Revenge Of The Richest Ex-Husband all 213 chapters

  1. I Want A Divorce
  2. Chapter2:Where Did He Go Wrong
  3. Chapter3:After Divorce: Gathering Pieces of Himself
  4. Chapter4:Marriage Proposal To A Disable Girl
  5. Chapter5:The Destitute Janitor
  6. Chapter6:Rejected and Dejected
  7. Chapter7:Who Is Susan?
  8. Chapter8:Becoming The Richest Tycoon
  9. Chapter9:Susan’s True Identity
  10. Chapter10:Heir
  11. Chapter11:Disguising
  12. Chapter12:The Janitor
  13. Chapter13:Fury Of A Husband Scorned
  14. Chapter14:Applying For Job At Swan Group
  15. Chapter15:Meeting Stella and Roger Again
  16. Chapter16:Becoming Their Personal Janitor
  17. Chapter17:Jamole Leaks Fraud
  18. Chapter18:The Bully Called Andre
  19. Chapter19:Moves To Become The God Of Wealth
  20. Chapter20:Hurting A Dangerous Ex-Husband
  21. Chapter21:The First Shocker
  22. Chapter22:Drama At The Boutique
  23. Chapter23:Show Of Power And Wealth
  24. Chapter24:Half  A million Dollar Tuxedo And Sleeves
  25. Chapter25:The Rare Heir
  26. Chapter26:An Eye For An Eye
  27. Chapter27:Birthday Of Ridicule
  28. Chapter28:Quest To Be Heir
  29. Chapter29:Roger And Stella’s Salaries Are Seized
  30. Chapter30:The Proud And Affluent McDonald
  31. Chapter31:Jamole Craves Twenty Billion Dollars
  32. Chapter32:Who Is The Heir?
  33. Chapter33:Someday Andre Would Bow To Jamole
  34. Chapter34:Roger sells His Car
  35. Chapter35:Some day You And Roger Will Need Me
  36. Chapter36:Andre Against Jamole
  37. Chapter37:The Dangerous Hidden Heir
  38. Chapter38:Jamole The Risk Taker
  39. Chapter39:Trouble In Paradise
  40. Chapter40:Plans To Sack Jamole
  41. Chapter41:Our World Against Theirs
  42. Chapter42:The Heir I s Closer Than You Think
  43. Chapter43:Soon You Will Regret This Stella
  44. Chapter44:Secret Plan To Break Stella’s Heart
  45. Chapter45:Roger Begins To Avoid Stella
  46. Chapter46:Roger’s Ambition To Be Husband and Heir
  47. Chapter47:The False Date
  48. Chapter48:Soon Andre Will Bow To Jamole
  49. Chapter49:The Unknown Billionaire
  50. Chapter50:The Ragged Billionaire Comes Through
  51. Chapter51:Who is The Heir?
  52. Chapter52:Oh What A Life
  53. Chapter53:A Date With Susan
  54. Chapter54:Jamole Comes Through For Jade
  55. Chapter55:Raca Just Stepped On The Wrong Toe
  56. Chapter56:Jade Gets A New House
  57. Chapter57:Jamole The Silent Billionaire
  58. Chapter58:Jamole Out To Meet Zhang
  59. Chapter59:Zhang Humiliates Jamole
  60. Chapter60:McDonald Confronts Jamole
  61. Chapter61:Jamole Falls Out With McDonald
  62. Chapter62:Jamole Gets Threatened By McDonald
  63. Chapter63:The Beginning Of Heartbreak For Stella
  64. Chapter64:No Longer At Ease
  65. Chapter65:The Secret Giver
  66. Chapter66:The Challenge
  67. Chapter67:Forever Rich Or Never
  68. Chapter68:The False Date
  69. Chapter69:The Beginning Of Sorrow For Stella
  70. Chapter70:Roger proposes To Susan
  71. Chapter71:The Shocking Rejection
  72. Chapter72:Smarter and More Deceitful Bait
  73. Chapter73:Losing Her Man
  74. Chapter74:Stella’s Heartbreak Goes Viral
  75. Chapter75:You Can’t Stand My Poison
  76. Chapter76:Not Yet Done With Stella And Roger
