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She pursed her lips into a thin line.

Next, her hand reached out for his collar, and she pulled him closer. Then, she gently began to wipe off the colors from his face.

"You're pretty close minded," she commented.

After that, she disposed the used wipe and splashed his face with water to wash it. When the water splattered his clothing, he gave her a deadpan stare, and she giggled at him in return.

Following this, she stretched out to grab the towel and rubbed his face with the cloth before placing the towel around his neck.

"Tada! You're clean now!" she exclaimed, giving him a soft smile, hoping that would be easing his temper.

After all, he already slapped her ass as revenge, and that was too much in her opinion.

"No pizza for you tonight."

That made her eyes widen, and her lips parted.

"You can't do that. What do you mean no pizza? You promised me." She scrunched up her nose.

"Well, that was before you decided to pull this," he blankly said.

"Didn't you slap my ass already as revenge? You can do it twice if you aren't satisfied," she offered, thinking she was being generous enough.

But that only made the man stare at her in disgust.

He turned his back on her about to leave, and about to chase after him, she jumped from the countertop, exclaiming, "Hey!"

However, the abrupt motion made her almost trip when the man acted fast by grabbing on to her shoulders and stabilizing her.

"Can't you be careful?" His brows were furrowed while he reprimanded him.

"I will be if there is pizza for dinner tonight."

He released her and silently walked out of the washroom.


No matter how much she pleaded, the man had his mind set, and his inflexible attitude made her irritated. He already slapped her ass, which was humiliating enough.

What was he holding a grudge for?

However, that's when an idea clicked in her head.

If the kitchen wouldn't make pizza for her, she could totally take it upon herself to do so. After all, living alone for all these years on a very much limited budget, she should have cooking skills to go by.

After she found Michael, she grabbed on to her bodyguard's hand and pulled him into the kitchen. He shot her a puzzled and questioning expression.

"We are going to bake a pizza."

That only made him more perplexed.

"That's..." He appeared hesitant.

She smiled at him and then raised her hand to pat on his shoulder before saying, "I know that you don't know your way around the kitchen. It's fine. You can leave it up to me."

The kitchen was empty during this time, making it perfect area for Adrianne to solely work at. She reached for the apron and signaled her bodyguard to tie it for her.

Michael resigned himself to the fate and went over to secure the apron.

Adrianne had a satisfied glint in her eyes.

With great expectations, she began the project. Opening her phone, she read the ingredients and ordered Michael to bring them over for her.

"Flour, yeast, salt, sugar, baking powder, vegetable oil..."

Michael searched through the pantry and bought them over one by one. Then, he got the bowl and measuring cup.

Adrianne carefully poured the ingredients and measured them to their best accuracy. But that didn't stop her clumsy hands from making a mess.

Half the flour fell on the floor and over her clothing. She spilled the water as well. Seeing this, Michael stepped forward, about to land her a hand.

But she raised her hand, and bearing the independent soul, she spoke out, "You will only ruin everything further. I got it totally under my control."

He helplessly started at her.

Adrianne searched for the mixer, but unable to find it, she resorted to kneading the dough with her hand. Her brows furrowed when the dough had been too gooey.

She added more flour, but after that, the entire thing felt stiffer. Nonetheless, after around five minutes of kneeding, her hand couldn't take it anymore.

Looking at the grainy lump, she pursed her lips into a thin line and decided to make do with it. It was a dough at the end of the day after all.

She started to put toppings to her heart's content. She carefully chopped everything in the beginning before being impatient and cutting everything randomly.

It was fine as long as they were small enough. There was no need for everything to be beautiful.

And then, she started at the product.

Although many things had gone awry, it still looked pretty. That brought a proud smile on her face before she placed it in the oven with great hopes.

However, her face collapsed when she took out the masterpiece. The baked crust stuck to the pan, and it was too hard for it to be considered edible. She slammed the pan hard against the countertop, unable to get the pizza out.

Unable to produce any results, she started at Michael with tearful eyes.

He released a sigh and said, "Let me do it."

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