Love On The Edge


I might have been able to stop myself from approaching Lisa yesterday but I couldn't stop myself from hiring someone to help me track her and dig up some information about her.

I planned to check the mail the investigator had sent later that day but at that time, I needed to get out of my house.

“You're not going anywhere! I won't let you leave me.” Felicia screamed but I ignored her and continued packing.

“You owe me Damon. You owe me everything. Everything. You can't turn around and leave me now.”

“Where are you going?” Felicia asked with a bite in her voice as I strolled out of my bedroom with my suitcase.

I wasn't late for work but I knew I would be if I bothered to engage her. I kept walking without sparing her a glance when she stepped in front of me, blocking my path.

“I asked you a question, Damon,” she raged.

“You asked the obvious, Felicia. Now, get out of my face I have somewhere to be.”

“You aren't going anywhere.”

“Since when did you get to decide my movements?”

“Since I became your wife.” She screamed.

I let out a dry laugh. “You're delusional. You are only my wife on paper. It's a contract.”

“One that's still on. As long as the contract is on, I am and will remain your wife and you will treat me as such.”

“No, Felicia. I would not. I already made that clear enough when we signed the contract.”

“But that was months ago. You haven't touched me ever since. I'm sure you're aching to, unless there is another woman.”

“The only thing standing in between you and I in this relationship is your drug and alcohol addiction.”

“Is this about yesterday? I told you it was a mistake. It's never going to happen again. I swear Damon. I won't slip again.” She cried.

She looks serious but I wasn't going to fall for her antics again. “That's what you said the last time.”

“I mean it this time…” her voice trailed off as it spilled out empty promises and an endless list of excuses for her actions because my eyes were focused on the front door ahead and the freedom it promised.

I clenched my fist and tried to take another path but she blocked me. Again. I was losing my patience.

“Is there another woman, Damon,” she asked.

“I don't have time for this nonsense. Get out of my way now!”

She shrieked from the harshness of my voice and I moved quickly before she could recover.

“I know that there's another woman, Damon. You better pray that I don't find her,” she called after me.

Marriage with Felicia had been a living hell every single day. She agreed to my loveless marriage deal because of the financial perks and societal status that came with it. I knew she was too greedy to let it slip. What I didn't know was that greedy people are never satisfied. They would always want more, just like Felicia.

I didn't have the time to worry about her just yet. I had a full day at work ahead to worry about. Or that's what I thought until I got to my office and couldn't focus on anything but Lisa. I really couldn't get her off my mind. I'd promised to stay away after our encounter the previous day but I really couldn't.

I needed to see her just one more time. My attraction to her was otherworldly, forbidden, it was something I couldn't control. And she felt it too. I could tell.

I didn't even realise I'd sent Walter home and driven down to Club Eclipse myself. To my greatest disappointment, I didn't see Lisa. I had waited for hours and was already disinterested, staring at my phone screen as it vibrated. Felicia hadn't stopped calling since I left. At least she finally decided to get busy with something. I was in no mood to talk to her yet the one person I wanted to talk to was nowhere in sight.

I finally decided to call Anne. I could asked her for the Club's schedule. It'll come with a price but I was willing to pay anything. While waiting for Anne to pick her phone Lisa walked on stage. Finally.

I hung up on Anne and watched her move across the stage like she owned it. She had barely started yet she commanded the attention of every single man in the room. I wanted to take their sights from them but I couldn't come up with any mass massacre execution plan that would spare Lisa’s stunning outfit from blood stains.

With a head full of booze and tightly clenched knuckles, I walked away trying to get some air. I needed to be with her so I tried to book a VIP session but I was told that Lisa was fully booked for the night. I couldn't help thinking of all the things the men who had paid for these sessions could do to her. Was she always fully booked?

Not bothering to argue with the strip club staff, I decided to reach its owner directly,

“Hey, Damon. I see you tried to call earlier.”

“I need to see her.” I ordered.

“See who?” She asked.

“Lisa. Heard she's fully booked tonight. I need to see her now.” I knew I sounded desperate but I couldn't go down on my knees if I needed to. That's the effect she has on me.

“Damon, I don't think-”

I cut her off. “Please, Anne. I'll pay the price. Whatever it costs, just let me see her.”

She sucks in a deep breath behind the phone before she eventually says, “Alright. I'll put a call across.”

She gave me the directions on how to find Lisa before I hung up and headed straight there.

“Excuse me! Excuse me.! Sir! Sir! Please sir, you can't go in there!” Club staff roared behind me but they were too late.

I really should have done that. There might have been cameras in the room and if the video had leaked I'd be done for. My reputation would be ruined and Lisa would have been in danger. But I didn't care. My mind was made up and no one could stop me now. Not even me.

I turned the door knob and bust into the room and immediately my eyes mer Lisa's. She was oddly still but her mouth was moving. She was trying to tell me something but I couldn't read it.

Eventually, I figured it out.

She was saying, “help.”

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