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Can Be Fixed

"I did," she slowly answered.

"Home deliveries aren't allowed here. I thought it was already made clear in the set of rules sent." He sounded displeased.

That totally slipped Adrianne's mind. She couldn't be blamed for it. There was a thick set of rules, and her memorizing skills couldn't keep up with it.

Moreover, she was starving badly.

"Just let it slide this time. I am hungry. There won't be next time," she pleaded, hoping he will be giving in.

Otherwise, she would have to chew on papers to satiate her growling stomach.

"No," was his cold reply.

Adrianne was already asking so nicely yet he showed unwillingness to comply. It should be good enough that she was ready to go along with his unreasonable rules.

And now, he couldn't even make a little way for her when it was an emergency.

"Your kitchen only makes meals are designated times, and I am starving. What am I supposed to do? Die out of hunger!?" Adrianne's nose flared.

Just when she managed to calm her down earlier, he knew how to strike her nerves well.

"I will ask the kitchen to prepare the meal early for today. There would be no next time."

He talked as though he did an act out if great consideration, and Adrianne really wished to beat him up badly.

Being starved on the first day of marriage?

She was afraid that she would make it into the list of most miserable brides at this rate.

After that, his expression made it appear as though he wasted too much time on her. Seeing how he was walking away, Adrianne stomped her feet on the ground.

When he was out of her line of sight, she screamed, "This piece of shit! Watch what happens when I get my hands on you! ASSHOLE! BITCH! JERK! Shithead with stick up in his ass! I hope you fall into a ditch tomorrow!"

Adrianne cursed to her heart's content, not caring if her voice was loud enough to reach into his eardrums.

But as though she was a wild dog barking, he paid her no attention, and this made her feel worse.

She simply wanted to get under his skin just like how he easily did with her.

Angrily, she strode away, muttering complaints regarding her stone-hearted husband, when her head bumped against a hard chest.

A wince left her mouth, and she took a step back.

She raised her head to find Michael standing before her, and glowering at him, she took out her anger at him.

"Well, you are always following me around like an annoying pest, but how come you were nowhere to be seen when I was almost about to be killed? You are completely useless! Ugh! Why is everyone around me so infuriating!?"

Adrianne puffed up her cheeks and huffed. She bit down on her lower lip next.

"Are you hungry?" Michael asked.

She nodded.

The nagging gnawing from hunger did make her temper worse.

"I apologize for my negligence. I figured you will be hungry when you wake up and therefore, got you food."

Adrianne's eyes brightened up at that, and her negative mood instantly disappeared. A wide smile spread across her face, and she jumped up, wrapping her hands around his neck to pull him into a tight hug.

The near death was worth it for food. It's not like she lost her life or anything.

Who can't endure a little pain?

"Michael, you're truly the best!"


After the dinner, it was time for them to go to bed. Adrianne sat on the bed, the cozy blanket covering her knees, while she laughed at the funny content playing on her phone.

The sound of the door opening drew her attention from the phone, and she raised her head, finding Sebastian walk in.

During the dinner time, she didn't even spare him any glance. She simply wanted to finish the meal fast and get away from his suffocating presence.

As her eyes followed his movements, he showed no acknowledgement towards her. This made her pout her lips.

Seeing how he was undoing the cufflinks, her heart skipped a beat. The attractive set of movements bedazzled her. Next, he undid the top buttons of the shirt.

Adrianne felt as though the scene was out of a movie.

She watched in full interest, and only when he walked into the washroom was she alarmed. She snapped back to her senses.

Her expression was stiffened.

"Are you planning to sleep here?"

He stared at her blankly, as though the question was foolish.

"We are married." He still generously explained.

"You know, both of us are just married in name. Don't you think it would be wrong for us to sleep together? It's not that we wish to develop the relationship in that direct." She hoped he would get a clue.

"Any sleeping habits?" he asked.

She shook her head.

She was pretty well-behaved.

"Then, there should be no issue."

She was dumbfounded. Seeing how he was about to head towards the washroom, she quickly jumped out of the bed.

But her leg entangled with the blanket, and this made her stumble. Unable to watch her balance, she was about to plant her face against the marble tiles when her shoulders were grabbed.

"Really more trouble than it's worth," he mumbled.

But it was loud enough for Adrianne to hear. A flash of embarrassment crossed through her eyes. After she stood up straight, he released her arms.

She cleared her throat and said, "Even if you're alright with it, I will still feel uncomfortable."

"Get used to it," he indifferently replied.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why do I have to get used to it? What we are doing, it is nothing permanent. Therefore, wouldn't it be better to get me another room? I am sure there are plenty here, and you wouldn't want me to invade your private space, right? I can get pretty annoying."

Her eyes were bright in hope.

But they dimmed at his words.

"That can be fixed."

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