4- Life is unfair
I followed the man, or rather, I was taken by the man and the two security guards, they were holding my arms tight enough to hurt, I'm sure there will be marks from their fingers. However, not even this distracts from what's to come, while the people around me look at me with curious and judgmental eyes, if before I already thought I was a failure, imagine now, going through this unfair situation.
I knew I shouldn't have trusted my father's words, but I didn't want to believe that he was capable of something so big. Despite being a complicated man with some inclinations to do dishonest things, he's never been involved in anything big like this and I can't believe he did it all by himself.
I'm tired of being dragged around like this, I want to keep some dignity. - There's no need for violence, I can go on my own.
The two security guards looked at me seriously, then shifted their gaze to the man leading the way, he watched me carefully and nodded. I felt relieved to be free of the two men's grip, but that doesn't change my situation.
I'm in trouble.
I could run away at the first opportunity, but realistically, I don't stand a chance of escaping from these guys, even if they don't manage to catch me inside the hotel, they know my face and will hunt me down all over the city and someone as miserable as me, a lowly nanny, wouldn't be able to hide from them for even a day and even if I did manage to leave the city, I'd be hunted down all my life, I don't want to live on the run. Maybe, if I cooperate with them and tell them everything I know, I can get out of this somehow, or I can offer my services in exchange for paying off the debt bit by bit. It sounds better than going to jail.
I might make it if I'm just a little bit lucky.
I walked obediently with the two security guards behind me, my bag somewhere near the exit and I regretted that fact, but I walked on with my head down, lost in thought, until I came across a wall of muscle in front of me. I didn't notice that the man had stopped to wait for the elevator. When he turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow, I mumbled an apology and kept my gaze on the floor, my face hot from the flush of the embarrassing situation and pretended not to notice his gaze on me.
When the doors opened again, we were on a floor of that building where you can't set foot unless you're someone important, very important, or someone like me who's in trouble.
- Get in there and wait. - the man instructed me, opening the door to a room and encouraging me to enter.
The room was dimly lit and I felt afraid to go in there, however, I'm not in a position to express my fears, I just swallowed and entered the place, the door closed behind me and silence filled the room.
The place was dark and I began to think that I wouldn't leave that room alive. I think they're going to ask me questions and then get rid of me, after all, what do I have to offer? I have nothing and I'm nobody.
I felt nervousness take hold of me, my hands became cold and clammy, I began to tremble with anxiety and fear and stared at the only point of light in that dark room, a lamp on a nearby table, near a sofa. You can't see much of the place, but I have the impression that it's an office or something.
- Are they going to kill me? - I muttered fearfully.
I decided to distance myself from the door, even if I try to get out, it's a losing fight, I'll never get out of here, I know that.
I took one reluctant step, then another, until I was almost at the sofa. I put my hands on the dark leather and closed my eyes, trying to control the fear and the crying that threatened to take over my whole being.
- They're not going to kill you, I stayed calm, you didn't do anything. - I repeated to myself, trying to keep my head on straight.
- Of course you're not going to die, stop it. - a voice startles me and I jump looking for the person who spoke.
I haven't seen the door open since I came in here, that means that whoever it is has been here the whole time since I came in, whoever it is has been watching me silently until now.
Your words don't diminish the fear I'm feeling, nor do they give me the confidence to face this situation.
I look around, but it's still dark everywhere.
Where is he?
I hear a noise nearby and my eyes run back to the sofa, where I see a figure sit up and let out a long, tired sigh.
Oh, so he's been lying there the whole time? I feel ashamed to know that he was so close, but that I was so terrified that I didn't even notice him lying there. As well as thinking I'm a thief, he must see me as a fearful and pathetic person too.
That's terrible, that's not how I expected things to be.
I jumped again when he clapped his hands and light filled the place. For a moment, I squinted at the sudden brightness and as soon as my vision adjusted, I could see a tall, handsome man staring at me with tired, grumpy eyes.
I know I'm really fucked right now, my situation is not good at all, but all I can think about right now is how a man can be so handsome. That's not right, he must have had some kind of cosmetic procedure, I can't believe there's such a thing as a naturally handsome man.
- Well, we seem to have a very curious thief here. What am I going to do with you? - he mocks me.
I know I'm screwed, but why does my executioner have to be so handsome?
Life is unfair.