Beauty and the Alpha Beast all 28 chapters

  1. Chapter 1 Myths and Magic
  2. Chapter2: It's a Yes For Me
  3. Chapter3: Summoned
  4. Chapter4: Swept Away
  5. Chapter5: Princess or Prisoner?
  6. Chapter6: She's the One
  7. Chapter7: What Do We Do Now?
  8. Chapter8: Change of Plans
  9. Chapter9: Audience With the King
  10. Chapter10: Shedding the Light
  11. Chapter11: He Doesn't Like You
  12. Chapter12: Letters and Lingo
  13. Chapter13: Mending Fences
  14. Chapter14: We Have to Do Something
  15. Chapter15: Breathless
  16. Chapter16: Dreaming of Him
  17. Chapter17: Magical Touch
  18. Chapter18: With Your Hands
  19. Chapter19: Luna Hollow
  20. Chapter20: Taken by a Madman
  21. Chapter21: Storm the Castle
  22. Chapter22: Worth Fighting For
  23. Chapter23: Fight to the Death
  24. Chapter24: Let's Not Lose Our Heads
  25. Chapter25: That Fateful Night
  26. Chapter26: One Final Task
  27. Chapter27: Not a Dream
  28. Chapter28: Becoming the Queen