enough of it. I need to get home. Natalie hates late night walking whenever she's around,"
"She's around?" Ollie asked while I nodded my head as I stood up and grabbed my coat.
"She hss been in my house since two days ago, see you later Ollie," I waved as I came out of the bar and went straight to my car.
I got into it and drove off heading home, humming relaxed love songs until I was in the comfort of my home, my love, and my bed.
"I dare you to kiss me..." I whispered while Dahila smirked grabbing hold of my collar, fixing her lips on mine. Aggressive at first before I started to lose it, wrapping my hands around her butt as I pushed her into the couch.
My body was in flames... I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed, hold on? Did I just dream of Dahila again? Not just any dream this time but a wet dream? Oh fuck!!! I must be insane! I'm going crazy!!
I slipped out of bed and headed into the bathroom quietly so I wouldn't wake Natalie. I tugged down my pajamas and I shuddered at the sight of my cum splattered all over.
How the hell will I be dreaming of Dahila? Having sex with Dahila?!!
"Why is God punishing me like this?" Ever since she resigned, I've dreamt of her but they were never about sex. We were always fighting and I always woke up victorious but today is different. Sex with Dahila?
"Are you okay?" Natalie asked as she walked in without my notice, I had jerked turning to look at her, with my pajamas in my hands.
Her eyes drifted lower to my manhood, colors appearing on her cheeks, "Why didn't you say you wanted it instead of coming to the bathroom to jerk off by yourself?" She asked as she drifted closer, knelt, and took a hold of my dick.
The touch was lethal. It reminded me of Natalie. Why we start dating. Why I always loved and chose her.
It'd be unfair if that ape like bastard keep appearing and haunting me in my dreams!!
"Ahhh..." I gasped as I splattered all over Natalie's face, she smiled and kissed me. She went over the sink and rinsed her face.
"Can we go to bed now?" She asked as she led me away, I cuddled next to her in my bed until the next morning.
I dressed up for work, "Babe, I will be going home today, my mom is coming over for my sister's wedding happening downtown. Would you mind if we go there together?"
"Wait..." I halted, loosening my tie, "You mean your younger sister is getting married?"
"Of course she is, I'm so happy for her. She met the guy just two years ago and they're getting married."
And like every other time, I know where this conversation is heading and it never benefited us as both of us always end up fighting at the end of every conversation like this.
It'd be better if I just avoid it, "I will try and come over in the evening, would your mom want to see me? You know she doesn't like me at all,"
Natalie sighed, "You have to understand my mom a little, she just doesn't see why I'm not married and my younger sister is getting married."
And Natalie is walking me into a trap that she has craftily created and I need to avoid it now and fast! "Alright, but I have to go." I said and kissed her, "See you later," I said while she handed me over my smoothie which I thanked her for before getting into my car with my briefcase.
I heaved calling Ollie, "Natalie is in the talks of marriage again," I reported as I drove off while he sighed heavily.
"You have to understand her Davis, she's not getting any younger, why don't you just consider..."
"You know that I don't like marriage talks," I interrupted regretting ever calling him in the first place so I hung up. He can be my best friend but sometimes, he's nothing but an annoying piece of shit!
As I opened my office door and walked in, I was shocked to see my forever nightmare standing in the middle of my office, probably waiting for me. Why? Why would she wait for me? Memories of last night's dream flooded into my head and I swallowed hating the sight of her.
I hate seeing her early in the morning, must she punish me like this? But I did nothing to her. Oh Gawd! Aren't we over this?
"What are you doing here? I thought you resigned, you can't be in here without permission, get out!" I yelled but she stood rooted on the floor.
"Didn't you hear me? I said get out!!!" But instead of leaving, she began to come close to me, I buttoned up my suit staring and watching her every step and move until she said.
"Truth or Dare"
What's with the game? What is she scheming? What's her problem? Is she trying to do something nasty again? Heck no! No Truth or Dare again.
"Truth," I replied boldly, I can't be scared of her.
Does she even know who I am? She's nothing but an ordinary woman who is my nightmare.
Her hands rested on the table glaring into my eyes. "Do you like bad news or good news?"
"I love both," I said feeling attacked by that question. She nodded her head and turned around heading towards the exit, I sprang up to my feet, I couldn't let her get away, "Truth or Dare," I said, I wanted to know what she was thinking when she asked me that.
"Truth." She replied on a standstill, "I'm pregnant for you."
What? She's pregnant for me? How?!