Chapter 5


I walked out of the lecture hall with a heavy sigh along with the hundred other students who were also dying of boredom during class.

I shoved my hand inside the pocket of my hoodie and strolled down the hallway, heading outside to get back to my room and take a nap.

The class was boring, everyone was boring, hell, even life was starting to feel boring.

There's nothing fun to do anymore around here and I've run out of options already. My phone suddenly pinged with an incoming notification and I pulled it out of my pocket and switched on the screen.

To my disappointment, it was only a reminder on my calendar that I've got tutoring sessions at noon with two students.

I guess I won't be getting any naps today since I've only got an extra hour to get ready before meeting up with the first student at the library.

My mind suddenly wandered to Kaia Lilian and how our first tutoring session went. It's funny how I'm suddenly reminded of her when I barely see her around campus or in class.

Now that I think about it, we actually don't have any classes together which makes sense, otherwise, I would've known she existed. Besides, I never forget a pretty face.

I wonder what program she's doing.

"Adrian!" I paused and turned around to see the person calling my name.

I grinned at Amir making his way towards me while trying not to bump into the students that were in his way.

"What's up, dude?"

He slightly narrowed his eyes at me before pulling out a folder from under his arm and flipping it in my way.

"What's this?" I asked while curiously staring at the folder in his hand.

"Your research assignment for that stupid class that you hate. I finished it for you."

Now this is one of the perks of having a smart roommate. The respect I hold for this dude is unmatched.

"Sweet, thanks," I replied with a genuine smile before taking the folder from him.

"Does this mean we have a deal, then? You won't be coming back to the dorms tonight, because I need the room to myself from eight to eleven p.m."

I chuckled and he walked by my side as we left the school building and crossed the lawn outside.

"Relax, dude. I'll be out all night having dinner with my parents, so the room is all yours."

He started smiling with a relief expression on his face.

"Just please be decent by the time I get back," I added and earned myself a slap on the chest.

"We're just going to be studying."

"That's where it always starts and later ended up fucking on the bed." He groaned and I laughed at him.

"Just text me when you know it's about to happen so that maybe I can sleep somewhere else tonight."

He stopped in his tracks and I also did before looking back at him.

"Bro, you don't have to sleep anyplace else. I told you, we're just going to be studying tonight."

I shrugged before walking backward and smirking at him.

"I'll take my chances."

He shook his head at me with a smile before jogging to catch up with me as we made our way toward the male dormitory across the school.


"What do your parents do again?" I asked Amy curiously while looking up from my book to see her.

She was sitting in front of her desk with an eyeliner in her hand, eyes focused on her reflection in the mirror as she tried to get the perfect wing for her eyes.

"They're rich, snobby people who are both divorced that always fight about little things like who's getting the sole custody on which child."

I frowned and glanced at the ceiling.

"That's not exactly a small thing, Ames."

She chuckled and proceeded to do the eyeliner on her other eye.

"Wait till you hear about the 'big issues' they argue about every day."

I smiled while shaking my head and then taking in her outfit. Amy never failed to dress pretty for any event, even if it was just a small dinner with her parents tonight.

"Well, I'm glad they're in town and wanted to have dinner with you."

She groaned and I caught her rolling her eyes in the mirror.

"Yeah right. They just wanted to see my brother and check in on how he's doing since he's the only perfect child in the family."

I immediately straightened my spine after hearing the unexpected news she just dropped.

"You have a brother?!"

She paused with her eyeliner and twisted her head around to see me.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you that?"

"No!" I exclaimed in shock. "You never even once mentioned that you have a brother."

She shrugged and resumed her task.

"Well, you never asked."

"Jesus, Amy."

"What? I think it's a good thing that you never knew he existed. Half of the school is already boosting his stupid ego by praising the ground he walks on. He already succeeded in convincing that fifty percent of the world only revolves around him. So, the only thing that boosts my ego, is knowing that at least I have a friend and a roommate who's not part of that fifty percent."

Well, she does have a point.

But what does she mean that people in this school praise her brother that way? Was he popular or something?

A knock suddenly sounded from the door and I quickly got up from her bed and left the room to go answer it.

The minute I opened the door, I felt like a whole bucket of ice water just poured down all over me.

"What are you, stalking me now?"

He gave me the same shocked reaction back.

"I could ask you the same thing but I'm not going to be surprised about your answer."

Oh my God. The nerve of this guy.

"This is my room, asshole. Now, what do you want?"

He looked confused for about a second and then he glanced at the number on the door before pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"No way, I must've gotten the wrong room then."

"Clearly," I answered sarcastically before proceeding to close the door in his face.

"Adrian." Amy suddenly called from behind me and I snapped around and stared at her in confusion.

Okay, what the hell is going on? Do they know each other?!

"Oh, there you are. Guess I didn't get the wrong room then." Asshole said while shooting me a smirk before stepping inside.

I closed the door and watched them in confusion. Amy stood next to him while putting her earrings on and I folded my arms and remained standing in front of the door.

This isn't real, right? How could they possibly know each other? Are

"Ah, so you've met my roommate," Amy said while gesturing towards me. "Kaia, meet my brother Adrian."

"What?!" He and I both exclaimed simultaneously.

"You both heard me loud and clear." She replied with an eye roll.

"Wait a minute, this, is the brother you just told me about?" I asked Amy, still in shock.

This was worse than me assuming they were dating. I can't believe she's related this....this...this jerk!

"And she's your roommate?" He also asked her with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Yes. Did I mix up the details? What is up with you two?" Amy answered and then her eyes slowly wandered back and forth between me and him.

"Wait, so you've already met." She stated out loud.

"Unfortunately," I answered while shooting a glare at him.

"Well, this is interesting. How'd you two meet?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"Remember that blue-eyed rude asshole who ruined my tutoring session that I told you about?"

She quickly nodded.

"Well, meet the blue-eyed rude asshole." I continued while gesturing towards her brother.

"Wow, that is a very specific description, babe. But I'm flattered you talked about me." He teased and I cringed at the endearment he just used on me.

"You tutor kids now?" Amy asked him while laughing and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Coach's punishment because of what happened at our last game." He answered curtly.

"Oh is this about the fight that you started with the other team that everyone's been talking about?" Amy pressed again.

"Can we go now? We're gonna be late if you keep standing there and asking me stupid questions." He said to her with a sharp edge to his tone.

Amy rolled her eyes and picked up her clutch bag from the counter and smiled at me.

"Don't stay up too late." She said to me before making her way towards the door that Adrian was already holding wide open.

I returned the smile and watched her leave through the door and he followed her out a minute later after giving me one long-lasting glance before closing the door.

This just made everything a lot weirder. I can't believe Amy never told me that that guy was her brother. Like seriously, what the hell?

Was the world really that small?

But at least now, I've finally got a name to put on the smug asshole's face;


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