
A woman is running away in a hailstorm. She doesn't even care that she doesn't have anything warm on. She doesn't even have any shoes, she's just running with her all. She runs so much until she stops out of exhaustion in the middle of the snow filled road. She is breathing heavily as she cries out from the pain that she's feeling inside. "Why? What did I ever do wrong to deserve this huh?!"

Why her all the time? Why did she always have to have such bad luck in this thing called life.

Why couldn't she be happy and allowed to be happy for once. Why couldn't she have her happily ever after? Why did everything have to be so difficult for her?

Just as she thought she had found her prince charming. Just when she had thought she had finally gotten her happiness for once this happened.

Andrew turned out to be a liar... He turned out to be just like everyone else. He betrayed her.

After all the promises he made her. After all the love he had claimed to have for her. He still hurt her. She had opened up to him about her pain and her vulnerabilities and he had used them against her. He had used her trust to get what he wanted and then he left her, broken and alone. She felt like she could never trust anyone ever again. She felt like she could never allow herself to be happy ever again. She just wanted to run away. To disappear and never be seen again. To just fade away into the snow, to disappear with the cold and never to feel anything ever again.

"Why?!" She screamed in pain, tears running from her eyes to her cheeks and lips. She felt her body go limp and she was about to fall on the cold snow ground but she was saved in time by strong arms that held her close.

The arms belonged to a man who seemed to appear out of nowhere. He picked her up and carried her to his car. She felt safe in his arms and she felt at peace. She wanted to trust him, but she didn't know if she could. She didn't know who he was or where he had come from. But she felt something familiar about him. Something that made her feel like she could trust him. She wasn't sure what it was, but she felt it deep in her heart.

"You'll be just fine okay?" He reassured her as he placed his coat on her to make her warm.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked. Her voice was hoarse and scratchy from the cold and her screaming.

"To a safe place," he said. "Somewhere where you can be warm and you can rest."

"But who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Michael," he said. "And I promise I'll get you somewhere safe."

For some reason she did, she trusted him. Her body gave up on her and she passed out. She didn't know where she was going and she really didn't care.

Michael drove to a house in the middle of the woods. He carried the woman inside and laid her on a soft bed. He covered her with blankets and stoked the fire to keep the room warm. He pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down, watching her sleep. He had a feeling he knew her from somewhere, but he couldn't place it. He just knew that he had to protect her at all costs. He didn't know why, but he felt it in his heart.

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