Sapphire Nightborne once dreamed of the same thing until she met hers, a true monster.
Instead of marks of love, he left whip marks , words of love were replaced with those of hate.
"Congratulations Damien, you finally broke me."
Will she break the chains of fate? Or continue to be shackles like all those before her?
Nightborne Series: Book 1
All feedback and comments welcomed :)
Lovely cover done by @-wanderes (Wattpad)
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Latest Chapters
#36 Waltzes and Wine (Exclusive)
#35 Beast's Lair (Exclusive)
#34 Predator or Prey (Exclusive)
#33 Final Chapter Thirty-Two: New Beginnings
#32 Chapter Thirty-One: Another Chance
#31 Chapter Thirty: Never Again
#30 Chapter Twenty-Nine: Rightful Host
#29 Chapter Twenty-Eight: Heart-to-Heart
#28 Chapter Twenty-Seven: Leaving the Cage
#27 Chapter Twenty-Six: Broken Chains
karen Richards
Great stories
09/05/2023 05:24Caitlin Sullivan
f5g9... I'm not a big fan of abusive mates. I feel like there is so much of that out there, but I do hope she gets away
09/05/2023 01:13Vicki usher
f5g9# this caught my attention looks interesting. Added to my library as I have to see what happens with this story
09/05/2023 01:12Marcia Sheard Whittaker
f5g9 This book caught my attention. Interesting plot and willing to give it a chance. So far, I am liking what I have read.
09/05/2023 00:58Jenna Mc Augustine
f5g9 always looking for the ones where they are destined but not perfect. I'll read on
09/05/2023 00:57Reader-350476
f5g9 amazing and interesting book,can’t wait to read more chapters
09/05/2023 00:48Kaylyn Swanson
f5g9 This one seems a little dark, can't wait to see how in depth the characters are and if they get their version of a happy ending.
09/05/2023 00:43Roxy Galindo
f5g9 I started this book long ago and stopped. I am glad it came back across. pretty great storyline
09/05/2023 00:34Gemma Butler
f5g9 This book sounds right up my street. Added straight to my library and I can’t wait to start reading it.
09/05/2023 00:13John Robinson
f5g9 I have started to read this book, it is so well written and descriptive it draws you in. Looking forward to reading more.
09/05/2023 00:12
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