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Blow Your Mind

The following days felt lengthy and boring. Although the time passed by painfully slowly, her life was in peace, and she felt relaxed.

Adrianne hated the thought of being under someone's else control in the beginning but knew how adjust to her situation well.

Therefore, even though everything around her was arranged by her dear husband, almost everything was to her taste and comfort.

She loved how she had no job to do. The meals was prepared for her regularly on time, and she didn't need to contribute to doing any chores.

This served as a pleasure for lazy Adrianne who spent hours on her phone or laptop. As a homebody, there were hardly any chances of her being bored of not leaving the room.

Her communication with Sebastian was almost non-existent. He left for work before she even opened her eyes and returned quite late at night often.

Adrianne didn't take the initiative to approach him for a conversation other than when it was of dire necessity, and he shared the same sentiments with her.

If Adrianne had to be honest, she held no objections to the days passing by this calmly. She was willing to bow down her head.

However, her dear editor, Alice, wouldn't let her have this clarity. She contacted Adrianne, letting her know that she had enough of vacation, and now it was time for her to get back to her job.

"Nah, nah, that's it for my writing career. I am married to a rich man now," Adrianne proudly voiced out although she hadn't yet gotten the pleasure of spending her so-called rich husband's money.

"Come on. Who was it always preaching female empowerment? According to you, wasn't a man unreliable? At the end, don't you only have yourself? Therefore, it's important for you to be self-dependent," Alice attempted to encourage her.

But Adrianne shook her head and resolutely responded, "I didn't know better then. It's nice to have someone support you."

"You are really not going to start a new work?" Alice sounded triggered.

Adrianne's lips curled up in amusement. She wished to tease her dear friend more out of revenge. She had collected a lot of grief over the years.

"That will make you too pitiful. You are my dear friend after all. That's why, please me. If it touches me, sure."

Adrianne crossed her legs. Smugness could be detected from her voice, and thinking about how Alice was fuming on the other side made her want to act up more.

Being bullied by everyone around her, she felt pleased by the opportunity to tease someone.

"And if I find someone else to replace you?" Alice asked.

"You can try to," Adrianne replied.

"If I get my hands on you..." Alice threatened.

"Tch. Tch. I am surrounded by strong iron walls. It will be easier for you to rescue a princess from the evil witch's clutch than getting to me."

Adrianne made a joke out of her miserable situation.

Alice's tone turned more solemn at it, and she questioned, "How is he treating you?"

"I believe he forgot that he has a charming young wife and acts—"

The wide smile on Adrianne's face froze, and she choked, her words getting stuck in her throat at the sight of the man in the room. Her eyes almost popped out of the socket.

Heat rushed to her cheeks in mortification, and Sebastian's cold eyes felt unnerving.

This was so embarrassing.

"Why did you stop? What's the matter?"

"Look, Alice, I will just talk to you later. Bye," Adrianne hurriedly responded, and before her friend was able to get a word through, she hung up the call.

Adrianne cleared her throat and looked away from her husband.

When did he enter the bedroom?

How come she didn't notice?

She walked away, planning to leave, when he said, "I have an event to attend tonight, and you are accompanying me."

A frown set on her expression.

"What type of event?"

And why didn't she know that she had to accompany him to events as well?

For Adrianne, being in an unfamiliar setting with people she didn't know was highly uncomfortable, and socializing definitely wasn't her cup of tea.

"Engagement party," he succinctly stated.

"Is it a need that I attend? You never told me that I had to attend public events by your side," she pointed out.

"It has already spread in the circle that we are married."

She hated how her husband here valued his words more than she treasured her money and left it up to her to figure out his intentions.

The ones holding the engagement party must be pretty important to him since he wants to have her introduced.

"Cool," she responded.

Then, a glint appeared in her eyes, and she curled up her lips, adding, "But since this wasn't indicated before marriage, isn't this me technically doing you a favor? You have to return it."

"What do you want?" he questioned.

She was pleased by his words. A soft yet pleasing smile played on her face. She commented, "Aren't you a rich guy? How will you be a worthy husband if you didn't hand me over your card with unlimited balance to play with?"

As for pride?

What's that?

Adrianne wanted to experience the feeling of spending money without having to worry about the budget, especially after the frugal lifestyle she had been leading these days.

"Sure," he answered without hesitation.

That did catch her off guard for a second. For the first time, an operation involving him had gone so smoothly.

"There aren't any hidden tricks behind it, right?"

She arched her eyebrow.

"Do you plan to shop outside?" he asked.

"Of course not. Is there a need to go outside when I can do it online? Whatever that catches my eyes, that's in my cart. You, you can't throw away anything I order this time, alright?"

She stared at him solemnly.

"It should be fine once in a while."

Disbelief flashed through her eyes as she scrunched up her nose.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked.

"You want me to take my words back?"

She immediately shook her head and skipped her way out from there when Sebastian's voice fell into her ear.

"My young and charming wife, make sure to dress appropriately," he commented.

This made her immediately whip her head back. His lips were curled up teasingly, and a glint was present in his eyes.

Adrianne's heart skipped a beat.

Does this man have any idea on how dangerous he is for her heart?

Not willing to lose, she winked at him.

"I will be sure to blow your mind."

With that, she strutted out of there, finding herself in a bright mood.

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