Strange Dreams

"You're lying!" Lila yelled at Darius. She clutched the crystal bottle tightly in her hand.

Darius stepped closer, reaching for her. "Join me, daughter. Together we can—"

The floor beneath them shook violently. Cracks spread across the stone like spiderwebs. Darius looked down, shocked.

"What magic is this?" he hissed.

The tower began to fall. Lila felt herself falling as the floor gave way. She screamed, but instead of crashing down, strong arms caught her mid-air.

"Hold tight," said a deep voice she didn't recognize.

Lila looked up at her hero. He wasn't the Blood King. This vampire had copper-colored hair and amber eyes that glowed in the darkness. Tattoos covered his arms and neck, moving like live shadows.

He jumped from falling stone to falling stone, carrying Lila away from the collapsing tower. Behind them, Darius roared with anger.

"Who are you?" Lila asked as they landed on a balcony.

"Kael," he said. "The Blood King sent me to find you."

"Is he alive?"

Kael's face darkened. "Barely. Darius hurt him badly. We need to hurry."

He led her through halls she hadn't seen before. Vampires rushed past them, some carrying weapons, others helping the injured.

"What's happening?" Lila asked.

"War," Kael said simply. "Darius has attacked with his clan. He wants the throne... and you."

They reached a small room with a single bed. Mira was there, mixing something in a bowl.

"You found her!" Mira smiled with relief. "Quick, she needs to rest."

"Rest?" Lila shook her head. "I can't rest! There's a war going on!"

"You must," Kael said. "The Blood King needs your help, but you're not ready yet. Drink this and sleep."

Mira gave her a cup with sweet-smelling liquid. Lila remembered the crystal bottle and pulled it from her pocket.

"The Blood King gave me this. He said to drink it by midnight."

Kael and Mira traded looks.

"Not yet," Mira said softly. "That's for later. Drink my potion first."

Too tired to fight, Lila drank the sweet liquid. Almost instantly, her eyes grew heavy. She lay down on the bed as darkness took her.

Lila was someone else. She wore a long red dress that sparkled like rubies. Her hair was longer, and she felt bigger, stronger.

She was in a beautiful yard at night. The moon above was full and crimson red, throwing everything in a bloody glow.

A man walked toward her. Not the Blood King, but someone who looked like him. His eyes were friendlier.

"Selene," he said, taking her hands. "My love."

"Marcus," she heard herself say. "It's almost time."

Marcus – was that the Blood King's real name? – looked sad. "There must be another way. Let me take your place."

"You know that's impossible." Selene – no, Lila – touched his face. "Only my blood can seal the darkness."

They walked to a stone altar in the center of the yard. Seven vampires in black robes stood waiting. Behind the altar was a spinning black hole that seemed to pull at Lila's soul.

"The Void grows stronger," one robed vampire said. "We must act now."

Marcus held her hand tightly. "I'll find you again. In the next life."

"I'll be waiting," she whispered.

She took a metal knife and cut her palm. Blood dripped onto the altar. The black hole pulsed and grew smaller.

But something was wrong. The hole suddenly grew, reaching out with dark tendrils. One touched Lila's chest, right over her heart.

Pain. Terrible pain. Lila screamed.

Lila sat up in bed, gasping. The room was dark except for a single light.

"Just a dream," she whispered. But it felt so real.

"Not just a dream," said a voice.

Lila jumped. A woman sat in the corner of the room. She looked exactly like Lila, but older, with longer hair and sad eyes.

"Who are you?" Lila asked, though she already knew.

"I am Selene. I am you, from another time." The woman's form flickered like a candle light. "And we don't have much time."

"You're the Crimson Witch?"

Selene nodded. "I was. I am. We are. The blood remembers even when the mind forgets."

"I don't understand."

"You will." Selene moved closer. "Listen carefully. Darius is not your father. He lies to control you. Your blood is special because it contains the power of seven generations of witches."

"Why does everyone want my blood?"

"Because it can either heal or destroy the seal between worlds." Selene pointed to the crystal vial on the table beside the bed. "That contains my blood – your blood – from centuries ago. The Blood King has kept it safe all this time."

"For what?"

"To break the cycle." Selene's image started to fade. "But beware. Not all friends are friends, and not all enemies are enemies."

"Wait!" Lila reached for her. "Who can I trust?"

Selene smiled sadly. "Trust your blood. It knows the truth."

She vanished, leaving Lila alone in the dark room.

The door opened, and Kael stepped in. "You're awake. Good. We need to move."

"Where's the Blood King?"

"Healing. Slowly." Kael helped her stand. "I'm taking you somewhere safe."

"No more running," Lila said strongly. "I want answers."

Kael studied her face. "You've changed. Was it the dreams?"

"How did you know about my dreams?"

"Everyone in the castle knows about the Crimson Witch and her visions." He led her out of the room. "The dreams show you your past lives."

They walked through empty halls. The sounds of fighting had stopped.

"Is the battle over?" Lila asked.

"For now. Darius withdrew at dawn. Vampires are weaker in daylight."

Kael brought her to a big room filled with books and strange objects. In the middle stood a table with a map of the castle.

"This is the war room," he stated. "The Blood King's inner circle meets here."

"Am I part of his inner circle now?"

"You're much more than that." Kael touched one of his tattoos, which glowed briefly. "You're the key to everything."

He showed her the map. Seven steps, each marked with a different symbol.

"Seven floors for seven vampire clans," Lila remembered.

"Yes. And each clan wants control of the seal." Kael pointed to the bottom of the map. "The seal is here, beneath the castle. It holds back a darkness older than time."

"And my blood can strengthen it?"

"Or destroy it completely." Kael's eyes glowed. "That's why Darius wants you. Not because he's your father, but because your blood can give him the power to rule everything."

Lila touched the crystal bottle in her pocket. "And what does the Blood King want?"

Before Kael could answer, the door burst open. Three vampires rushed in, led by Mira.

"We've been betrayed!" Mira shouted. "Someone let Darius into the castle!"

Kael pushed Lila behind him. "How many of his forces?"

"Too many. They've taken the lower levels and are moving up."

Suddenly, Kael grabbed Lila's arm. His grip hurt.

"Give me the vial," he ordered, his voice changing.

"Kael?" Lila tried to pull away. "What are you doing?"

Mira hissed, showing her fangs. "Traitor! I knew we couldn't trust you!"

Kael's eyes turned purple – the same color as Darius's had been. One of his tattoos burned brightly, sending black lines crawling up his neck to his face.

"The master calls," he said in a voice not his own. "And I must answer."

He threw Mira across the room and grabbed Lila around the waist. Before anyone could stop him, he ran to the window and jumped.

As they fell through the air, Lila reached for the bottle. The Blood King had said to drink it by midnight for safety. There was no time left.

She pulled out the cork and swallowed the red liquid in one gulp.

Fire spread through her blood. Her vision blurred, then sharpened until she could see every detail around her. She felt power rush through her body.

Kael looked at her in horror as her eyes started to glow crimson red.

"What have you done?" he whispered.

The ground rushed up to meet them.

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