The Promise

Chapter 2

The promise

“I will cherish you for the rest of my life,no woman matters Bella. We'd get through this together and I'll always be there for you”

Those were his words that day as I walked into the theater and now he is holding our divorce papers after threatening me with that same secret that he promised to shield and keep away from the world. Those words had given me strength and had made me forget about the pain and torture I had gone through. And now, he was bringing it up on our wedding anniversary? How people change.

“How cruel can you get Royce? You stooped low to even use that against me?” I asked in horror and denial as I didn't want to believe that he'd do that to me.

Britney must have seen that the secret had a hold on me because she walked to Royce who was already sitting and snaked her hands to his chest lazily. She raked her hands through his hairs and played with his nipples.

“Don't put me in the dark darling,what is this secret that she didn't want anyone to hear about?” She asked. At this my heart sank as I looked at Royce, he smiled as if he knew what was going on in my mind.

“Royce…you wouldn't dare to share it with her. This has nothing to do with her and she doesn't deserve to know our matters” I snapped

“Our matters? There's nothing like that anymore. Britney is with me now and as you know, I don't like keeping secrets from the love of my life.” He explained.

“You promised me Royce, you promised to never let anyone else know about this,” I said moving closer to him in a hope that he'll remember and apologize for the madness going on.

“Promise? I'm no longer bound by that anymore , you've signed the papers. Did you forget so soon?” He asked lazily.

“Come on Royce, tell me already,” Britney pushed again.

“Shut up your mouth Britney,stop poking your face everywhere!” I snapped at her. It was enough that she had snatched my husband but she'd make him divulge my secret too?

“A little patience baby,” he began and the world collapsed around me. “You see, Bella here only has one fallopian tube left. One was cut off when she had ectopic pregnancy.” He said.

“Royce… please don't do this,” I begged and pleaded but it was as if he was taking joy in making me miserable.

“As a result of this, her chances of getting pregnant again is 50-50.” He finished and smirked at me. The world around me came to a stop as I stared at Royce. He had promised to take this secret to his grave but now he has done otherwise.

Britney stood still for a while, calculating all that she had and finally when she put it all together, she spoke.

“You mean she is barren right now?” She asked, looking at me from head to toe. She laughed mockingly and walked to me. “Little miss heiress is barren? What good news on a night like this. Imagine how much turbulence would occur when this gets out,” she said. “Popular heiress Bella Johnson is rumored to be barren,” she said and laughed.

That got to me and tears threatened to drop out of my eyes. I brought up my hand and slapped her hard on the cheeks. Her countenance changed under the chandelier in the room and she took the nearest bottle on the table. She broke it and before I could realize what she was about to do and take to my heels, she slashed me across the face.

I yelled in pain as warm blood trickled down my dress and the pain finally registered in my brain. I looked towards Royce to at least give me a hand but he did nothing. First he betrayed me and now, he can't stand up for me?

“Don't look at me for help. You caused this upon yourself. Why did you slap her? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth right?” He asked and I looked at him in total bewilderment.

“What a sight to behold, broken, barren and ugly!” Britney said. “Do us a favor and get away with your barren self and ugly face, " she said and that was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Her words stung like me like a bee and I ran outside.

The busy streets of Italy were the only thing that wasn't blurry in my crying eyes. I regret coming to Italy, if I had stayed inNew York, this wouldn't be happened? It felt unreal and I blinked my eyes several times, trying to wake up from the dream.

A part of me wished I had stood my ground and didn't sign the papers. ‘What was I supposed to do?’I muttered as I walked barefooted into the street, making some of the road plyers look at me like I was mad.

If any of the Murphys, the second most powerful family with a long list of Mafians, were to hear that I can't have a child, hell would let loose and they'll make life uncomfortable for my father. He'll lose face and be forced to step down, especially since the Murphys have been trying all they could to lay their hands on my father's company.

I moved from the street and stood by the zebra crossing, weighing the options I had. I can't possibly return to my father because I remembered how vividly he has warned me. Now, I am divorced on my wedding anniversary and my step sister did a good job by snatching my husband. What more reasons do I have to still continue living?

There was no point in remaining alive because as long as I continued seeing the two of them, the crazier it would get. I watched as the traffic lights turned green and I jumped in front of an oncoming car without any hesitation

‘Bang!’ The car hit me, flying me up in the sky before I finally landed on the cold tarred road. My life flashed in my eyes quickly like a book as I closed my eyes finally.

I was free finally from the worries but deep down, I wished I could get another chance to have the traitor's revenge. I knew it was too much to ask from but I couldn't stop myself from asking.

Just a single chance to get this right is all I need.

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