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Waste Of Energy

Adrianne nibbled on the insides of her mouth.

What enmity did this man have with her?

Why did it feel as though he was adamant on going against her?

"Do you enjoy annoying me that much?" she questioned, glowering at the man.

"Just in case."

That's all he responded before entering the washroom, and that only left Adrianne feeling more confused.

"What was this man and his cryptic manner of talking? Is he treating me like an idiot?" Creases formed between both of her eyebrows.

She raised and informed, "Well, I lied earlier. I have horrible sleeping habits. So, don't come crying to me later on."

Adrianne then turned back to look at the bed. It was large enough to fit both of them, but the insistence showed by Sebastian left her with questions.

She couldn't be blamed for having trust issues regarding the situation.

"Could it be that he is a pervert?"

Horror crossed through her expressions at that, and her face paled at stranger ideas started to brew inside her head.

She slapped her cheeks with both of them hands and told herself to snap out of it. In this way, she will only be scaring herself, and nothing good will come out of this.

She pursed her lips into a thin line. Determination burned in her hazel eyes as she pumped up her fist and softly said, "I will not let you trample over me. Watch out, Sebastian. I will not let you win and come out of this mansion safe and sound."

Next, she knew that the issue of the bed had to be faced. Fortunately, there were enough pillows on the bed, and copying an idea she often read about, she placed the pillows in a vertical line.

She stared at the barrier satisfied.

After that, the exhausted her got on the bed and laid on the covers. She hid blanket and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Her newly married husband will be coming out any instant, and she didn't wish to ruin her mood by having an unnecessary entanglement with him.

At this point, it was safe to say that she felt convinced a levelheaded conversation couldn't happen between them.

Her grip on the blanket tightened when she heard the door open, and she subconsciously held her breath. She hoped that her state seemed convincing or else she would have to go through another episode of embarrassment today.

Adrianne's nerves were tense.

She closed her eyes tightly, praying for the sleep to come to her. But the more she attempted to force herself to sleep, the restlessness only made her feel wide awake.

She lost count of time before her husband shut off the light and laid down beside her. Adrianne bit down on her lower lip when she left the bed shift underneath her.

She started to count the seconds in her mind, and when she believed that enough time passed, she removed the blanket from above her face. Finally, it felt as though she could breathe properly.

She tilted her head to find Sebastian sleeping beside her, his head turned the other way. Staring at his wide back, Adrianne didn't know when exactly she fell asleep.


The bright sunlight caused Adrianne to furrow her eyebrows. She squinted her eyes open and stretched her arms. A yawn escaped from her mouth.

"Who kept the curtains open?" She groaned.

Only then did she feel alert by the unfamiliar surroundings. It took a second for her to register how she got married yesterday.

She noticed that her dear husband has already woken up, and when she checked the time on the clock, it was hardly seven in the morning.

There was no way she planned to get up that early. She got down from the bed and dragged her feet to close the curtains.

She wanted to catch up on her sleep when it hit her that breakfast would only be served at certain times in the mansion.

Thinking about how the man was willing to starve her yesterday, that made her wide awake. She could always sleep later.

She immediately rushed into the washroom to clean herself up. She was afraid that the breakfast will be taken away once the man finished eating.

At the same time, she cursed the insufferable man in her head.

If he did set specific time for breakfast, how could he not wake her up?

That bastard.

He really wanted to make her life unbearable.

By the time she reached the dining room, Sebastian already started eating, but to her relief, he hadn't finished. A meal had been set on the table, and she knew it was for her.

Adrianne noticed how she was breathing heavily, and her desperation made her feel ashamed. Never had been she treated with so much disrespect.

Angrily, she strode over to him and said, "Well, since the meal times can't be flexible, you could have been humane enough to wake me up."

He didn't even bother to glance at her.

"That's not my responsibility."

She bit down on her lip.

Arguing with him was a waste of energy.

She didn't bother fighting and sat down to eat her meal. But his presence made her unable to taste anything.

After taking a few bites, Adrianne lost all mood for food. She planned to go to the room and wallow in depression while pressing her head against the pillow.

She pushed back the chair. Her head was lowered as she stood up, and in an upset mood, she walked back to the staircase.

Sebastian's eyes indifferently followed her back— his thoughts not showing in his eyes.

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