Chapter 2
I expected to feel myself fall to the ground in a pool of my own blood and brain particles. Or at least, feel the bullet burst through my skull like a needle through glass.
But all I felt was a splash of warm liquid on my face.
< Gunshot ><<
The second shot came almost immediately and I jumped in fright. Still, I don't feel dead.
The hands holding my hair loosened just like the hands holding my hands behind me.
But then an arm quickly wrapped tightly around my neck and the cold barrel of a gun jabbed at my head roughly;
"Stay the fuck away…!" Blondie's voice snapped in my ear.
"The fuck are you, huh? Stop right there!" He yelled.
I don't see anyone though. All I see is a pitch-black darkness... Oh, wait...
I snap my eyes open only to realize I'm being used as a human shield. And the first thing I see is a man in all black holding a gun to my face.
He stands gallantly menacing less than five yards from me. And despite the low light, I can see his shirt buttoned only halfway as a jacket drapes loosely over his shoulders.
His gun says the same as the stoic frown on his face. And I swear he looks like Hades in a shirt.
Maybe Blondie thinks he looks like Hades too. His arm around my neck tightens and his breath comes as shuddering pants;
“Th… The fuck are you, huh!?"
The terror in Blondie's voice is clear, but all I can do is stand frozen in… I don't even know if it's terror or dread or maybe disbelief.
Anyway, there's a gun in my face and the man wielding it does not look anything less than death itself.
But then his eyes fall on mine.
His blue eyes look through me as if in gentle reassurance and I believe in him.
His eyes are a direct contrast to the menace of his stance and demeanor; his eyes are like that of an angel...
"Answer me, motherfucker! Or I swear I'll blow her brains out!" Blondie yelled, jabbing his gun at my temple roughly.
The stranger returned his attention to my captor;
"You seem to have misunderstood this situation," He said with such calm and vindication I'm sure he's going to save my life.
"I'm not the hero that saves the damsel in distress..."
- Oh shit! He's going to kill us both -
"...I'm the Grim Reaper."
< Gunshot ><<
I froze in my spot and shut my eyes tight, expecting to hear a second shot.
Or maybe I'm already dead and the darkness I'm looking at is just the space where I'll eventually see the light or something.
But then I feel the arm around my neck loosens as Blondie free falls with a heavy thud.
I open my eyes slowly; all around me, the men lie unflinching on the ground with blood squirting out of bullet holes in their heads.
- They’re dead -
My hands automatically go to my mouth as a sob escapes my lips.
I was… I can't believe I'm alive. Fresh tears flow freely down my cheeks as I try to stop the sobs.
"Are you okay? You look shaken."
I look up to see the stranger is already standing in front of me with his gentle eyes playing on mine. Hades or not, Grim Reaper or not, he saved my life…
"You're safe now." He said with a sigh, brushing hair from my wet cheeks as he pulled me closer.
And I just fell on him.
Clinging tightly to his chest as all my pent-up emotions came crashing down like an avalanche.
I don't normally go around crying on stranger's shoulders. Hell, I've never cried about my life nor have I ever put my troubles on anyone else's shoulders.
But I can't take it anymore.
Maybe it's the aftermath of the terror or the pent-up frustration. Or maybe it's just the Christmas season.
I just cried like a child.
I thought I was dead for sure back there. And for what?
All for a $10 worth of stupid heirloom that has never brought anything but misery to my life. It's like the opposite of the lucky charm it's supposed to be.
Even after I threw it away, I almost got my brains blown out.
My life hasn't been interesting but I've settled on a constant daily grind. Yes, I'm miserable, I don't know the meaning of happiness, and I barely even have enough to eat an average meal.
But at least my life was never anyone's decision.
"It's not fair,” I sobbed nonchalantly, burying my face in his chest as my tears and sweat soaked his shirt.
I don't care though, I just cried;
"I...I can't take it anymore!"
"Then stop taking it." His voice vibrated through my entire being like a command and I momentarily stopped crying.
He pushed me back with a firm hand on my shoulder. My fingers adamantly remain locked on his shirt like a magnet and I look up into his eyes;
"Life is exactly fair." He said, "But only if you make it fair."
"If you want it, take it. Even if it isn't being offered."
His words immediately sent a kind of peace through me and my heart raced.
