Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter One

"My ring!" Portia squealed a bit as she yacked the engagement ring off of Namaka's pale hand. "Where did you find it?! " She asked now her eyes comfortable in staring at the glistening diamond. "I have been looking for it everywhere."

"You have?" Namaka asked in a low voice.

Portia nodded still distracted by the ring. "I don't even know how I lost something so precious." She hit her head with her right hand. "Stupid fool!" It was then she raised her eyes to Nama who had a strange look in his eyes.

"Nama?" Portia waved a hand in front of Namaka's face.

"The ring" Namaka's gaze went to the ring that was still being held by Portia. "That ring. Who gave it to you? Why do you have it?"

Portia shrugged her shoulders as she put the ring on her ring finger. "I really don't know what to say to you Nama. I didn't want things to be like this. But I guess we can't all get what we wish for."

"Uthini? What the hell are you saying to me?"

"The truth I should have told you the moment we met. Uxolo. I didn't think about mentioning this even once in these six months. But today is the day I break my silence."

Namaka pulled himself together. A pain already written on his face before he heard anything from Portia.

Things were defly silent for a while. Before a sneeze could be heard from one of the bedrooms of the house. Portia and Nama both looked towards the direction of Buhle's room.

"Listen okay?" Portia started her words with her side eye still looking at the way to her brother's room. "My brother is sleeping so we better hurry this up. He was in a nightshift. Nothing can wake him up okay? Not the wind and definitely not us yelling okay? Once I tell you what I'm about to take it like a man and then leave. Don't cause drama."

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