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Voice in My Head

Eli stared at the glowing star design in his notebook. His hands shook as he touched it. The lines shimmered with a soft silver light, just like Kael's skin.

"What is happening to me?" he whispered.

He closed the notebook and tried to sleep, but his dreams were filled with twin suns and silver towns. When he woke up, his head felt strange, like someone had left a door open inside his mind.

At 7:30 AM, Eli left his room. The men in black suits were still there, watching. He pretended not to see them as he walked quickly toward the coffee shop on Maple Street.

The coffee shop was almost empty. Eli looked around for Marcus but didn't see him. He ordered a coffee and sat at a table near the back, checking his watch every few minutes.

8:05 AM. No Marcus.

8:15 AM. Still no sign of him.

Eli's stomach twisted with worry. The tissue sample was at 9 AM. He needed to get back to the lab.

Just as he stood to leave, a woman in a gray coat sat down across from him.

"Dr. Carter?" she said quietly. "I'm Agent Lin. I work with Dr. Reed."

Eli froze. "Where's Marcus?"

"He couldn't come. It wasn't safe." She slid a small silver key across the table. "This will open the service elevator to the roof. Dr. Reed has disabled the alarm system for one hour, starting at 8:45."

"Why are you helping?" Eli asked, his voice shaking.

Agent Lin's eyes darkened. "Because I've seen what they do to 'specimens' like your friend. Now go. You have thirty minutes."

Eli grabbed the key and ran. His heart pounded as he raced back to the lab. The men in black suits were gone, which scared him even more.

At the lab, Dr. Kane was already there, preparing tools for the tissue sample. Sharp silver knives and needles set up on a tray.

"You're late, Dr. Carter," she said bitterly.

"Sorry," Eli mumbled. "I needed coffee."

Kane nodded toward the viewing room. "The specimen is ready. We'll begin in twenty minutes."

Eli looked through the window. Kael sat motionless on the floor, his silver skin dulled with fear. Their eyes met across the room, and suddenly—


Eli gasped. The voice was inside his head. Clear as day, like music made of words.

Eli, can you hear me?

"Yes," Eli whispered, his lips barely moving.

The star shape. It connected us.

Eli looked at Dr. Kane, who was busy checking equipment. "How?"

It is the royal seal of my family. I am Prince Kael of Astoria, second son of the High Council. The pattern holds our energy identity.

"You're... a prince?" Eli's mind spun with this new information.

Yes. I was on a peace mission when my ship was damaged. Your people found me and brought me here. Please, Eli. They must not know who I am. If they find my royal blood, they will never let me go.

Eli's hands trembled as he pretended to work at his computer. "They want to cut you open," he whispered. "In fifteen minutes."

I know. I can feel their goals. But you have a plan, yes?

"Yes, but it's risky. We need to get to the roof."

I trust you, Eli. Since the moment I saw you, I knew you were different.

Eli felt warmth spread through his chest. He took a big breath and walked over to Dr. Kane.

"Dr. Kane, I think there's something wrong with the specimen's vitals. Look." He pointed to the monitor where he'd quietly changed the numbers.

Kane frowned. "That's strange. Its heart rate is all over the place."

"Maybe we should postpone the sampling?" Eli offered. "Bad samples would only waste time."

Kane looked at him suspiciously. "Fine. Check it out. I'll go get Dr. Myers for a second opinion. Don't do anything until I'm back."

As soon as she left, Eli ran to the door of Kael's room. The keyboard needed a code.

Six-two-nine-eight-one, Kael's voice flowed into his thoughts.

"How did you—"

I watched them. My people have good memories.

Eli punched in the code. The door slid open with a soft hiss. For a moment, they just stared at each other, no glass between them for the first time.

Kael was even more beautiful up close. His silver skin seemed to pulse with life, and his violet eyes glowed like twin stars.

"We need to hurry," Eli said, taking a lab coat. "Put this on."

Kael took the coat, his fingers brushing against Eli's. A spark jumped between them, and suddenly Eli's mind filled with images: a shining city under twin suns, strange ships flying through pink skies, and Kael standing before a crowd, wearing a crown of stars.

"Your home," Eli whispered in wonder.

Yes. And this is what they will do if they learn who I am.

New pictures flooded Eli's mind: Kael in chains, scientists cutting into his skin, weapons built with his blood.

"I won't let that happen," Eli promised, helping Kael put on the coat. "We need to get to the service elevator. It's our only way out."

They slipped into the hallway. Eli's heart hammered in his chest as they walked quickly past labs and offices. Most staff were in a morning meeting, but they could run into someone at any time.

Left ahead, Kael's voice directed him. I learned the building layout from their computers.

Just as they turned the corner, they heard Dr. Kane's words. "Where is Dr. Carter?"

Eli pulled Kael into a supply closet. They pressed together in the dark, barely breathing.

She knows, Kael whispered in Eli's mind. Someone saw us.

Alarms began to blare throughout the building. Red lights flashed in the hallway.

"We need to run," Eli said. "Now!"

They burst from the closet and sprinted down the hallway. Guards shouted behind them. Eli swiped his card at door after door, taking them deeper into the facility.

"The elevator is just ahead," Eli gasped, out of breath.

They turned the final corner and saw it: the service lift. Eli fumbled with the silver key as footsteps pounded behind them.

The elevator door opened. They jumped inside, and Eli hit the button for the roof. As the doors began to close, Dr. Kane appeared, her face twisted with rage.

"You're making a terrible mistake, Carter!" she yelled. "It's using you!"

The doors closed, cutting off her words. The elevator began to rise.

"She's wrong about you," Eli said, looking at Kael. "You're not a 'it'. You're a person. A prince."

Kael touched Eli's face gently. Thank you for seeing me.

The relationship between them grew stronger. Eli could feel Kael's thanks, his fear, and something else—something warm and bright that made his heart race.

The lift dinged as they reached the roof. The doors opened to show the morning sky, clear and blue.

And five black planes surrounding the building.

"No," Eli whispered in horror.

A dozen men in tactical gear pointed weapons at them. In the middle stood Marcus, his face grim.

"I'm sorry, Eli," Marcus said. "They gave me no choice."

Trust me, Kael's voice filled Eli's mind. Hold my hand and don't let go, no matter what happens.

Eli grabbed Kael's hand. The alien prince began to glow, brighter and brighter until Eli had to close his eyes.

"What's happening?" someone shouted.

Through closed eyes, Eli saw a blinding flash. When he opened his eyes, the helicopters were frozen in mid-air, their blades still. The men stood like statues, faces frozen in shock.

"How did you—" Eli began.

I stopped time, Kael explained, his mental voice strained with effort. But only for a moment. Look.

Eli followed Kael's eyes upward. The sky was changing, the blue turning to purple. And through the purple, a huge silver ship was appearing, shimmering like a star come to life.

My people found me, Kael said. But Eli, you must make a choice now. Come with me, or stay behind. If you stay, they will hurt you for helping me.

Eli stared at the beautiful ship falling from the sky, then back at the frozen humans who would surely punish him.

And then time began to move again.

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