My Mate Has Two Wolves Comments

  • Visitor

    traduzione in italiano?

    02/17/2024 09:56
  • Ashime

    I can't get through the first few chapters. It feels so rushed and disorganized.

    01/02/2024 00:25
  • Visitor

    this story is really rushed. it looks good, but im having such a hard time reading this. not in a "i hate this story", but in a "this story is so rushed that im subconsciously rush reading it aswell and missing a lot of sentences"

    11/15/2023 19:16
  • faith love

    I really like the idea of this story, it’s got really good plot, however it seems rushed and missing details in some parts. maybe it’s just me who thinks that though

    09/25/2023 11:49