Chapter 4
The first parts of the human body that show a real sense of understanding are the eyes.
I especially love that look when a man realizes his life is about to end, and his fate is in my hands. But what I love more is getting what I want when I want it. And right now, I want an invitation to a party.
"I can't..." Desmond's voice cracked with fear as he cleaned another dam of sweat from his face.
He clears his throat and looks around the restaurant as if any one of the black-suited men would save him. He turns back to me;
"M-Mr Griot, please understand... It-it wasn't my decision to exclude you from the list...," Desmond said with a shaky voice, "I... th-there's nothing I could have done to prevent it. P-please, Mr Griot, it wasn't my fault."
I scratch a phantom itch on my brow and let out a sigh;
"Ohhh, Desmond Desmond Desmond..." I said with a sing-song tune and on cue, everyone in the restaurant sprung to their feet at attention.
That's when Desmond realizes his life is in my hands.
He fidgets in his seat; his hands shaking and sweat pouring down his face uncontrollably.
I woke up in quite a good mood this morning and I'm not really in the mood to kill. But Desmond is starting to irritate me;
"I-I swear...Mr Griot, p-please... I can't do anything about it..." He said.
"Even if I could, it's already too late, Mr Griot. The party list is set and Mr D'manno has the list with him... I-I... Please understand, it was never in my power."
I sighed;
"I'm in a slightly good mood this morning," I said, sitting back in my chair. But my face is a direct contrast to my claim and Desmond starts to shiver under my gaze.
"I'll give you two options."
On cue, Cisco walked up to Desmond and pressed a silenced pistol on his head. A soft whimper escapes his lips and his hands just keep shaking in terror.
"P-please..." He whimpered.
"Get me to that party, or my man here will do exactly what I'm thinking."
Cisco pushed Desmond's head with the pistol and the man started mumbling over himself;
"...the service is... I...I can. We-we can talk this out. I can do anything...!" He cried, "Please don't kill me, please... please don't kill me."
Cisco looks to me, but I remain silent...
"Boss needs to get inside the party," Cisco said.
"I'll ask you only once," he said, "And don't lie to me 'cause I know where your daughter lives."
"Can you get Boss into the party?"
Desmond fell silent, his tongue sweeping over his lips as if searching for the right words. He cleared his throat repeatedly.
I can tell he wants to lie, but he knows exactly what would happen if he did.
"I can't..."
I spring to my feet;
"Kill him," I said simply and Desmond screamed.
I stopped in my tracks;
"I can get you there... I-I know where the party is..." He said repeatedly shivering and sweating profusely.
"Where is it!" Cisco snapped and Desmond frantically brought out a pen and scribbled on a napkin.
His sweat smudged the ink and he nervously picked another napkin and wrote legible letters on it. Cisco snatched it from him and looked at me for orders.
"Please Mr Griot... please, don't kill me," Desmond said, looking from Cisco's eyes to mine.
I'm nothing but a man of principles. And there's nothing I hate more than a worthless scum like Desmond here looking me in the eye.
"Don't kill him, he never had what we wanted," I said and Desmond let out a huge breath of relief;
"Thank you, Mr Griot... Th-thank you..."
I smirked and turned to leave;
"Cut his hands and tongue."
Desmond's scream for mercy and help whiffed past my ears and escorted me out to the cold street.
The cold winter morning those nothing to calm the bustle and clamor of the City. The spirit of Christmas hangs thick in the air, wrapping everything in a blanket of joy and cheer.
Everything everywhere is a reminder of the holiday; the twinkling lights, the theme songs, and the festive colors all declare that it's Christmas Eve.
I don't really care for the festivities. The cheer and jolly is a feeling I lost years ago.
I walked straight into the waiting car and I sparked a cigar to expel the cold. Cisco got in the car with me a few minutes later and the driver roared the car to life.
"Boss?" Cisco said, handing the napkin to me.
"Looks like Mr. D'manno has gotten more paranoid since last time. How are you going to get to the party without the list?"
I groaned in response as I memorized the address before setting it ablaze.
George D'manno has always been a paranoid man.
I have known him ever since I was a kid and his paranoia is probably the only reason he still has a strong presence in the Mafia world. But as Cisco said, he seems to have grown even more paranoid.
And for good reasons I suppose.
I took over after my father died seven years ago and ever since, I've been making his life hell. Unlike my father, I don't have restrictions.
And I definitely wouldn't let some old pig take everything that's mine.
My father had a weakness. He was the sentimental type and senselessly in love with his mistress. It cost him his power and his status, his proprietary and his companies, and then ultimately, his life.
The family took the burn of his failures and now it's up to me to restore the Griot name to the top of the Mafia world once again.
I have claimed several cities in the Griot family's name, I have hijacked several businesses in several countries around the world, and right now, I have my eyes on D'manno's smuggling channels.
To do so, I need to be at the party tonight.
The car pulled up at Diamond Lux underground parking lot and I marched briskly to the elevator with Cisco in tow. A minute later, the doors dinged open on the penthouse floor.
I walked the short corridor, ignoring the men standing at attention on both sides of the corridor just like I ignored the men posted at my door.
Cisco held the door open and I went straight to the raised platform. I stood in front of the window as the view of the City held my gaze until Cisco's voice brought me back;
"What now, Boss?"
I let out a sigh and walk over to sit behind my desk as I try to think of something. Then a note caught my eye;
Sorry about last night, I was stupid...
And I promise to repay your kindness and help.
- Sapphire
A deep frown settled on my face and a new form of anger brewed in me as I read and reread the note.
Cisco - ever the man that knows what I'm thinking - went into the room.
He checked every nook and cranny of the suite, even the janitor's closet. He brought out his phone and placed a call...
Throughout, all I could do was stare at the note as a feeling of uncertainty resonated in me.
I'm not sure if I'm mad because I didn't dump her myself. Or if I'm mad because she dared to make me feel used. Or maybe it's because she just walked out on me.
No one walks out on me, no one uses me for their pleasure.
And now that I think about it, she had the gut to look me in the eye last night. Worse, how come I didn't get annoyed by it?
- That lowlife cunt -
I look up at Cisco;
"She left shortly after you did. Should I take care of her?" Cisco said already reading my mind.
My frown suddenly relaxes as a sigh escapes my lips. I drop the note nonchalantly;
"We have better things to do than waste breaths on a cunts."
"Get the boys ready," I said, "we might have to use plan B."
Cisco nods and quickly disappears out the door. But I'd be lying if I said this girl doesn't bother me.
I don't know why or how she's even on my mind.
- This Sapphire... A lowlife piece of meat -
Granted, I enjoyed fucking her brains out last night but I'm damn sure that's not why I'm thinking about her.
I've had way prettier girls on my bed.
I close my eyes and she's already sitting lusciously on the desk in front of me. Her foxy brown eyes looking defiantly into mine?
I blink and we are back on the bed just like last night. M
With my lips tracing kisses along her neckline, down her chest, and to her boobs.
She has a black...or maybe it's a blueish metallic mark on her chest. Just above her boobs.
It's low enough it wouldn't be on display even if she wears a regular low-neck dress.
It's a... A diamond. No...
No, it's a...
My eyes snapped open.
- It's impossible -
If it's really what I'm thinking, then she's no lowlife cunt... Hell, she's not an average girl at all.
I picked up the phone and dialed Cisco;
"She's my way into that party, find her. Now!"
"Yes Boss."
"And, get her a pretty necklace."
"Got it, Boss."
I ended the call and a despicable smile seeped into my face. As my mentor used to say;
...even if it's not being offered.