Chapter 4: Suddenly engaged
"Should we go and get the abortion done before we go and see Dad?" Claudia asked her big sister who was getting ready to leave with her,
"What?" Carina asked.
"I mean the baby, aren't you going to get rid of it?" Claudia asked again.
Carina clutched her stomach, she still hadn't made up her mind about what she was going to do, but aborting it felt like the hardest task in the world and she didn't want to do it. If only there was another way to let the baby go without going through that bloody act, she would have done it.
"I feel like you are pressuring me," she said to her sister,
Claudia sighed, "That guy is going to turn you into a single mum while he enjoys his life out there with another woman, it's not fair." Claudia said, trying not to lose her temper.
Carina exhaled and shut her eyes tightly, what her sister said was very true, Deon was going to enjoy his life with Emily in another country and leave her to suffer alone with a child: their child.
"Even if I have to get an abortion I can't do it right now, it can only get done after the meeting," she said.
Claudia shook her head, "what if mom finds out? You know how fast that woman can be, one look at you and she will know. And that's the problem, she shouldn't know. Nobody should know."
The whole situation was suffocating her, it felt as if keeping the baby would be the end of her, and letting it go would have the same effect on her. All the odds were against her and the only person who was supposed to be her support system had dumped her for another woman. It was supposed to be the two of them against the whole world, not her alone against everyone else. She hated to admit that her family was right about him,
"I will think about what to do after we meet with Dad, can we give this topic a rest for now?" she replied, "I will make up my mind after whatever happens today."
Claudia thought it was a bad idea but she just nodded, to avoid further argument. To hide her pregnancy, Carina put in extra effort to look very good so no one would notice that anything was off. As they got to the bus stop to begin their journey, Carina's heart was beating loudly, and her stomach churned and twisted in knots. The suspense was driving her crazy,
"What do you think dad is going to talk about?" she asked her sister when they were in the taxi,
Claudia shrugged, "I don't know, but I just hope it isn't anything related to Deon because we wouldn't know how to answer him."
Carina hung her head in frustration.
Mr. Grant was chitchatting with Nathan when he heard the doorbell, he excused himself and hurried to open the door and let his girls into the foyer. He gave them a hug, which seemed a bit confusing because he was usually stoic.
"Now listen to me, I have a special guest in the dining room when we get there, be very respectful, and you..." he pointed at Carina,
"I don't want to hear one word about that good-for-nothing boyfriend of yours, you are single in case anybody asks you anything? Do you hear me?" he said. "Don't talk if you haven't been asked anything"
"Yes Dad" Carina nodded wondering why he was giving her so many instructions.
"Good now let's go," he said, leading the girls to the dining room. The girls exchanged confused glances at each other but kept following his lead,
When they joined Nathan at the table he smiled, a sign that he was pleased with what he was seeing.
"These are my daughters, Carina and Claudia." Mr. Grant said as Nathan shook hands with them. Nathan was impressed with Carina's beauty, she could easily be mistaken for a beauty queen.
"So who did you say was 24?" Nathan asked and Mr. Grant pointed at Carina, Nathan was satisfied with the answer,
"That's Carina, she's 24,"
Carina frowned wondering what on earth was going on, it looked like it was an exhibition and she was on sale.
"Hello Carina, I know you may be confused by what's going on, but your father and I have discussed an arranged marriage and in a few days you will get married..." Nathan broke the news to Carina who seemed displeased,
Nathan was a very good-looking young man but she couldn't marry a man she had just met, what the hell was going on?
"Married to who? You?" she snapped,
Before Mr.Grant could jump in, Nathan smiled and said, "Not me miss, but someone even more handsome, you will like him."
Carina laughed sarcastically and shook her head, "No, you don't know me? You don't know what I like."
"It doesn't matter what you like, I've seen your type, they are usually good for nothing, if they were any good you would be married by now," Mr. Grant snapped.
"But Dad, isn't this too sudden? Carina hasn't even met this guy yet, so please have some mercy." Claudia tried to defend her sister, but that only infuriated their father even more, he closed the gap between him and his girls and lowered his tone.
"It looks like you want to hand over those keys to the apartment very soon, this is a little sacrifice you are making for your father and if you won't be of help to make my position more secure at work you might as well stop enjoying the benefits and start hustling all by yourselves," he said threatened,
The sisters exchanged glances, then stared at their father a little disappointed in him, but he looked dead serious,
"Can I at least think about it?" Carina asked, when their father moved away, hoping that her father would be more understanding but he shook his head,
"There's nothing to think about, all you need to do is prepare for it because you are marrying this guy, whether you like it or not," he said. "So just go and get ready, that's all you need to do. In 3 days Nathan will pick you up so you can meet Harry, then you sign the papers and get married as soon as possible," he announced leaving his daughters shocked and frustrated.
"Three days?" They shrieked.