Early 2000s
The whining of the horses at the ranch made my heart race, but I refused to back down. Fear wasn’t going to win today.
“I’m not scared of horses,” I muttered to myself, as if saying it out loud would make it true—or maybe scare off whatever ghosts made these creatures seem so intimidating.
I pushed the wooden stall door open and stepped inside. The chestnut brown filly stood tall, her coat gleaming in the sunlight streaming through the barn window. This was Honey, my dad’s favorite.
“Hi, Honey,” I said nervously, glancing down at my little hands, unsure of what I was even doing there.
Before I could rethink this foolish decision, Honey let out a shrill neigh and reared up. My breath caught in my throat as terror gripped me. I didn’t have time to run.
Next thing I knew, I was on a pile of hay, my eyes squeezed tightly shut. Strong hands shook me by the shoulders.
“Hey! You could’ve gotten hurt!” a boy’s voice yelled in my face.
I blinked, my heart still racing. Anger surged through me as I shoved him away. “I didn’t need your help!”
He glared at me, amber eyes practically glowing in the dim barn light. “You’re welcome,” he said sarcastically.
“Mind your business. Who even are you?”
“I’m your neighbor.”
“We don’t have neighbors,” I shot back, folding my arms across my chest. “My daddy owns this ranch.”
“My daddy owns this ranch!” he mimicked in a high-pitched voice that made my face burn with annoyance.
“Stop it!” I shoved him again, harder this time.
“Nope.” He stuck out his tongue at me, daring me to react.
Before I could think of a clever comeback, a woman’s voice called out, “Reid!”
He turned, and I saw a beautiful woman approaching us, her face glowing with warmth.
“Hello, beautiful,” she said kindly to me. “Are you okay?”
I nodded politely, just as my mother had taught me. “Yes, ma’am.”
“What’s your friend’s name, Reid?”
“She’s not my friend. I just saved her life,” he said smugly.
“Did not! I was fine!”
“The horse says you’re lying,” he shot back with a grin.
Before I could retort, my parents arrived, leading Honey back into her stall. My dad’s worried expression eased when he saw I was safe, though the strangers clearly caught his attention.
Introductions were made, and I learned the boy’s family had just bought the property next to ours. They were coming to dinner tonight.
Great. I’d have to see this annoying boy again.
Reid left with a smirk, his mother practically glowing with happiness. I groaned inwardly.
Little did I know, this was only the beginning.