Chapter 4 The Wedding Day
Amelia's POV:
I slammed the building door behind me, cutting off her words. My hands were shaking as I pressed the elevator button. Once inside, I finally let the tears fall. My shoulders shook with silent sobs as I slid down against the elevator wall, hugging my knees to my chest. The memories of that hotel room, the terror of waking up alone, my own parents' betrayal - it all came rushing back in waves until I could barely breathe through the pain.
"Baby, remember what Mommy told you last night?" I sat on the edge of Lucas's small bed, running my fingers through his soft curls. It was barely eight in the morning, but we both needed to get ready for this life-changing day.
Lucas reached up, his small hand touching my swollen eyes. "Mommy, your eyes are still red. Was the movie really that sad?"
I forced a smile, grateful that he'd believed my excuse about crying over a movie when he'd found me in tears last night. The reality - my mother's bitter words about me being a disgrace to the family - was something my four-year-old never needed to know.
"Yes, sweetheart, it was very touching." I caught his tiny hand and kissed it. "But you know what always makes me feel better? Your hugs."
"And Mr. Bear's hugs too!" He pressed his worn teddy bear against my cheek. "He gives the best hugs after sad movies."
"He really does," I agreed, holding back fresh tears at his innocent sweetness. "Now, do you remember what I told you about our big day today?"
Lucas nodded eagerly, hugging his worn teddy bear. "We're moving to a big new house! With a pool!"
"That's right." I smiled, hoping he couldn't see my nervousness. "And do you remember why we're moving there?"
"Because you found someone you like and you're getting married," he recited, his face serious as he remembered our conversation. His expression brightened. "And our new house will be super big!"
"You've got it, smarty-pants." I tickled his tummy, making him giggle. "You'll spend today with Auntie Monica while I take care of some grown-up things. Tomorrow, we'll all go to our new home together."
"Will he be nice to me?" Lucas suddenly asked, his voice small.
I hesitated, my throat tightening. The truth was, I didn't know. Luke Carter had been businesslike, occasionally intimidating, but never cruel. Still, how would he treat a four-year-old boy who wasn't his own?
A sharp knock at the door cut off my answer. Right on time, of course. The man I was about to marry wouldn't be anything less than punctual.
When I opened the door, he filled the entire frame. His sharp eyes immediately caught mine, and I saw them narrow slightly as he took in my appearance - the puffy redness around my eyes betraying that I'd spent most of last night crying. I quickly looked away, not wanting him to see the evidence of my weakness.
Just then, Lucas peeked out from behind me, his curious eyes studying the tall stranger.
I cleared my throat, placing a protective hand on Lucas's shoulder. "Lucas, this is Luke Carter. He's... the one I told you about." I turned slightly to Luke, my voice softening despite my nervousness. "And Luke, this is my son, Lucas."
Luke crouched down to Lucas's eye level, his voice gentler than I'd heard before.
"It's very nice to meet you, Lucas," he said, extending his hand formally before noticing the Spider-Man shirt. "That's a cool Spider-Man t-shirt you've got there."
I blinked in surprise. This softer version of Luke was nothing like the intimidating businessman I'd met before. The contrast between his usual commanding presence and the way he was speaking to my son made me pause.
Lucas beamed. "He is my favorite! Do you like superheroes too?"
"I used to collect all the comics when I was about your age," Luke smiled, reaching into his suit pocket. "Actually, I have something for you." He pulled out a small Spider-Man action figure, still in its package.
Lucas's eyes went wide. "Really? For me?"
I started to protest, but Luke caught my eye with a look that silenced my objection. "Consider it a good luck charm for today."
As we headed to his car after gathering Lucas's overnight bag, I felt Luke's eyes on me again. His jaw tightened, but he said nothing as he opened the passenger door.
The drive to Monica's was quick. Lucas chatted about his Spider-Man figure the whole way. At the door, after our ritual of three kisses and a bear hug, I promised to pick him up later as Monica welcomed him inside.
I slid back into the passenger seat of Luke's car and felt the awkward silence without Lucas's cheerful voice. Luke pulled away from the curb, and we headed toward the courthouse.
After a few minutes of driving toward downtown, Luke's deep voice finally broke the silence.
"Your eyes are red. You've been crying."
It wasn't a question but a direct observation, his tone neutral yet penetrating. I stiffened slightly, not expecting him to mention it.
"Just some family drama," I said dismissively, keeping my gaze fixed on the passing scenery. "Don't worry, it won't affect our arrangement."
Luke's eyes flicked to my face. Those penetrating gray eyes cut through my dismissal before returning to the road, jaw muscle flexing slightly. He didn't press further.
We drove the rest of the way in silence, the only sound the soft purr of his luxury car's engine. When we arrived at the courthouse, the clerk quickly processed our paperwork. Just as she finished with the final documents, Luke suddenly reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a velvet box.
"Your hand," he said. It wasn't a request.
I hesitated, but his stern look made it clear this wasn't up for discussion. When I extended my left hand, he opened the box to reveal a stunning diamond ring—a perfect-cut center stone of at least two carats, surrounded by a halo of smaller diamonds that caught the fluorescent lighting.
"As Mrs. Carter, you need to look the part," he stated, sliding the ring onto my finger with businesslike efficiency. "The Carter name comes with certain expectations. I won't have anyone questioning the legitimacy of this marriage because of a missing ring."
The ring fit perfectly, as if it had been sized specifically for me.
"Done," he said, signing the last document before turning to me. "Now you're officially Mrs. Carter."
I stared at the ring, watching it sparkle against my skin.
Luke's phone buzzed as we walked out of the courthouse. He glanced at the screen, his jaw tightening slightly.
"The board meeting's been moved up," he said, already typing a response. "I need to head back to the office. I'll have the car take you wherever you need to go."
"Tomorrow at two, I'll pick you and Lucas up. Have everything packed and ready." His tone made it clear this wasn't a suggestion. "Don't be late."
I watched his car pull away, unconsciously twisting the new ring on my finger. I'd planned to head straight to Monica's after stopping by the campus bookstore to pick up some actuarial textbooks I'd ordered. With this marriage arrangement, I could finally focus on completing my degree.
Lost in thought, I froze at a familiar voice. Diana Thompson stood by the courthouse entrance, impeccably dressed in a cream designer suit, flanked by her legal team. Her cold eyes locked with mine, widening as they caught the diamond glinting on my finger.