I just opened a door of a room, my heart beating frantically against my chest as I surveyed my temporary sanctuary. "Well, this isn't so bad," I whispered, trying to calm my nerves. "I can handle one night in a strange place."
I'm not so picky about accommodations, never have been since childhood when I learned to adapt to whatever situation life threw at me. Besides, I know that will be just for only one day, and the next day I will sleep with Sebastian in his room, which both terrifies and excites me in ways I can't fully comprehend.
"Just breathe, Alfred," I reminded myself, inhaling deeply. "Tomorrow everything changes forever."
So, I closed the door with trembling fingers and carefully slid the lock into place, listening for that reassuring click that meant safety, at least for now.
I took off my clothes piece by piece, folding them neatly despite my anxiety. "What am I doing here?" I questioned myself as the cool air kissed my bare skin. I just slept naked beneath the unfamiliar sheets, feeling strangely vulnerable yet liberated.
Not just because I feel so horny and sensual now, though I can't deny the flutter in my stomach when I think about Sebastian. But because I literally don't have any other clothes to wear. "Father never even let me pack a bag," I muttered bitterly, remembering how quickly I was handed over like merchandise.
I tossed restlessly in the bed, sheets tangling around my legs as I desperately tried to fall asleep or even dream about him - about Sebastian, the mysterious man who purchased me. "Who are you really?" I whispered to the darkness.
But my mind was so puzzled and worried about my new life, racing with countless scenarios and possibilities. "Will he be kind?" I wondered aloud. "Or will I regret ever stepping foot in this house?"
What will happen when the sun rises? How will he treat me when we're truly alone? How will we make it in bed together! "I don't know the first thing about pleasing someone," I admitted to the empty room.
I don't have any experience in this intimate realm! "Not a single kiss," I confessed shamefully. "Not even a proper hug that wasn't forced or formal."
I shut down the lights with a reluctant sigh, plunging the room into darkness that matched my uncertain future. "Just get through tonight," I encouraged myself. "Tomorrow will solve itself."
I hopped inside the bed with one swift movement and covered my body completely with the blanket as if it could shield me from whatever fate awaited me tomorrow. I sealed my eyes tightly, forcing them closed as I tried dreaming about what wonderful things might happen after this strange transaction is complete.
"Maybe he'll be gentle," I whispered hopefully into my pillow. "Maybe he'll teach me everything I need to know with patience and care."
After approximately one hour of tossing and turning, sleep still evading me despite my exhaustion, I heard a cracking voice that immediately set my nerves on edge. Heavy footsteps approached my door, each one making my heart beat faster.
"It's nothing," I tried convincing myself. "Just the house settling or my imagination running wild."
I covered my head completely, pulling the blanket over me like a child hiding from monsters. I thought I'm just imagining things, my mind playing cruel tricks after such a stressful day.
Until someone definitely opened the door with a soft creak that couldn't be mistaken for anything else. My breath caught in my throat, too terrified to make a sound.
And out of the blue I felt ahead and fingers - very real, very warm fingers - moving boldly under the blanket, touching my legs up to my stomach and across my butt, fanning across my body with alarming confidence. "Who's there?" I wanted to scream, but fear paralyzed my vocal cords.
Sebastian! The name flashed in my mind instantly. He might be him coming to claim what he paid for early! It can't be someone else in this house, can it? But why would he sneak in like a thief in the night?
"Is this some kind of test?" I wondered silently, my body frozen in place. "Or is he drunk and confused about our arrangement?"
I didn't move a single muscle, barely daring to breathe as those exploratory hands continued their journey across my skin. My mind raced with confusion - should I welcome this advance or resist it?
Until suddenly I was smacked firmly on my butt by this mysterious intruder, which startled me out of my paralysis. I still wasn't sure who he was, the darkness concealing his identity completely.
"Sebastian?" I whispered uncertainly, my voice barely audible even to my own ears.
He shouted loudly in response, his voice unfamiliar and slurred, "God! What is that body for god sake! So smooth and perfect!" He paused dramatically before continuing, "Whatever who you are, I want to sleep with you now! Don't even think about saying no!"
Okay, this is definitely not Sebastian - the voice is all wrong, younger and less controlled. My panic turned to outrage at this violation of my privacy.
"Who do you think you are?" I hissed under my breath, gathering my courage.
So, with all my strength, I kicked him hard, flipping his body from the bed with a satisfying thud as he hit the floor. I immediately scrambled to cover my body tightly with the blanket, wrapping it around me like armor.
"That'll teach you to touch strangers!" I said, my voice stronger now that I'd taken action.
I gazed at him through the darkness, barely able to make out his silhouette on the floor. I pointed accusingly with my fingers, my hand shaking with a mixture of fear and anger.
"Who the hell are you?" I hollered, surprised by the power in my own voice. "How dare you come in here and touch me without permission!"
And I moved one cautious step toward the door, planning my escape route carefully. I was trying to reach the door to run away from this nightmare, or yell for help, or even simply open the lights to see the face of my attacker.
"Stay back!" I warned, clutching the blanket tighter around my body. "I'll scream this whole house down if you come near me again!"
I can't see his face clearly in this darkness, but I can tell by his build and height that he is definitely not Sebastian. The man I met earlier was taller, broader in the shoulders, and carried himself with a different kind of authority.
"You've made a big mistake," I threatened, though my voice wavered slightly.
I guess Sebastian must have heard my panicked voice echoing through the hallway because that's exactly why he opened my door in a rush just then, saving me from having to decide what to do next.
He pressed the light button immediately, flooding the room with sudden brightness that made me squint. The scene was now fully illuminated - me clutching a blanket, a young man sprawled on the floor, and Sebastian looking absolutely furious.
"Liam! What the hell are you doing here?" Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows deeply, his face contorting with rage as he gazed at this Liam character. I could see the family resemblance now in the light.
"Seriously!" I thought incredulously. Come on, who is that Liam to open any door without knocking anyway! What kind of household is this where people just barge into rooms in the middle of the night?
"Does no one teach manners in this family?" I muttered under my breath.
"What! This is my house too!" Liam mumbled defensively, his words slurring slightly as he tried to stand up and straighten his back. He stumbled a bit, clearly intoxicated.
But his eyes kept fixed on me with an intensity that made my skin crawl, as if he still insists on finishing what he just suggested - sleeping with me regardless of my consent or Sebastian's obvious anger.
"Stop looking at me like that," I snapped at him, clutching the blanket tighter.
Why is he licking his lips like this?! It's disgusting and predatory, making me feel like merchandise being appraised rather than a person.
"You're drooling like a dog," I wanted to say but held my tongue.
I cleared my throat loudly to break the uncomfortable silence, stepping slightly behind Sebastian for protection. "Who is he again! Hello! Is anyone going to address the fact that he was touching my body without permission?" I sulked with justified indignation and gazed at Sebastian annoyingly, expecting him to handle this situation.
"I'm waiting for an explanation," I added, raising my eyebrows expectantly.
"What! I didn't touch you! I just said that I want to f-ck you! There's a difference!" Liam rolled his eyes dramatically, as if I was being unreasonable. "Your skin is so soft though," he added with a smirk. "Like silk under my fingers."