Strip Tease
The next morning, I woke up early and got on my MacBook to reply urgent office mails. Once I was done I hurried to take a shower and got dressed as quietly as I could.
I tiptoed down the stairs as quietly as I could with nothing but a layer of warm black socks covering my feet and my office shoes in my hands.
My soft and deliberate footsteps moved across the polished floors as I reached for my keys.
“A few more steps and I'd be out.” I had almost let out a breath of relief when I heard a shrill voice let out a sharp and piercing scream above me.
Oh, for God's sake, Felicia.
I tensed from head to toe, as I dared to turn away from the front door to face her.
There she was, standing at the very top of the stairs as the morning sun peeked through the windows behind her. Her eyes bloodshot, her robe hung loose, and her anger burning hot.
“Where are you going?” she slurred and she wobbled through the room towards me. I noticed her feet were bare and her hair tangled, she obviously rushed out of her room without thinking.
“Where does it look like I'm going, Felicia?”
“I don't know. You tell me. I just caught you sneaking out of the house. Where are you headed Damon?” She cried. I kept my mouth shut, not meaning to further rouse her but it only made her more angry.
“What? Cat got your tongue? Are you off to see your mistress?” her voice was accusatory. “You think I wouldn't know? Did you really think I wouldn't find out?”
She took a step forward.
“Nothing is hidden from me, Damon. I know everything.”
“Enough.” I shouted, grabbing her and holding her firmly against me. Her stench told me she was floating on 3 days worth of alcohol. It was no surprise.
“I do not have a mistress. I have told you over and over. I am off to work.”
“Lisa. Lies. Lies!” She screamed, holding her head in her arms.
I tried to change the subject.
“Why are you drunk by 10am?”
“I'm having a bad day. I can't find my diamond necklace.”
“It's okay. You'll find it eventually. Why don't you go back to bed while I try to speak to the housekeepers to help you find it. I promise.”
“I said no. How dumb do you think I am? Do you think I don't know everything? I always see when the housekeepers flirt with you. I'm always watching. There's no way I'll agree to that.”
“For God's sake, Felicia, you are being ridiculous. It's too early in the morning for this. Let me walk you back to your room, tuck you in bed and then head out for work. Okay?”
“No!” She screamed
“Feli-” I tried.
“No. I won't let you leave me again.”
“I'll be back. I promise. I just need to attend to a few at work. I promise I'll be back.” I coaxed although my patience was wearing thinner by the second.
She didn't say anything in response. She only eyed me suspiciously. For a minute I thought she would give in. But before I could walk way, she launched at me and threw punches at my chest in quick succession. Her unsteady hands clawed at my shirt as I tried to pull her off me.
And then next thing I heard was a loud ‘thud’ on the floor. She had collapsed.
I should have known. I should have known it had to have been more than alcohol. I hurried to grab my keys and scoop her from the floor. Walter was already waiting outside the door.
I handed him the keys and he offered a hand to help settle Felicia into the car.
I stared at her, unconscious in my arms. She seemed to be at peace. She had a semblance to the woman that had been wedded to me a few months ago. At first sight, I'd thought she was beautiful and sweet, a perfect companion, had I been so wrong.
Felicia was a drug and alcohol addict and her demons had never allowed us to have a peaceful marriage. Never.
I wondered how she had gotten the drugs because I'd been tracking her expenses. Did she find out? How did she find her way around it?
I didn't bother too much with the details. As soon as the doctor said she was good, I rushed off to work. I wasn't going to let Felicia ruin my new deal with Max Collins.
As if the day couldn't get any worse, I bumped into Axel on my way to my office. He didn't bother to greet me before saying, “You're late, Mr. CEO.”
“I don't pay you a fortune to state the obvious Axel.”
He eyed my shirt, staring at the havoc Felicia had wrecked earlier. My chest still stung from the stretches her nails had given my chest.
“How is your wife?” Axel asked.
That was weird. Why'd he ask about Felicia?
“She is fine.” I said curtly, ending the conversation by walking away.
After a stretch of phone calls and meetings to set things in place for a new project, I finally had a space to breathe. I was just about to call my secretary to order some food for me when Diego walked into my office.
“Hey buddy!” He said cheerily. “Miss me?”
“No. I was hoping you'd stay longer.”
“Awwwnn, Damon. I love it when you play hard to get.” He cooed, pulling me into a bear hug.
“Get off me.”
“Feisty as always. I heard about the deal with Collins. That's huge Damon. I'm super proud.”
“Yeah. I am too. I'm happy your jet didn't crash if it is any consolation.” I said.
“Whatever. Aren't you bored? I'm bored. Let's get out of here. Come on.”
Only Diego could walk into my office and command me like that. We'd been best friends since we were kids and altought we were very different, Diego was the only person that really understood me.
It was past work hours so I stood up and walked behind him.
I was going to end the night at Club Eclipse but I knew that was a bad idea especially after Felicia's theatrics this morning. So I decided to go to ‘wherever’ with Diego.
When we got into the car, he asked as he drove,
“What's going on man? You look lost.”
“Shit. Don't tell me she's still on drugs?”
“Even worse. Her tantrums have become worse and they happen more frequently. She passed out today, high on God knows what.”
“Bro, I think you should get a divorce. This is a clear case of domestic violence. I know a few lawyers that can help you wrap it up nicely.”
“Thanks. I've thought about it. But the inheritance. I need to survive Felicia for one year to stand a chance and Axel and Lucien have been breathing down my neck. Everything is just…” I trailed off running my hands through my hair.
“I get it. I know just the place to help you let out some steam.”
I was lost in thoughts again. Didn't notice when we arrived, didn't even know where we were, I just walked mindlessly behind Diego.
The loud noise and flashing lights told me we were in a club.
“Let's get you a drink” Diego said to me. I needed it.
We ordered our drinks and walked to where the show was happening, drink in hand. After pushing through the crowd, my heart stilled when we eyes met hers. I didn't expect to see her. Lisa. She looked so stinning in her fit as the rhinestones hugged her shoulders.
Her eyes didn't leave mine as she continued dancing. I was hard and alert, forgetting all my troubles from earlier. I understood now why Felicia couldn't help herself with the weed and alcohol because I too couldn't get enough. I didn't want her to stop dancing. I didn't want the night to end but sadly, it did and another woman stepped forward.
I became more aware of my surroundings and then I realised that I probably wasn't the only one ogling at Lisa and my blood bubbled with jealousy. It wasn't okay. Other men shouldn't get to stare at her that way. I tightened my grip around my glass and emptied it in one go.
My eyes met Diego's, he had been watching me. I'd never looked at any woman the way I looked at Lisa. He knew.
“Damon.” He warned.
“I don't want to hear.”
“I know. But be careful.”
I was being damn careful. Else I would have pulled her off that stage and dragged her home. But he didn't need to know that. No one did.
“Take me home.” I said finally, afraid of what I'd do if I spent even an extra second there.