I stared at the door, the metal lock glistening under the dim candlelight.
A lock, really? like I was some fragile thing. Like I could be contained.
A bitter laugh bubbled up in my throat, but I swallowed it down. First, he took Asa. Now, he expected me to sit here, silent and obedient, like a prisoner in my own skin?
The bracelet on my wrist was already suffocating me, my magic nothing more than a dull pulse beneath the metal. And Asa, my Asa, was gone.
She was killed by the heartless fates and now I wouldn't get to even bury her.
I wasn’t going to sit here and wait for whatever game this man was playing. I wasn’t going to beg. I was going to find Ada, bury her, and leave this hellhole.
I moved toward the window, pressing my palm against the cool glass.
The sky outside was deep indigo, the moon hanging low, spilling pale light across the vast courtyard below. The wind whispered against the trees, swaying their dark branches.
A familiar longing stirred in my chest, that deep ache for open spaces, for freedom, for the feeling of moonlight against my skin without walls to contain me.
I pushed the window open.
The night air rushed in, crisp and sharp, curling around me like an invitation. My body moved before my mind could question it, hoisting myself onto the ledge.
One deep breath, then I let myself drop.
The fall was short, my bare feet landing softly on the cold stone balcony below. I stayed there for a moment, still, listening.
No movement inside. No voices.
I exhaled, my breath fogging slightly in the chill.
The balconies above stretched upward, scattered along the side of the mansion like a path leading me out. I could climb. If I reached the rooftop, I might find a way down the other side.
I reached for the next railing, fingers curling around the iron, and pulled myself up. My muscles strained, but I gritted my teeth, ignoring the burn in my arms.
I climbed one balcony, then another. The third was harder. My body ached, exhaustion weighing down on me after everything I’d been through.
My fingers slipped slightly, my heart slamming against my ribs as I fought to hold on.
I clenched my teeth and forced myself upward.
I couldn’t stop. I wouldn’t stop. There was no room for that.
That’s when I heard it.
A faint sound from the window just above me.
My body froze as I strained to listen, my head tilted upward. The sound came again, muffled but clear enough to set my teeth on edge.
My breath hitched as I pressed myself against the cold stone wall, heart pounding.
I hadn’t meant to stumble into anything. I just wanted to get out. But now, I was stuck, forced to stay still, forced to listen.
A reminder that I wasn’t alone in this house.
And if I wasn’t careful, I’d be caught.
I clenched my fists, swallowing down the frustration rising in my throat.
The moaning wasn’t soft or subtle—it was sharp and edged with something raw. Pain. Or pleasure. Maybe both.
Someone was in that room.
And whatever was happening inside, it wasn’t gentle, especially with the scent of arousal in the air so thick that it veiled my vision.
“Oh my fucking god!” I heard her moan, followed by a breathless gasp.
Reckless pounding sounds echoed. Female moaning morphed into pleasured screams. Male growls that were inarguably the hottest sounds I’d ever heard sizzled in the air around me….
And what’s more concerning was that those male growls sounded familiar.
Like the ones that had been ingrained in my mind for years now, but I didn’t want to believe that it was him sending that woman over the edge behind the window.
Any other sensible being would leave as fast as their legs could carry them, away from the scene that had no business with them, but for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to leave.
There was a burning curiosity in me that was clawing at my chest, pleading with me to sneak a peek at whatever was unfolding in that room.
Soon, I gave in, reaching for the window latch and slowly opening it while my fingers trembled.
Warning bells went off in my head as the room came into view and the moans became much more audible, but I was too far gone to stop now, so I leaned in and peeked through the open space, my entire body igniting with arousal once the entangled bodies came into view.
Just like I’d guessed, I indeed knew those hot male growls, because they’d once been whispered down my ears a couple of years ago when he fucked me like our lives depended on how hard he could rail me.
And now, he was doing the same to Medina.
She was on all fours, and he was behind her, thrusting in and out mercilessly while she arched into him like she was in desperate need to feel every single inch of him plundering in and out of her.
Her hair was wrapped around his fist as he used it to pull her to match the rhythm of his wicked pace, and his muscles and delectable ass clenched with each thrust of his strong hips.
I suddenly wished I was in her stead, wished I was the reason he was expending all that energy to fuck me without restraint.
One would think that a sneak peek was enough for me to come to my senses and flee the scene, but it wasn’t.
The only thing the peek had done was ignite arousal deep in my core and make my pussy walls begin to throb with need.
“Elijah, yes. Just like that,” she moaned, sounding like she was soaring on eagle’s wings.
Strangely, that was the first time I’d heard his name being confirmed to be the same one I’d known him as in those odd visions.
And it was pretty odd that I’d heard it rolling off the tongue of another woman that he was punishing recklessly with his cock.
“Elijah,” I tested his name on my tongue in a whisper, watching his glistening monstrous length go in and out of her the same way it did with me on that fateful night.
“Elijah,” I whispered again, hazy with desire and envy that I wasn’t the one subject to those unforgiving thrusts.
In one swift motion, he lifted her by her hair and pulled out of her completely allowing his release to spill all over her ass, making a nasty and hot mess of her bunched up dress while he groaned in satisfaction.
I swallowed subtly, my entire body heating up with a fierce feeling of arousal that made my press my thighs together tightly to knead my envious pussy and give her a tiny bit of relief.
I bit my lower lip, and then my lips parted as I salivated, suddenly in desperate need of him.
More than anything in the world, I wanted to lick every drop of cum that was still visibly stuck to the tip of his thick, veiny member that still looked deliciously erect.
“To the wall,” he spanked her ass harshly and she helped as she jumped off the bed, nodding in obedience before hurrying to the wall and placing her hands against it while he walked slowly towards her.
I enjoyed the show, the way his muscles flexed wonderfully with every step he took until he reached her and wrapped an arm around her neck and another hand spread her left butt cheek to give him a clear view of entrance.
Harshly, he thrust into her again and she nearly screamed her head off in ecstasy as he started to pound her into the wall without giving her an opportunity to catch her breath.
I hated that I wasn’t the one in her shoes. I hated that I wasn’t the one being fucked mindlessly. I hated that I was by the window on my way to steal Asa’s body instead of having my holes stretched wickedly by his magnificent dick.
Just as he slammed harshly into her and she came with a godawful tremble and scream, something hit me.
My thoughts did a quick rewind and something that should’ve clicked long ago finally did.
Without thinking, I let out a loud gasp and both persons whose privacy I’d been shamelessly invading snapped their necks in the direction of the window where I was peeking and all hell broke loose.
“What the fuck?!” Medina shrieked, immediately wrapped a hand around her boobs and pressing a palm over her sex to hide it.
Elijah’s eyes glinted with anger and the shock from being caught and her scream made me lose my balance quicker than I could snap a finger.
The next second, I was tumbling over the balcony, screaming bloody murder as I imagined how shameful it would be to lose my life because I was snooping on people fucking.
Asa would be disappointed in me when she saw me in the after life, I thought.
Just as I closed my eyes and accepted my horrid fate, falling past floor after floor of this sickening Victorian palace, something unexpected happened.
Strong, muscled, firm arms caught me and my breath seized as I realized what a close shave I’d had with death.