Read with BonusRead with Bonus

The Light

*Broad hands swept along my hips, as the beautiful man before me possessively claimed my mouth with his own, kissing deeply, hungrily as his palms began to rove over my buttocks and thighs, before gently lifting me with ease, to wrap my legs around his waist. I groaned involuntarily, as the pressure of his body against my core sent sparks rippling through me. I could feel my handsome stranger smirk, the edges of his mouth curling as he continued to rove my mouth, his tongue exploring greedily.

*"You like that" he purred, as he pressed me against the wall and began to rock gently, creating such delicious pressure against my core that an embarrassing whimper fell from my lips, my whole body humming in delight. *

"Answer me, Laurel" his breath was on my throat, his teeth gently nipping and nibbling the delicate flesh of my neck. The sensation was almost overwhelming and I could barely register his words, let alone form some of my own.

"Yes" I squirmed, arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders as I tried to rock my pelvis harder against the muscles of his waist

I hear him huff out a laugh, his course, dark stubble brushing against my jaw as he continues to bite and nip, his icy blue eyes boring into me as he finds my mouth once again

*"My mate is greedy" he rumbled, as one of his hands strokes its way up my stomach, and begins gently palming at my breast. *

"You have to use your words, little one, tell me what you want" I found myself groaning in frustration at being denied touch and pressure exactly where I need it, whilst being simultaneously overstimulated everywhere else.

‘Please Ayris’ I whispered "I need more"

I'd managed to find my way through the trail with reative ease for most of the afternoon, but as night was closing in I was forced to use my phone to illuminate the map as I tried to work out where I was. It looked like if I took a left at the next fork in the trail that I’d be on the right route back the McBurneys’ B&B in time for Mrs M to ‘persuade’ me to have some supper with them because ‘she’d made too much’. I knew she’d been intentionally making me dinner for the past few days; so, I’d sit with her and her husband over the dinner table. Mrs M was such a nurturing woman and honestly, I cherished the affections she’d placed upon me since I’d arrived. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had taken such good care of me and ensured I had taken care of myself.

My thoughts kept drifting back to the dark haired stranger that had been plaguing my dreams nightly since I had arrived in Greenvale. He was striking; the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. Tall, muscular frame, dark flowing hair and piercing blue eyes. The way he had looked at me, wanted me. My heart ached and I tried my best to push the silly thoughts aside. You're just lonely I told myself. You're still trying to piece your heart back together I cursed the cruelty of my subconscious to dangle such a perfect fantasy in front of me that I could never hope to have. I tried not to let negative thoughts to shape how I viewed myself, I knew Mark's infidelity said more about his character than mine. But it didn't always stop the feelings of inadequacy and humiliation from creeping in.

As I pushed on, I glanced up ahead thought I saw a light behind the dense treeline, but it flickered away as quickly as it appeared. I chalked it up to my imagination and carried on hiking, as I popped open the Tupperware I’d taken from my bag and began breaking up one of the scones, my belly rumbling as I did so. Mrs M had been doing her best to ‘feed me up’ as she put it, said I needed to take care of myself. She was right, of course, I hadn’t been eating properly or doing much of anything before I arrived at Greenvale, the heavy fog of depression clouding my desire to do much of anything. The change of scenery had restored both my appetite and my motivation; plus Mrs B’s home cooking was delicious.

There it was again. That flicker of light.

Light? Out here? I had no idea what it could be, unless it was another hiker finding their way by torch light. A slight stab of panic ran through my gut as I suddenly realised how vulnerable I was. Alone in the hills, with nothing more than a map and and a torch to defend myself with. I tried to calm myself and think rationally. If it is a hiker they’re being really quiet. You could hear a pin drop in these woods. But if it wasn't a hiker...

The feeling of unease continued as I realised the thick blanket of silence that had fallen around me felt almost oppressive. I’d happily listened to birds chirping and local wildlife scurrying around during the course of the afternoon. But now I couldn't hear anything, save for my pulse ringing in my ears and the sound of my own breaths, which had now quickened in fear. You’re being irrational I told myself, calm. Down.

I steadied myself and tried to think rationally. I was probably reading too much into things because I’d gone and scared myself being caught alone outside in the dark. I fprced myself to stride to the trees overhead to see if I could see anything and make sense of this light.

As I approached the treeline I could spy a small clearing just beyond a large oak tree that had a deeply hunched branch that curved gently to hug the forest floor. It looked ancient, tall and wide, its branches almost appearing to bow to me in deference as I tiptoed closer. It was mesmerising and stood in stark contrast to the surrounding flora and fauna. I tiptoed closer to gain a better vantage point, yet the longer I looked the more I felt compelled to be near the tree, to touch it and feel the bark beneath my fingertips, my ears began to ring as I stepped closer. Several footsteps away from the oak I saw it.

The light.

It was beautiful. A collection of six glowing silver orbs that began to circle between myself and the ancient oak. They were captivating and entirely otherworldly in appearance. Silvery whire light danced against their surface as they hung, gently bobbing and swaying in the breeze. My rational brain tried desperately to make sense of what they were, whilst the rest of me merely gaped at their beauty. Were they fireflies or some other kind of wildlife phenomena I wasn’t familiar with? I couldn’t stop myself, I gently lifted my hands, my index finger oustretched before gently colliding with the orb.

It was quick, too quick.

A blinding flash, a sudden spark that surged like an electrical current through my hand and down into every particle of my body. Intense pressure and binding light the only things I could sense when suddenly everything went dark.

The smell of soil and leaves filtered through my nose, as I felt nothing but stillness. I began to shift and stir, slowly willing my limbs to work. Checking every extremity for obvious signs of pain or injury. With my stomach still pressed against the forest floor I slowly righted myself and knelt upon the ground, allowing myself a moment to catch my breath and orientate myself. My head pounded and throbbed, my legs shaky, as I began to sit up and take in my surroundings. I scanned the forest and became acutely aware of one glaringly obvious fact.

I was somehwere completely different.

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