"Yes, if you don't deny that pregnancy, your grandmother will make you marry her. You know her so well, this is like an ample opportunity for her to get you married."
Oh no! I barely worked out from an arranged marriage a few months ago. My grandma insisted I must get married to continue the family line, I knew how hard it was to talk her out of it.
And now, Dustfinger!!! "I don't want to get married and not to Her!! That girl is not a human being! She should've been born a boy! Have you ever seen her body? So masculine! Bones everywhere!!"
"Can we call her and talk with her?"
I rolled my eyes, "That's like jumping out from a frying pan into the fire. That girl has no sense. I think she should have some criminal record because she acts like one who escaped from prison. I don't even want to talk to her. She's so dirty! She doesn't even wash properly, especially her hair." I gave a disgusting look remembering how messy her hair always is at work.
"But you still slept with her." He said while I crooned immediately.
"I don't know how that happened." I breathed out shamefully,
"That's why I'm suggesting we visit her and have a chit chat with her."
"I don't know," I said, my brow furrowed, "I'm afraid she'll just try to manipulate me or Natalie. I don't know what she's capable of but I know she's very destructive and selfish."
"That's why I'll be there," Ollie said. "I'll help you keep things calm and under control. I won't let her take advantage of you or Natalie. I promise."
"Okay," he said. "Let's do it."
We drove to her house in silence. As we pulled up, I could feel my heart racing. I took another deep breath and got out of the car.
I walked up to the front door and knocked. After a few moments, I heard footsteps coming and I prepared myself- my mouth precisely. I can't be caught off guard by her foul mouth.
An ugly girl with an ugly mouth. I sighed. She opened the door and her face popped up at the door.
She blinked twice staring at me. I bet she didn't expect to see such a handsome man standing in front of her door. Precisely coming from such an organized human being like me.
"Hey, monkey!" She called.
Monkey? I guess pregnancy hormones have started creeping into her. She has called me so many names but monkey- she never called me that. I tried imagining what a monkey would look like.
"How can you call me a monkey? That's disgusting!"
"A red monkey at that. What are you doing in my house?"
"We're here to talk, you dummy!" I screamed while Ollie held me back but I needed to lash at her. That's the only way, she gets to be sane. Being subtle doesn't work on her at all.
"Please my dear, can we come in?" Ollie asked politely while she sighed and ushered us in.
Damn! I wish she hadn't ushered us in. There's a foul smell in the room, and what? Her clothes are littered everywhere, from the couches to the floor up to her room.
And what's all these packs of junk on the table? Oh my God! How did I sleep with a dirty woman like this? I'm going to throw up if I don't get out of this room, right now!
"I'm sorry my house is a mess," she said looking at Ollie before she began to tidy up.
"You're not only messy at the office, messiness originated from your home. Does it run in the family?" I asked while she glared at me. I glared back with utmost ferocity. If she's gonna be bitchy, I'm bitchy too.
"You may sit down," she said when she was done tidying up.
"I'm not going to sit in a dirty environment..."
"I wasn't talking to you Davis, I was referring to your handsome friend," she said without batting an eyelid, diverting her attention to Ollie who sat down. I stood up, it's no big deal to stand up in an unkempt environment. Wait, she called me by my name, with no respect! That woman. I rolled my eyes at her.
"Do you need anything like drinks?" She offered to Ollie who refused.
"That's not why I'm here Miss Dustfinger, it's about the baby," Ollie said while she heaved and sat down.
"Honestly, I don't know what happened and why that stranger's baby is growing in my stomach but you don't have to worry, I'm going to take it out,"
"This is the wisest decision you've ever made since we know each other,"
She furrowed his brows, "Have we met before? Do I know you? I just called you a stranger. Don't you get a hint?"
She's calling me a stranger, "Guess it's better if we're strangers then," I affirmed glaring at her while she returned my stares.
"That means we have nothing else to talk about, do we?" She said crossing her legs.
"Just don't change your mind about your decision," I warned.
She sneered, "Well, I guess I'm doing you a favor then, but...this comes with a price, you both know that right?"
Money woman. I knew that she wouldn't readily agree to an abortion without something like money to seal the deal.
I brought out my phone, "Your account number?" I said while she smiled, sizing me up with her eyes.
"You'd be a better man if you threw out money like this and not waste unnecessary time being a jerk," she said jabbing her finger at me, "334...xxxxx" she reeled out her account number to me while I typed away on my phone.
Soon, there was a beep on her phone, "I've sent it," I said, "That's one million dollars, guess we have a deal," she confirmed.
"If you have any issues, don't hesitate to call me Miss Dustfinger, I really hope this doesn't get out," Ollie said politely as he dropped his card while she smiled and took it up.
"We mean it," I added because I know how she can be, "Take out that baby. Don't change your mind or try doing something nasty. I'm going to kill you if that ever happened." I threatened while she snorted.
"You're making me go back on my word."
"Hey..." I started while Ollie intervened.
"Miss Dustfinger, we will take our leave now." He said and bowed while I sneered sending daggers from hell to her with my eyes. She better don't mess this up. I won't take it lightly with her. I know her type so well. Once pregnancy is involved, they will do a lot to ruin someone's life. She is that kind of person.