  77. Chapter77:Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
  78. Chapter78:Pretense and Secrecy
  79. Chapter79:Soon She Will Regret It
  80. Chapter80:Bid To Fall In Love With The Anonymous Heir
  81. Chapter81:Susan Blows Hot At McDonald
  82. Chapter82:One Billion Of Stella Can’t Replace You
  83. Chapter83:The Heir Is Mine
  84. Chapter84:Roger and Stella Fall Apart
  85. Chapter85:Messing With The Wrong MVP
  86. Chapter86:Roger Takes The Risk
  87. Chapter87:Plans To Seduce The Wrong Heir
  88. Chapter88:No Guts No Glory
  89. Chapter89:Lost And Deception
  90. Chapter90:Roger Buys The Gross Diamond Stiletto
  91. Chapter91:Mad Over Her Vomit
  92. Chapter92:Another Heartbreak For Stella
  93. Chapter93:Rare
  94. Chapter94:Stella Is Foolishly Desperate
  95. Chapter95:The Worst Revenge
  96. Chapter96:Zhang Ridicules Jamole Again
  97. Chapter97:Jamole Barges On Roger And Stella Quarreling.
  98. Chapter98:Bragging Over The false Heir
  99. Chapter99:Swan Airline
  100. Chapter100:To The Downfall Of Roger And Stella
  101. Chapter101:Real Business And More Jealousy
  102. Chapter102:Madly In love With The False Heir
  103. Chapter103:The $ 4 Billion Growth
  104. Chapter104:Stella Meets Anderson
  105. Chapter105:Pretense And Ruin
  106. Chapter106:Hardworking Son-In-Law
  107. Chapter107:Swan Airline Became A Big Name
  108. Chapter108:Zhang Visits Swan Group
  109. Chapter109:Zhang Craves To Meet The Heir
  110. Chapter110:Andre And Zhang
  111. Chapter111:The Anonymous Heir is Hugely Craved
  112. Chapter112:Deceive Your Enemies Without Traces
  113. Chapter113:The False Heir Charms Stella
  114. Chapter114:The folly
  115. Chapter115:Roger Gets Jealous and Furious.
  116. Chapter116:The Deceitful Anderson Peters
  117. Chapter117:Welcome To Your Doom Zhang
  118. Chapter118:Gifts For Father-in-law
  119. Chapter119:Blessings Of A Billionaire
  120. Chapter120:The Disguised VIP
  121. Chapter121:A pauper will always be a pauper?
  122. Chapter122:The Success Of Swan Airline
  123. Chapter123:Swan Pablo Regains Consciousness
  124. Chapter124:Jamole Hires McDonald’s Staff
  125. Chapter125:McDonald Is Ridiculed By His Staff
  126. Chapter126:I Pity You Stella
  127. Chapter127:Jamole Is Sent On Suspension
  128. Chapter128:Getting Pregnant For The wrong Heir
  129. Chapter129:Suspicion and Beguile
  130. Chapter130:We Need Such Moneybags Like You
  131. Chapter131:Pretty Girls Crush On Jamole
  132. Chapter132:Be My Janitor
  133. Chapter133:Stronger Disguise, Suicide By The Corner
  134. Chapter134:Pouring Hell On Stella
  135. Chapter135:Rest In Peace Jamole Cadry
  136. Chapter136:If Only She Knows How Rich Jamole Is
  137. Chapter137:My Surname Is Money
  138. Chapter138:In The Game Of Vengeance Emotion Is A Bad Player
  139. Chapter139:Stella Is Pregnant For A Pauper
  140. Chapter140:You Don’t Mess With Jamole
  141. Chapter141:My Wrath Knows No Termination
  142. Chapter142:Deception Is The Most Ruthless Vengeance
  143. Chapter143: Close To Becoming The Heir?
  144. Chapter144:Jamole Almost Got Revealed.
  145. Chapter145:Suspicion
  146. Chapter146:A War Will Be Fought And Swan Group Will Be The Battle Ground
  147. Chapter147:Quest To Reveal The True Identity of Jamole
