Werewolf's Heartsong Comments
zein uriel
to miss author: i hope you and your family are alright at this moment..please update soon or at least tell us what's happening to you so we would know what to expect or not to expect from you at this moment..
09/04/2023 12:48this book is a great read i cant stop reading it keep up the great writing
09/04/2023 12:48Stephanie Gleason
love book, when will next update be, and how many chapters are left?
09/04/2023 12:47Christi Woodruff
09/04/2023 12:46Tammy Morehouse
this is the best book ever
09/04/2023 12:45dallas41
this is so good karma
09/04/2023 12:45Mary Franks
This is getting to be very excited! I love how the other books intertwine with this one! Absolutely beautiful
09/04/2023 12:44Reader-083553
how often do you update??? I can’t wait for the next chapter. I’m literally jumping out of my skin. the cliff hanger is soooooo hood!!!!
09/04/2023 12:44Jana Leekin
I love this book. I wanna start reading the rest but waiting for this one to be completed. keep up the great work!
09/04/2023 12:43Crystal Pinkham
please update more than one chapter at a time please or just finish it already
09/04/2023 12:42Adriana Gonzalez
I was wondering do they sell this somewhere cause I wanna get the book...
09/04/2023 12:42RavenZoia Coleman
please update soon it’s like a drug ion know what I will do when this book is finally finished
09/04/2023 12:41Kimberly Morgan
as an abuse survivor, your words in this chapter literally made me cry. thank you
09/04/2023 12:41Reader-390810
it’s been good so far but can we have more chapters please
09/04/2023 12:41Holly J Kilgore
I agree
09/04/2023 12:40Anna List
wow 😮 this chapter put me in trees a love that’s lasts for life times 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥲🥲🥲
09/04/2023 12:40Robin Shatraw
Oml must have more more now for a re read !!
09/04/2023 12:40StephK
I love, love this book. I have reread it several times now and each time pick up new details. 🥰😍
09/04/2023 12:39Judy Ballard
can you please update soon.
09/04/2023 12:39Tia Hewett
fingers drumming the table.....
09/04/2023 12:38Wendy Rickelman
I love this book !!! don’t want to put it down, but have to work tomorrow so must !
09/04/2023 12:38Ann Bishop
when will the next update become available
09/04/2023 12:38amazing just simply amazing
09/04/2023 12:37Noneyab
this is a REALLY GOOD BOOK!!! I am enjoying it thus far 😌
09/04/2023 12:37Jas Ralph
oh wow
09/04/2023 12:35Joanna Marinoy
I understand that you going through a difficult situation but relishing two new books when we waiting for the first to continues 😡😔, it is not nice!!!!
09/04/2023 12:35Reader-420790
This book is amazing, I wish there to be more chapters. Left me hanging.
09/04/2023 12:34Robin Shatraw
woot woot thank you for the update I love this book so much please keep updating us as soon as possible !!
09/04/2023 12:33Tueisha Ikner
thank you for updating the story!
09/04/2023 12:33Reader-433046
I’m trying to hold off reading the next story. waiting for this one to end… excited to see what will happen
09/04/2023 12:33Ness Sharp
I love this book, haven't finished it yet and already I'm a big fan, can't wait to read the other two.
09/04/2023 12:33Sharen Walters
I understand you have a life outside of writing but I have a hard time waiting when a book has my full attention it took me a week of hiding to get to chapter 172 I didn’t even realize it was the last chapter lol but I’m patiently waiting for more… can you update 2 or 3 chapters next time one is just torture 🥴
09/04/2023 12:32Trimax
Solid writing! I'm enjoying it so far 🙂
09/04/2023 12:32Rosie Garbs
enjoying this story 👍
09/04/2023 12:32please the story is great but we still need the rest of update pleaseeeeee 😣
09/04/2023 12:31Laura Cook
I love this book can't wait for more
09/04/2023 12:30Maria Mills
I am loving this book!
09/04/2023 12:30LadyJay2208
this book is so captivating. thanks for the good read
09/04/2023 12:29Jacqueline Wright-hill
this chapter have me in tears but I love the book
09/04/2023 12:29Terrie Maples
Is this book finished? I have been waiting for at least 2 weeks for an update
09/04/2023 12:28Loretta Oxyer
I’ve been reading books for over 20 years now. i have never read the same book twice so far I read your book 3 times now. Please finish this book so I know the ending to it. You have such a great mind for writing stories. I believe you are the best author on writing stories. i can’t wait to read everything you write.
09/04/2023 12:28Kim Sadler
Thank god I dont think thats her real family
09/04/2023 12:28pollysgirl
Any more updates??
09/04/2023 12:28Debra A Jackson
I want to read her other books but they’re not completed either and I don’t want to be reading another book unfinished! Not complaining, just that it’s hard waiting for one book to be updated
09/04/2023 12:27Heather Espinosa
I am not fond of this ending. I wish that Alora awakens soon.
09/04/2023 12:27Harrietta Jackson
where can this book be purchased.
09/04/2023 12:27Daisy Abenir Valenzuela
thanks for the update keep Safe and healthy 🙂
09/04/2023 12:27Traci Lyn Gomez
I am so anxious to read more. I hope there are a couple of sections released soon!
