Read with BonusRead with Bonus



"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

The deep, silky voice broke through the throbbing music and the whirling mayhem of the masquerade. I turned, still holding a half-eaten strawberry wrapped in chocolate in my gloved palm. My beautiful silver filigree mask did nothing to conceal the blush that was slowly rising up my neck.

"No," I said, my voice a bit out of breath. "Go ahead."

A dark figure wearing a cut suit that hinted of quality cloth and a plain black mask, he slipped into the vacant chair next to me. My skin tingled as the electricity in the air around him crackled.

"Thank you," he turned to me and said. "This place is… intense."

"Intensely crowded," I said, letting out a little giggle. "And intensely loud."

He said, "And intensely… interesting," his eyes, which were visible through the mask, staring at mine. "Especially the masks."

"Yours is very… understated," I tilted my head to examine.

He said, "Yours is exquisite," his eyes resting on the fragile silver that around my eyes. "It suits you."

I felt a sense of warmth that I hadn't experienced in a long time. "Thank you," I said, now struggling to look him in the eye.

"So," he said with a lighthearted accent, "what brings a beautiful woman in a silver mask to a masquerade?"

"The same thing that brings a mysterious man in a black mask, I suppose," I shot back, grinning. "A desire for anonymity."

He said, "Or perhaps," as he leaned forward, "a desire for something more."

My breath caught. "And what might that be?"

He said, "A night to remember," in a deep rumbling that made me tremble.

I felt a chill go through me. "Is that a promise?"

He said, "It's an invitation," with bright eyes. "Do you accept?"

I taunted, "Maybe," while biting into my strawberry. "If you can convince me."

I felt a shock of electricity when he laughed, a deep, throaty sound. "Challenge accepted."

He extended his hand and touched my wrist, causing a surge of warmth to go up my arm. "May I have this dance?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I replied, laying my strawberries on the table and getting to my feet.

The wave of people on the dance floor moved in rhythm with the music's thundering pace. He grabbed my hand, and I felt a surge of electricity from his contact. The music served as a background for the silent dialogue between us as we danced in unison, our bodies swaying in time.

He said, "You move beautifully," as his warm breath touched my ear.

"So do you," I said in a voice that was almost audible.

With our bodies pushed together and the heat flowing between us, he drew me in. The pulse of the song grew, echoing my heart's tumultuous pounding.

He muttered, "I want to see your face," as he traced the edge of my mask with his fingers.

I said, "And I want to see yours," as I reached for the edge of his mask with my own fingers.

He paused, looking into my eyes. "Are you sure?"

"More than anything," I said, suddenly sounding urgent.

His face was much more remarkable than I had anticipated as he gradually took off his mask. Full lips, a powerful jawline, and intense eyes that made my breath stop in my throat.

"Johnson," he said in a low, growling voice.

"Salome," I said, taking off my own mask while keeping my eyes fixed on his.

I felt my stomach turn as he smiled, a slow, seductive grin. "Salome," he said again, his tone kind. "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

Taking my hand, he guided me through the packed room and off the dance floor. We located a peaceful area away from the commotion and onlookers.

He remarked, "I can't believe I haven't seen you here before," in a tone of incredulity.

"I don't come to these things often," I said, watching him intently.

"That's a shame," he said, following the contours of my face. "You're a sight to behold."

He extended his hand and traced the contour of my face with his fingertips. "I've been wanting to do this all night."

His lips brushed mine as he pushed closer. A gentle, hesitant touch that made me feel a surge of yearning. I closed my eyes, relishing the way his breath felt warm on my skin.

The kiss became deeper, more demanding, more intense. His hands went to my waist and drew me in, pressing our bodies together as the fire between us became stronger. I wanted to feel every inch of him against me, so I put my arms around his neck and drew him in.

He moaned, "Salome," in a voice full of need.

"Johnson," I said, pressing my lips to his.

With desperate intakes of air, he withdrew. He said, "I want you," in a need-driven voice. "I want you more than I've ever wanted anything."

"I want you too," I said in a shaky voice.

Taking my hand, he guided me down the silent corridor and out of the room. He stopped at a door and took a key out of his pocket.

"My room," he replied in a hoarse, low voice.

He led me inside after opening the door. A bedroom lamp's gentle light created lengthy shadows on the walls of the poorly lit room.

With a searing intensity in his gaze, he turned to face me. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes," I said in a hushed tone, my voice full of intense need.

His fingers trembled a little as he went for my dress's zipper. The lace undergarments underneath was shown as the dress dropped to the floor. His eyes widened and he gasped.

He exhaled, "You're even more beautiful than I imagined,".

He fumbled with the delicate fabric of my bra, reaching for the clasp. He withdrew it, exposing my exposed breasts. He stared at them for a long time, a raw need shining in his eyes.

I felt chills go down my spine as he leaned in and brushed my skin with his lips. His lips moved down my neck, collarbone, and chest as he planted a kiss on me. His touch sent waves of ecstasy down my stomach as he trailed kisses.

His fingertips lingered on the smooth fabric as he went for the clasp of my panties. He drew them down, exposing the black triangle between my legs and the gentle slope of my hips. His breath was hot across my skin as he gasped.

His lips brushed my most sensitive areas as he knelt in front of me. My body arched automatically as I groaned. He teased, tantalized, and drove me to the brink of insanity with his tongue flicking out.

"Johnson," I screamed, my voice brimming with urgency.

He got up and drew me in, pressing his body against mine. His fingers were shaking as he went for his pants' button. His length was firm and pulsating as he tugged them down.

He carried me to the bed and carefully laid me down after lifting me. His eyes were glowing with fire as he loomed over me.

"Salome," he said, his voice full of passion. "I'm going to make you mine."

His eyes were fixed on mine as he slowly and methodically penetrated me. I gasped as a wave of pleasure swept over me and my body tightened around him.

His rhythm drove me crazy as he moved, first gently and then more quickly and forcefully. I let out a cry as waves of ecstasy swept over me, causing my body to convulse.

Soon after, he followed, mimicking my cries.

Our bodies still hot from the afterglow of pleasure, we lay together. Only the sound of our labored breathing shattered the quiet.

"That was unforgettable," he said in a hoarse voice.

I nodded, still shaking and unable to speak.

He gave me a gentle kiss that spoke a thousand words. "I'll never forget this night, Salome."

The screen of his phone lit up as he grabbed for it.

His eyes widened as a message flashed across the screen. His face became immediately stiff as he sat up.

He added, "I have to go," in a tense voice.

"Go?" I inquired in a bewildered tone. "Where?"

His eyes were full of sadness and yearning as he gazed at me. I'll elaborate later. Know that I will get back to you. He got up and hurriedly dressed. Leaning down, he kissed my forehead quickly. "I promise."

Then he was gone, leaving me alone myself in the darkened room with his fragrance and the smell of sex still there. With my pulse thumping in my chest, I gazed at the closed door. What had just taken place? Where had he disappeared to?

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