"What are you saying?" He started after laughing for what seemed like an eternity, sizing me up with his eyes, "That my penis went into you?" He asked sounding so ridiculous in my ears.
His penis went into me? Is that something he should be worried about at the moment? I am the one who should be screaming, disgusted that his stupid penis was inside of me!!
I should be the one freaking out, committing suicide because I let him sleep with me in his office!! My body!! You know how to disgrace me, don't you?
This is the biggest surprise for me when my twenty fifth birthday is just tomorrow.
"Wait. Hold on." He was pacing around his office like a madman, "Are you sure that's my baby?" He was running his hand through his hair, not for anything but just to annoy me.
"What are you saying? If only you didn't put off a dare like that we won't be in this mess!" I accused while he turned, glaring at me.
"You could've avoided it! I was daring you! Your handsome down to earth boss dared you to kiss him, what do you think...wait, what am I even saying?" He closed the space between us, "I don't even believe that I slept with you, how could that have happened when I had my clear eyes?"
I narrowed my gaze into him, "We had sex in your office!! On your couch!! Don't you dare say you forgot you pervert!!"
"How dare you call your boss a pervert!!"
"You're no longer my boss!! I stopped working for this company weeks ago, so yeah, I can talk to you as I like!!" I screamed while he halted for a second, staring at me.
"I didn't sleep with you, there's no way I'd have sex..." He stopped talking, the reality was very visible on his face which got me laughing.
"Now you remember?" I said while he mumbled.
"So it wasn't a dream..."
"You think you were dreaming!!!!"
"Fuck!!!!!" He gave out a scream which gathered the workers to the office door, "Oh no! There's no way my penis touched you that day, no...I'm going crazy!!! No!!!"
Why is he yelling like a woman? I should be the one doing the yelling and not him! I hate this man. I hate him so much and strangely I'm carrying his child.
I'm going to abort this baby. How am I going to explain this to my parents? I'm so dead!
And how did I get home that day forgetting the fact that this shitty guy did something with me?!
Oh Dahila Dustfinger, you've dusted more than a finger this time.
My penis touched Dahila. Ahhh!! What am I going to do? I slept with her? How?? Just how wasn't I able to control myself and ended up sleeping with her? Not only did I sleep with her but in my office!!!
And she's pregnant!!! I scrubbed my private part like I've never done before. Should I cut it off? I have to cut off this long thing in between my legs. It has done more harm than good. He's the reason why I'm feeling so shitty right now.
And thanks brain for making sure I didn't know about this until the last moment. Don't you think you should be rewarded for being the best brain ever?
I hate my body. My body betrayed me one big time. How am I going to sleep without having a nightmare? How will I be able to get it off my head that I slept with DUSTFINGER!!!
That dirty witch has been a pain in my neck since she came into the company. Just when I was starting to get relaxed since she quit working for the company something like this happened!!!
"What am I going to do now?" I tried to focus on my breathing, taking slow, deep breaths. I tried to focus on the feeling of the floor beneath my feet, and the sounds around me.
I tried to name five things I could see, four things I could hear, three things I could feel, two things I could smell, and one thing I could taste. I knew this was a mindfulness technique that could help bring me back to the present moment.
But it felt like my thoughts were too powerful to escape from. DUSTFINGER is pregnant for you because of a mistakable moment...my mind kept whispering and it got me madder.
What am I going to tell Natalie? I haven't even thought about her. How would she feel? I cheated on her! Oh, my sweet angel.
I need to calm down and think. I need to calm down and speak to someone. I reached for my phone, still naked, and dialed Ollie's number, "I'm in trouble Ollie, you need to come over to my house now!"
"What happened?"
"My penis touched Dahila!!"
"What do you mean by your penis touching Dahila?" he asked.
"Just come over now before I take my own life!!! I'm on the verge of death as I speak to you!!" I hung up shaking, pacing around my room until he barged in.
"What was that over the phone?" He queried while I gripped him by his shirt.
"I told you, Ollie, I told you that Miss Dustfinger will be the death of me. You think I was kidding when I said that..." I hate to think of that day in my office, "I think I slept with Dahila,"
"You did what?!" Ollie uttered in shock shaking me off his skin, "You did what? What did I hear you say? You slept with who?"
I recoiled into myself, I can't believe all this is happening to me. Why is Dustfinger in my life? Why did I let that Dare happen? "I've been trying to scrub off my dick Ollie..." He grabbed the collar of my shirt gritting.
"What about Natalie? Have you thought about how she would feel when she finds out that you cheated on her? Huh? What have you done Davis?"
"I know!" I pushed him off, "You think I don't know? You think I wanted this too?" I raged heaving the next minute.
I have no reason to be angry now. He's right. Natalie, how can I cheat on her, not only did I cheat but with Dustfinger!! And she's pregnant for me.
"Do you know what she told me?" I asked while Ollie listened keenly without interrupting, "I said Truth or Dare?"
"She said TRUTH. I'm pregnant for you Mr. Perfect."
"She was in your office today?" He asked while I nodded, "And how are you sure that's your child? You know how she is, maybe she's trying to pin this on you, I mean, does it even make sense!"
"I don't know what to say or do at this point, I'm neck deep in trouble" I replied, "I was so stunned, I just stood there, completely frozen."
"How could she play with you like that? Miss Dustfinger, ugh! I don't like that woman. She's joking with you,"
"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure she's not joking. I know when she jokes around and when she's not, and this happened to be one of those moments for jokes."
"God! How can you sleep with her? I warned you that this woman is already getting over your head but you said that wasn't true now this!"
"It was a mistake! I was drunk! I didn't know what I was doing!! I just..." Hell no! I wasn't drunk. That's a lie, I had my both eyes as clear as day but it happened. How pathetic!
Not like I was sex deprived. I have sex with Natalie a whole lot even yesterday, we had a steamy moment before I drifted off to sleep but, that day... I wish I was drunk that day. I wish that Dare didn't ever happen because I'm a mess!!
"It was a mistake, Ollie."
Ollie heaved a sigh of frustration, "This is a big mess. How are you going to deal with that kind of girl? I mean how did you let that happen? Miss Dustfinger? How did you even do it?"
"I don't know. I don't even know what I'm going to tell Natalie. She will be so mad at me."
"Then deny the pregnancy."