Occupational Hazard
I stared at Damon as I lay on the floor. I was naked but he could only see my face since the rest of my body was hidden behind the chair.
I'd seen him watching while I danced earlier tonight and I silently wished he'd be waiting for me in the VIP lounge.
But like everything else in my life, things didn't quite work out the way I'd wished. Instead, I was trapped in a room with a psychopath. He had drugged me and tied me up. He couldn't see Damon but I could.
My head was swimming in ecstasy. The last thing I heard was the sound of a hit before my eyes closed.
I just hope Damon wasn't the one that received the hit.
I wasn't sure how long I'd been unconscious for but when I opened my eyes, I realised I was in a unfamiliar room. Unfamiliar but dashing. It screamed luxury. I pulled myself out of the bed and walked out when my chest crushed a hard wall.
I looked up to see Damon. The bruise on his face told me he hard been hit.
“Your face.” I whispered, reaching up to access his wound.
“It'll heal.” He said, shrugging my hand off. “You should see the other guy's face. Were you able to get some rest.”
“Yes. I'm just-” I winced grabbing my head quickly. The room was spinning again.
“Hold on. I got you.” He said and he guided me back to the room. You still need some rest. Yesterday was really rough for you.”
“And you haven't eaten anything all day. I'll bring some food over in a minute.” He said, leaving the room.
All day?
“What the hell happened yesterday and how much time has passed?” I asked immediately he returned to the room.
“I'll tell you but you need to eat first.”
“What time is it?”
“Lisa.” He warned. “Eat. And then we talk.”
I nodded reluctantly and ate. I emptied the plate because I was really hungry and it tasted really nice.
“Thank you.” I said.
“What's the time” I asked again.
“It's 6:23pm. You still to get some rest before-”
“Oh my God!” I screamed and rushed out of the bed.
“Lisa, you need to get some rest.”
“I'm late. I'll rest later.” What was I thinking? Lying on a stranger's bed. Enjoying the luxury of his apartment? I was going to be late for my shift and Mike would have my head on a spike if that happens.”
“Where are you going”
“There's no way they'd ask you to work today after what happened yesterday.”
“Nothing serious.” I shrugged. “Every occupation comes with a few hazards.”
I could tell he was mad, but I didn't really care. I was already at the door when he said,
“If you're insisting on going, at least let me drive you.”
I eyed him wondering why he'd care to drop me off. But my desperation prevailed. Truthfully, he was my best shot at making it in time.
The drive was silent. I was still embarrassed from yesterday's encounter. He'd have seen me naked if he took me home. That's just one item from the endless list of details that I wasn't ready to process.
“Thanks for the ride.” I squeaked when he's finally arrived. I hurried out of the car, not bothering to see if he drove of or not and ran into the changing room.
“I thought you'd put up a fuss after yesterday but knowing how much you love money, I knew you won't miss work on a weekend.” Mike spat.
I didn't have the mental energy to handle his garbage tonight so I walked past him and continued my preparations for my dance.
When it was finally my turn, I started out with a pole dance and continued into the night. I knew I was doing a great job because of the amount of cheers I was getting but I didn't really care. I just wanted to get it over with and receive my paycheck.
“Great job, kiddo. You're fully booked tonight.”
It's going to be a long night. I thought to myself when Mike added.
“Whoa. This one's a big catch. It's just one client. One of the most influential men in the United States.”
I genuinely smiled at Mike for the first time since I met him and said “Thank you.”
I didn't really care who the client was, as long as it's just one man. I'll be fine.
When I opened the door, I noticed the room was dimly lit. This one must be quite the creep.
I struggled to move across the room and finally made it to the sofa.
He was wearing a mask so I couldn't see his face but I didn't care to either until I heard him call my name.
That voice. I know that voice. It's the same one that haunts me in my dreams. I didn't notice him while I was dancing. In truth, I didn't notice anyone at all.
“How are you here?”
“I made a reservation. Paid. And walked through the door.” He retorted, pointedly.
“No, I mean, why are you here?”
“Do you ask every client these questions or is it just me?”
“If that client happens to be an acquaintance, I think it's only normal for me to be curious.”
“Curious. Oh, I'm curious, Lisa, about you.”
“I find you quite intriguing.”
“How so?”
“For starters, I'd like to know what goes on in that pretty little head of yours while your dance around those pole.
I don't say it out loud but he knows. It's hard to hide it when my body reads to every single move he makes.
And now, starting in a dark room with him, just the two of us, I can almost hear my racing pulse. The tension in the room is thick.
“Why are you really here Damon.”
“I'm not sure either.” He says. “I guess I just needed company and I also thought you deserved a break from work. I killed two big birds with a tiny little pebble.
“Perble my foot. We both know you paid a fortune to be here tonight.”
“Trust me, Lisa, that wasn't a fortune. Hardly enough to put a dent in my bank account. Besides, it's good business for Anne.”
I'd totally forgotten about Anne. If she found out that I spent the entire night with him, she'd have questions that I can't answer.
“I just want to talk Lisa. That's it.”
“Fine. We can talk. But not here.”
“Why? The room is dark, the camera's can't do much.”
“Is not about the recording. I just don't feel comfortable here. I come here everyday to do other things that aren't talking. So, it just feels weird.”
“Alright, princess. I know just the place.”
“Princess? We've moved from first name to nicknames now and I don't even know your last name.”
“That can be solved when we talk. Come on. Let's leave.”
I walk behind Damon. We get into a conversation in the car and I'm so invested that I didn't realise when we pulled over in the car park of his penthouse.
“Thought you said you knew just the place?”
“Yeah and this is it.”
I roll my eyes and walk with him into the elevator.
“Next time when you want to take a woman home, find an excuse that's better than this.”
“You think that's what this is?” His face pulls into a frown.
I don't respond. It was obvious.
“I'm not trying to get you into my bed Lisa. I just want to spend some time with you, as friends.”
I asess him closely, he looks sincere so I let it go. We settled into his house. I take a sit on the couch while he walks into his bedroom.
There's a portrait of him on the wall and I can't help but stare. Friends. Could we really be friends. I'd been attracted to him from day one. I'll be lying to myself If I said I didn't want more than friendship from him.
But I'm a stripper who can't quit because of survival. He wouldn't want me. No one in their right senses would.
“Hey, come over here. It's warmer.” Damon called behind me. I walked to where he was seated beside the fireplace and took a seat behind him staring at the flames.
“What's on your mind?” He asks.
I look up at him, startled.
“You seem to always have a lot to think about.”
“Well, life's tough. Not everyone's a billionaire like you.”
Okay, maybe I didn't mean to sound that harsh.
A sad smile fills his face. “Is that what you think? Money isn't everything.”
“That's cuz you have it. Money is everything to me. Everything.”
“Hmmn. Is that why you work at Club Eclipse?”
“Isn't that reason enough?” I ask back.
His eyes narrow like he's contemplating something but he withdraws. I let out a long sigh and sag my shoulders a little to ease out the weight of the burdens I bear.
“It's not just about the money. Okay. It is about the money but not the way you think.”
He raised a questioning brow but I continue.
“Okay. To put it simply. I have some bills to settle. Really huge bills. And the pay is really good. It's the only job I can work without much credietentials and earn that much.” I rush.
He stares at me for a minute before asking, “What bills?”
“I'll rather not share. It's, uh, personal.”
“I understand.” He said before he changed the topic. I was so happy about the topic change because the last one was very uncomfortable.