  148. Chapter148:Zhang Is Becoming The Highest Shareholder
  149. Chapter149:Troubled Skim
  150. Chapter150:
  151. Chapter151:The Underrated Jamole
  152. Chapter152:The Saga At The Garage
  153. Chapter153:Jamole The Fat Cat
  154. Chapter154:Out To Render Roger Broke
  155. Chapter155:Susan and Stella Quarrel Dirty
  156. Chapter156:Ticking:Ruin Looming
  157. Chapter157:Vivian And Pals Mock Susan
  158. Chapter158:Male Twins for Anderson, The False Heir?
  159. Chapter159:Gross Merriment: Baby Shower
  160. Chapter160:Memory And Quest For Babies
  161. Chapter161:Supremacy: Who Will Laugh Best
  162. Chapter162:Losing My Inheritance
  163. Chapter163:Only $25 Billion Can Save Me
  164. Chapter164:Swan Group: A mirror Of Itself
  165. Chapter165:Leaping: When The Going Gets Tough
  166. Chapter166:Falling Victim Of Roger’s Scheme
  167. Chapter167:Roger’s Plan Gets Ruined
  168. Chapter168:I Will Overcome And Bounce Back
  169. Chapter169:What Was Happening To Swan Pablo
  170. Chapter170:When All Seems To Be Against Jamole
  171. Chapter171:Andre: Swan Group Will Never Bounce back?
  172. Chapter172:Susan Fumes At Roger
  173. Chapter173:Zhang And Susan Fall Out
  174. Chapter174:You Don’t Bite The Finger That Feed You
  175. Chapter175: Challenge: Prove Yourself A Worthy Heir
  176. Chapter176:I Can't Go Back To My Vomit
  177. Chapter177:Watch Out For Jamole
  178. Chapter178:The Ill-fate And Deception
  179. Chapter179:Roger’s Plan Gets Ruined For The Second Time
  180. Chapter180:Zhang’s Boy
  181. Chapter181:Run Them Down
  182. Chapter182:Once A Pauper: Can’t Return To My Poverty
  183. Chapter183:This is not my end
  184. Chapter184:Zhang And McDonald Team Up Against Jamole
  185. Chapter185:Wrong time: Unwanted Success
  186. Chapter186:Jade Bows To Andre?
  187. Chapter187:The Hercules Breeder
  188. Chapter188:Earning loyalty And Getting Allies
  189. Chapter189:Mr. Investor: Invested In This Love?
  190. Chapter190:Roger Pledges His Loyalty To Zhang
  191. Chapter191:Regaining Swan Group Or Die Trying
  192. Chapter192:McDonald Break Words With Swan Pablo
  193. Chapter193:Challenges Made Jamole Stronger
  194. Chapter194:Jamole Brought To Nothing
  195. Chapter195:Gold Digger
  196. Chapter196:Supremacy: Andre Courts Jamole’s Loyalty and Worship
  197. Chapter197:Keep Shut And Stay Hopeful
  198. Chapter198:Pride Bigger Than The Universe
  199. Chapter199:Battle Of Supremacy: Roger Humiliates Susan
  200. Chapter200:Finally A Break Through
  201. Chapter201:Reclaiming Swan Group
  202. Chapter202:A  Shocker To Zhang
  203. Chapter203:Fingers Crossed: Keen To Know Who The Anonymous Heir Is
  204. Chapter204:Shocker: Jamole Reveals His True Identity
  205. Chapter205:Twin Babies For The False Heir
  206. Chapter206:Swan Pablo Gets To Know The Trending News
  207. Chapter207:
  208. Chapter208:Good riddance: Andre’s decision? And Stella’s Second Chance?
  209. Chapter209:How Jamole Acquired Zhang Group and Mark Group
  210. Chapter210:Uncertainty: Fourth Day Of The Month
  211. Chapter211:Day Of Reckoning: Vivian Thompson
  212. Chapter212:A Plea For Second Chance
  213. Chapter213:Finale: Back On Her Feet With Pregnancy