The Blood King

"Hold on!" Kael yelled from the driver's seat. The car swerved sharply, tires screeching on the wet road.

Lila screamed as Darius's face appeared at her window. His burned skin was already healing, and his blue eyes glowed with hunger. He slammed his hand against the glass, making it crack.

"He's breaking in!" Lila cried.

The Blood King grabbed her and pulled her to the other side of the car. "Kael, do something!"

Kael spun the wheel hard. The car crashed into Darius, sending him flying off the road. But vampires were tough. Lila watched in fear as Darius rolled and then sprang back to his feet, running after them again.

"We can't outrun him," the Blood King said. His red eyes narrowed. "I need your help, Lila."

"My help? What can I do?"

The Blood King pulled out her mother's notebook and flipped to a page with strange symbols. "Your blood has power. These are your mother's safety spells."

Lila stared at the weird marks. "I don't understand any of this!"

"You don't need to understand. The power is in your blood." The Blood King bit his own wrist. Dark blood welled up. "Press your hand to mine."

"What? No!" Lila pressed herself against the car door.

Darius emerged again, running alongside the car. He grinned at Lila through the window.

"Do it now or we all die!" the Blood King yelled.

Trembling, Lila put her hand on the Blood King's wounded wrist. The moment their blood touched, heat shot up her arm. The strange symbols in the book suddenly glowed red.

"Now repeat after me," the Blood King said. "Sanguis meus, protege nos."

"S-sanguis meus, protege nos," Lila stammered.

A flash of red light filled the car. Lila felt something burst out from her like a wave. Outside, Darius screamed as the red light hit him. He fell back, his skin burning.

"What did I just do?" Lila gasped, pulling her hand away.

"Blood magic," the Blood King said, looking at her with new respect. "Your first spell."

Kael whistled from the front seat. "Impressive for a beginner."

Lila felt dizzy. The world spun around her, and she slumped against the seat.

"The magic drained her," she heard the Blood King say before darkness took her.

Lila woke up in a moving car, feeling confused and with an aching head. The Blood King, who sat beside her, told her she had been asleep for three hours. Her mind raced as she tried to understand how her life had changed so drasticallyhow she was now among vampires and had magical skills.

She asked the Blood King why he had taken her, to which he clarified that he paid her stepfather for her security rather than purchasing her. This surprised Lila, who hadn’t known her mother had a relationship with him. The Blood King stated that he had made a promise to her mother, Elena, to not interfere in Lila's life until she turned twenty-three, but Darius had learned of Lila's existence and power, forcing him to act before her birthday.

As they drove, Lila saw a tall black castleThe Ebon Citadelappear before them. The Blood King claimed it as his home and now hers, filled with other vampires and human servants who had special skills. Lila questioned whether they were servants or slaves, and Kael, another vampire, reassured her that they served freely, many of them being relatives of vampires.

Upon arriving, Lila stepped out to a group of people, greeted by the Blood King, who presented her as the daughter of Elena. A man named Lucian welcomed her politely. The Blood King commanded Lucian to take her to the East Tower, which made Lila feel as though she had no say in her own fate. She protested, demanding answers about her situation, but the Blood King argued she needed rest after using magic.

Inside the castle, Lila followed Lucian up grand stairs lined with captivating paintings. She voiced her annoyance at the Blood King’s authoritative demeanor, but Lucian noted that his long rule made him accustomed to obedience. When they reached her room, Lila was surprised by its beauty and size, filled with luxuries she had never experienced before.

Lucian told her that she was to stay within the Citadel for her safety, which Lila interpreted as being imprisoned. After Lucian left, she explored her lavish surroundings and found her mother’s diary, which held messages about her ancestry and the power within her.

Determined to flee, Lila examined the balcony and saw a potential way down. She took a leap of trust, climbing down the tower wall. Her progress was slow and tough, with her body protesting. Suddenly, the sound of flapping wings startled her, freezing her in place and causing her to cling to the wall as something large circled overhead.

A huge raven swooped toward her. As it came closer, it changed – moving and growing until a man hovered in the air before her. It was Kael, but now he had huge black wings stretching from his back.

"Going somewhere?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"You can fly?" Lila gasped.

"Some of us have special gifts," Kael said. "Now, will you climb back up, or do I have to carry you?"

Lila's foot slipped. She scrambled to find a hold, but it was too late. With a scream, she fell backward into the darkness.

Strong arms caught her. Kael held her tightly as they flew back up to the balcony. He set her down gently on the stone floor.

"The King will not be pleased," he said.

"I don't care," Lila shot back. "I'm not marrying him!"

"Is that what you think?" Kael asked, looking surprised. "That he brought you here to marry you right away?"

"He said I'd be his bride when the blood moon rises."

Kael ran a hand through his dark hair. "It's... difficult. But not what you think."

Before Lila could ask more questions, the balcony doors flew open. The Blood King stood there, his red eyes blazing with anger.

"Trying to escape already?" he growled.

Lila backed away until she hit the fence. "I want to go home."

"Your home is gone," he said coldly. "And until you learn to control your powers, you're a danger to yourself and others."

"I don't have powers!" Lila shouted.

The Blood King moved so fast she didn't see him coming. Suddenly he was right in front of her, his hand gripping her chin.

"Then what do you call this?" he whispered.

Lila gasped. All around them, small items – books, cushions, even her shoes – were floating in the air. And her hair was lifting around her head, sparking with red energy.

"I'm... doing that?" she whispered.

"Your emotions trigger your magic," the Blood King said. "Another reason you need to stay here."

The floating objects crashed to the floor as Lila's shock broke her focus.

"Tomorrow your training begins," the Blood King said. He turned to leave, then stopped. "Oh, and Lila? The windows and doors will be locked from now on."

After they left, Lila sank onto the bed, her head spinning. She picked up her mother's diary again, desperately looking for answers.

As she turned a page, a small envelope fell out. Inside was a key – small and golden, with a strange sign on it. A note in her mother's handwriting read:

"When the time comes, this key will lead you to the truth. But beware – some doors are locked for good reason."

Lila held the key tightly. Whatever door it opened, she would find it. And maybe, just maybe, it would lead to her freedom.

Outside her window, thunder roared. In the flash of lightning, a figure stood on a faraway cliff, watching the castle. A man with gray hair and ice-blue eyes.

Darius had found the Citadel.

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