It is as though he knew what I needed to hear and he said it exactly how I needed to hear it. Even more oddly, the words sounded like reassurance.
And somehow, I believe him.
I have faced nothing but misery all my life, but now; now, I'll seize what little joy I can.
- Even if it's not being offered -
Without hesitating, I raise to my toes and capture his lips in mine.
The tender feel of his thin lips sends thrills through me, and I quickly lose myself in the tingles of his breath on my nose.
I want his hands all over me, I want him to suckle and nibble on my lips…
But he's not kissing me back.
Now that I think of it, he didn't even hug me back earlier.
He pushed me back gently with a frown on his face. The taste of his lips lingers still, but he doesn't look amused.
- That was a bad idea, Sapphire -
I look away.
Kissing a total stranger is one thing. Kissing a man who clearly lives dangerously with nothing but death up his sleeves is another.
Fine, I don't know who he is or if that is true.
But the frown on his face is enough to know he is the kind of person who wines and dines with death or something.
Still, when I look past the menace about him, the intimidation of his stance, and the terror he inspires.
The way his eyes play on mine as if tracing the intricates of my soul… He's like a devil with an angel's eyes and I want to kiss him more.
"I... Uhm."
I cleared my throat and took a step back from him;
"I'm-I'm sorry, I just...I..."
"Thank you for saving my life," I said awkwardly with my eyes on the ground, hoping he wasn't mad about the kiss.
"I stay at the Diamond Lux Hotel," He said, "let me get you a drink."
"I..." I paused.
Of course, I'd love to momentarily forget about my life and take this moment of...
"My car is over there," He said, nodding to the roadside in the distance and cutting off my train of thought.
I instinctively look in the direction to see a sleek black car with two men dressed in formal suits standing beside it.
It's no genius they are waiting for him. Maybe they are his Security detail. He doesn't look like he needs a Security detail though.
- Maybe he's like a CEO or something -
I turn back to look him in the eyes and as if reading my mind; he puts a hand on my back and guides me toward the car.
Before I forget, I quickly pack up my purse.
A second later, we are in his Rolls Royce. Next, he guided me into his penthouse suite. And I have to say, it's a million times bigger than my whole apartment.
My eyes went straight to the office desk mounted on a raised platform at the far end. The entire wall behind it is made of glass and the City light dazzles through it.
He guided me to the sitting area facing the desk and the couch made me feel like royalty just by sitting in it.
I took off my jacket as he offered me a cup of clear wine with ice cubes in it. And yes, it tastes just like everything else about him
"How are you feeling now?" He asked as he put the wine bottle on the center table and sat close by my side.
All I can do is let out a sigh;
"You must have been terrified," He said, "what did they want from you?"
"Apparently, their boss wants my necklace," I said, turning to face him.
"Thanks again for saving my life, I'd be dead without you."
"It's okay. They were scum, and I don't like scum." He said with a slight smirk as he rubbed my shoulder as if on instinct.
"I wonder why someone like that would want your jewelry. Speaking of which," He said, "why didn't you just give them the necklace?"
"I… I threw it in the Lake before they attacked me."
"I was..." I paused, unsure how to continue.
Should I say I threw the necklace into the lake because I was feeling miserable or should I say it was a 'lucky charm' heirloom that reminded me of everything wrong with my life?
Either way, it sounds pathetic.
I expect him to ask, but he just looks at me as if he already knows my whole life story and I don't need to explain anything.
Now that I'm looking at his eyes in the light;
They are a mesmerizing ocean's blue with a gentleness that contradicts the fact that just he killed three men without batting an eye minutes ago.
And somehow, I don't feel as afraid of him as I suppose I should be. If anything, I like everything about him.
My eyes trail to his lips;
"I..." I paused, looking up to his eyes and biting my lower lip;
"If I want it, right?" I said and he frowned in confusion.
He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off with a soft peck on the lips.
His frown turns menacing and dangerous, but his eyes remain a constant angelic gentleness. Or maybe I'm just drunk.
I leaned closer to him as his eyes searched mine as though questioning my action. As though in curiosity if I know what I'm doing...
- I'm not entirely sure -
My hand goes up to his chest and I kiss him gently, feeling a heat of passion slowly rising in me.
This time, he kissed me back.