A name In The Dark
The trip home was tense. Louisa's knuckles were white with tension as she clutched the wheel tightly. A buyer. Someone big. And Costa was negotiating with them. Her mind was running over possibilities. If Costa had been informed about Gabriel, if this "buyer" knew too, then her boy wasn't in trouble—she was. She needed to know what they were up against. And she needed to know immediately. Home No Longer Safe She returned home and went to go check on Gabriel first. He was in his bed, his small chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. For a second, only one, she breathed deep. He was safe. At least for the time being. She locked doors, double-checked the windows, and activated her auxiliary alarm system. Then she sat down at her computer and began digging. If Costa had been dealing with someone big, there would be a trail. Deals always have a trail left behind. And she had some notion of where to start looking. She wasted an hour rootling about in black markets and encrypted websites, and then there it was. A name. Hendrik Vasquez. Louisa's heart faltered. She knew this name. A South American crime boss. Cold-blooded. A seller of everything—narcotics, weapons… human life. And children. Her gut knotted. She cracked open an encrypted series of messages. Vasquez had been discussing with a member of the Costa family for two months. Something Costa was selling. No—someone. Chilling sweat followed down her spine. Gabriel. She had been short and shallow. Costa had never so much as given his son a thought. He'd left her, broken and bleeding, but he hadn't even tried to claim Gabriel. So why today? Because up until now, he'd never found the value in him. And now somebody had talked to him otherwise. The Call That Changed Everything She picked up her phone and dialed. Lorenzo Ricci answered on the second ring. "Moreau," he said in his smooth tone. "Couldn't resist?" She wasn't interested in his games. "Vasquez," she said. "What do you know about him?" There was a moment of silence. Then, "Where did you hear that name?" Her gut churned. "So you do know him." A sigh. "He's trouble. Big. Spreads his tentacles year by year. He's in everything, and everybody's got a price he can pay." She closed her eyes. "Including Costa?" Another silence. That said it all. "Come on, Moreau, spill the beans," Ricci wheedled. She drew a sharp breath. "Costa's selling something to Vasquez." Ricci's voice cracked. "What?" She hesitated. She never discussed it with Ricci, how awful it was, the worse. He knew she had a child, but not this. To say it out loud made it real. And she wasn't prepared for that. So she danced around. "I need to find Costa. Now." Lorenzo cursed. "You're walking on fire, Moreau." "I have no option." The silence stretched. Then, "I'll send you what I can." She slammed the receiver onto the cradle, her heart racing. Vasquez was the type of man who purchased women like livestock. If he believed Gabriel was something. Louisa fists balled. She'd incinerate the entire city before she'd allow that to occur. The Trap Is Set The next evening, she received a message from Lorenzo. Discovered Costa's location. Be intelligent. Louisa was not going to be intelligent. She was going to terminate it. She pulled her gun around her thigh, jammed a knife into her boot, and left. The address led her to an empty warehouse on the docks. Classic. Too convenient. She knew a setup when she saw one. But she didn't have time to lose. She slid unnoticeably, holding shadows. Barely was she in the doorway when the hush of voices greeted her. Costa's, and another. She crept closer quietly, slinking low behind crates. And there, standing opposite him with a sulk that came uncomfortably close to being arrogant was a figure she'd only managed to locate photographs of from Ricci's files. Hendrik Vasquez. She caught her breath in her throat. She had to know what they were discussing. So she waited. And then Costa spoke. "She doesn't know yet.But soon, she will." Vasquez smiled. "And when she does?" Costa rested against his chest. "Then we take the boy." Louisa's blood froze. She grasped for her gun. But before she could act, a hand covered her mouth from behind. A gun was pushed against her back. She had stepped right into their trap.