09/04/2023 12:26Angela Heller
I want this turned into a movie!! To see her forms and the lunar regalia would be amazing 😍😍
09/04/2023 12:26Jordan Farrell
09/04/2023 12:26Penny Spears
taking to long for chapters to come out. very disappointing, I really like the book, but starting to lose interest because of the wait
09/04/2023 12:25Mia Lewis
can this book be finished soon??? loved reading it n looking forward to the end. Taking so long to update with new chapters
09/04/2023 12:24Mila Quial Ang
more updates please
09/04/2023 12:22Francesca Delacruz
When is the next chapter coming out I can’t wait to find out what happens next I have been going nuts
09/04/2023 12:22Tammy Morehouse
this is the best book I was reading it makes me cry and I love the storytelling
09/04/2023 12:22Kguillory
Amazing author, amazing story! this is probably the best werewolf/supernatural book I’ve read in a long time. The amount of detail about their world is awesome, I doubt this book will be done anytime soon but it’s well worth the wait!
09/04/2023 12:21Joanne GreyWolf Bell-Ray
I definitely did cry a little reading this chapter and I'm not a cryer
09/04/2023 12:20Mega Readett
Great book Need more plz hope everything is going well.
09/04/2023 12:20Sahara Wisdom
satisfying chapter!!! And to Selfish readers.. onr of these authors has abandoned a book still on here!! so be Grateful authors update at all! and i loved that story.. notning simce JANUARY.. SO Be GRATEFUL
09/04/2023 12:20Tiffany Oswalt
absolutely love this book!
09/04/2023 12:19Shai Cobb
When will there be more chapters the anticipation is driving me insane??
09/04/2023 12:19hey my fellow readers. if you carry on and read the "witch's heartsong" I think it connects. happy reading.
09/04/2023 12:19please we need a update
09/04/2023 12:18Tammi Bailey
love it. the roosters are coming home to roost!!
09/04/2023 12:18Kelly Marie Sharman
When will there be an update for this book please
09/04/2023 12:17Jennifer Penzica
thank you for your time and effort in writing this story it is amazing story ❤
09/04/2023 12:17Kim Drennan
love the book but been waiting so long for updates. please can we have more than just one chapter every few weeks.
09/04/2023 12:17Dimmi Simpson
love reading this book just hate having to wait so long between chapters.
09/04/2023 12:16Angela Whiteday
09/04/2023 12:15Reader-510706
1 chapter after 2 weeks? so over it.
09/04/2023 12:14Christi Woodruff
I thought writing was suppose to be “ CATHATIC”. To lift one mood
09/04/2023 12:12Loretta Oxyer
I’m very sorry for your loss. I know it’s very painful. I lost a brother who was less than a year older than me. We was very close. When I need him I just talk to him mentally and it makes me feel better like he’s still here. It gives me comfort to know that he hears me. Maybe you can do the same and it’ll help the pain.
09/04/2023 12:12Michele Draine
@DizzylzzyN when can we expect more chapters of Werewolf Heartsong?
09/04/2023 12:12Tracey Mcgookin
when will there be another chapter 😯😯 I’m hooked need to know what happens !!!!
09/04/2023 12:12RavenZoia Coleman
is this story finished
09/04/2023 12:11Chris Norton
i love this book .
09/04/2023 12:11Kay Lou
Im loving all of the heartsong books would you be making a book on Lauren too that would be interesting I read in the Witches Heartsong that she has those cravings because of Sarahs abuse and would like to hear more of her back story. Also I haven't finished reading the chapters of this book but what happened to Agatha she went on training with the luna and then disappeared from the story I would like to read moore about her. You have a great detail in the books and even discribing the characters you dont drone on too long that it becomes boring.
09/04/2023 12:11Betsy Levendos
need more I'm going to need more chapters or I'll go crazy. 😆
09/04/2023 12:10Conni Sorensen
oh I have been binge reading this book and am so hooked. keep up the great work.
09/04/2023 12:10Debra Wynn
Fabulous read...looking forward to new chapters
09/04/2023 12:10jade vargas
please more
09/04/2023 12:09Reader-510706
seriously when are we going to get an update
09/04/2023 12:08Doris Lopez
Some families can be cruel. Hopefully they will finally see how special she is.
09/04/2023 12:08Reader-336076
Most of us are in agreement, please finish the book, it’s time.
09/04/2023 12:07bbbw61
#dizzyizzy @dizzyizzy. So far this is a great novel. I'm enjoying it. Keep up the good work!
09/04/2023 12:05Kathy Kinsley
posy should be posse.
09/04/2023 12:05QueenLatasha Herron
OMG, Sarah needs to die soon!
09/04/2023 12:05update pleaseeeeee
09/04/2023 12:04O. Pamela Pfaff
love is love regardless of where the mating bond lands-those that find their SOULMATES are lucky so and so’s-💜-😸🌷🐬🇳🇱🇲🇨
09/04/2023 12:04Crystal Petersen
When will this be updated???
09/04/2023 12:03Loretta Oxyer
I love all 3 stories you’re writing but can you add chapters to all 3 books as you go along.
09/04/2023 12:02Deborah Beck
the knife was covered in the alphas blood not her brothers...
09/04/2023 12:01Tammy Renfro
One of the best ebooks that I have read in a long time.
09/04/2023 12:00Jennifer Foerster
this is a great read! thank you for writing this!
09/04/2023 12:00Christina Bell
PS Ignore the comments that reflect the readers' selfishness and complete lack of empathy. Your writing is worth the wait 🙂
09/04/2023 12:00Ana Reis
loving it
09/04/2023 11:59April Borchers
So their half form is basically a Lycan
09/04/2023 11:58shannon hart
I'm sorry for your loss take your time that isn't easy too over come except with time God be with you
09/04/2023 11:58i love this book the twist and turns its awesome
09/04/2023 11:58JusKeez82
I love this book as well. When is the next update.
09/04/2023 11:57