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Chapter 4: A Rescue

I blinked slowly, regaining my bearings as the sterile white ceiling above me came into focus.

My headache dull pulsing in time with my heartbeat. I was unsure of where I was but I could feel a cozy pillow under my head. The sound of the rhythm of the heart monitor filled my ears which was both reassuring and unnerving.

My mouth felt perched and I tried to swallow but my throat was so dry and tight . My body ached as though something—no, nothing—had struck me.

I had a sudden flash of memory that I had been hit by something but the details were hazy and dispersed. As if the universe itself didn't want me to move too fast I shifted but the feeling of weakness pulled me back into position.

"Hey there" A quiet voice next to me said and I looked around.

Standing there with a soft smile on her face was a woman wearing scrubs. Her eyes were the kind that simply by gazing into them brought comfort.

With my voice hardly audible above a whisper I croaked "Where… where am I?"

The kind nurse said "You're in the hospital...It's been a few days since you went unconscious. Disorientation is common but you're safe now."

Hospital. Days?

My thoughts were racing. I made an attempt to sit up but it was too much work. My body was uncooperative. A warm bandage was wrapped around my head when I touched her head after feeling a sharp pain there.

"Don't try to move too fast,"The nurse said in a steady, composed voice. "You're getting better. That's all right."

" Recovering from what?" I managed still trying to figure out what was going on.

The ground hurtling toward me the memory of a car and the abrupt swerve all smashed into my mind in pieces like a puzzle lacking important pieces.

As though she could read my surprise, the nurse gave me a pitying glance. "Its alright. Its not necessary for you to recall everything at once. It can occasionally take some time for your mind to adjust."

I tried to clear my jumbled mind by closing my eyes but it didn't help. I have no memory of arriving here. I had no recollection of how I got into this sterile hospital room. I had very little recollection.

I asked the words tasting odd in my mouth "What… What happened to me?"

The nurse paused, seemingly picking her words carefully before responding. "You were found unconscious on the street. Someone brought you here. Before he left he checked on you." She took a moment to think. "We were not given a name. He failed to leave one. But he worried a lot about you. He wanted to see that you were helped."

Something shifted inside of me. The thought of someone looking out for me when I had no idea who they were was nearly too much to handle. Has someone found me and brought me here?

I had trouble concentrating on what the nurse was saying because my thoughts were still racing trying to grasp something that kept eluding me.

I trembled as I asked "Do you remember who that was?"

I found it extremely strange and alien to think that a complete stranger would help me without expecting anything in return.

She shook her head "Sadly, no. He only made sure you were in good hands before leaving. He didn't stay. Regretfully, we were unable to identify him."

My heart became constrictive. I couldn't help but feel both emptiness and thankfulness. Who was the person who had taken the time to ensure my safety and why had he vanished so fast?

Unconsciously my hand went to my stomach and as I touched the tiny curve under the flimsy hospital gown, a wave of realization struck me like a ton of bricks.

My baby. The one I hadn't disclosed to anyone, the one, I couldn't even shield from this mess that had been my life. My mind was racing as I kept my fingers on my stomach.

" How is my baby?"

The nurse noticed my abrupt change in concentration and gave me a gentle smile. "Don't worry...We examined. The baby is fine. Perhaps a little shaken up but you two will be alright."

With a wave of relief, I let out a slow exhale. Knowing my child was safe when everything else seemed to be crumbling was an odd almost alien sensation. At least my child—my baby—was safe even though I had lost all sense of what I was doing.

That had to be taken into consideration. I was unable to determine how long I lay there thinking only that. Even when everything else seemed uncertain I was able to stay anchored by the thought of my child's safety.

My voice was low as I said "I don't understand. He helped me but who was he? What made him leave?"

The nurse's eyes became gentler. "I wish I had more to tell you. However occasionally there are those who lend a hand without expecting praise. He most likely believed that you would stay here and receive the care you require."

Feeling the weight of his absence, I muttered "I don't even know his name."

I was unable to comprehend the kindness of a complete stranger.

The nurse smiled at me empathetically. "Some people behave in that way. They're not looking for attention. They simply act morally because it is the proper thing to do."

I listened to her words and nodded slowly. They were comforting but they also evoked a strong desire...a desire to understand and learn more about the man who had stood by me during a time when I felt alone.

My mind began to wander once more but a sudden sound cut through the silence before I could sink too far into the mists. The silence of the room was sliced by the hinges of the door as they creaked loudly and it swung open.

I was blinded by the flood of light from the hallway for a few seconds. A long shadow was cast by a figure standing in the doorway.

The light behind him obscured his face but there was a tension in the air that seemed to change.

"You're awake." A familiar voice said cautiously and softly.

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