Becoming The Cold Mafia's Wife all 29 chapters

  1. Attacked
  2. Found
  3. Him
  4. Getting Married
  5. Desperate
  6. Calm Conversation
  7. Weakness
  8. Sneak Out
  9. Achieve His Goals
  10. Conditions
  11. Vulnerable
  12. How Reliable
  13. Bachelor Party
  14. Hide And Seek
  15. Sentimental
  16. Married
  17. Home
  18. Gave Up On
  19. Watch The Attitude
  20. Can Be Fixed
  21. Waste Of Energy
  22. Blow Your Mind
  23. It's Disgusting
  24. Under Attack
  25. Raise Fish
  26. This Loser
  27. Pretty Responsible
  28. Impulsive Thought
  29. Baking